Local Guides World

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Welcome to our global unofficial #LocalGuides community! Here, you can share your travel experiences, captivating photos, and exciting events. Join a network of fellow enthusiasts who share a passion for maps, meet-ups, storytelling, and photography, all while extending a helping hand to one another.

Keep an eye on our announcements for updates on new members. When newcomers introduce themselves in the comments, it's a signal that they're looking to connect with people in their region.

Our community revolves around Google Local Guides. Feel free to share information that would interest other Local Guides. However, we kindly ask that individuals representing businesses refrain from promoting their services or products here. All posts are subject to moderation, so spam won't find a place to thrive. Please keep this in mind before posting. For more detailed posting guidelines, refer to the community guidelines below.

It's important to note that this group is unofficial, and it's not affiliated with Google in any official capacity.

LocalGuidesWorld is renowned as the largest platform for travel guidance globally, extending its assistance to hundreds of millions of individuals each month. This platform plays a pivotal role in transforming ordinary travelers into savvy explorers, offering comprehensive support throughout the entire travel journey – from meticulous planning and seamless booking to the ultimate adventure experience. Travel enthusiasts from all corners of the world rely on both the LocalGuidesWorld website and app to unveil optimal accommodation choices, curate a personalized list of activities, and uncover hidden culinary gems, all of which are curated based on invaluable advice from seasoned travelers who have traversed these paths before.

What truly sets LocalGuidesWorld apart is its vast repository of knowledge, housing an impressive collection of over 1 billion reviews and opinions spanning a staggering array of nearly 8 million establishments. This treasure trove of insights empowers travelers to not only snag exceptional lodging deals but also to secure reservations for captivating experiences, reserve sought-after tables at exquisite dining establishments, and stumble upon captivating attractions nestled in close proximity.

In essence, LocalGuidesWorld stands as an indispensable companion for anyone with a passion for exploration, offering a wealth of peer-generated recommendations that elevate every travel endeavor into a remarkable and unforgettable escapade.