Gohliser Str. 20, 04105 Leipzig, Germany gohliserwirtschaft.com +49 341 56114887 Photos There are no photos for this place yet! Reviews This place doesn't have any reviews! Name Email Your review Captcha Send Nearby Places Hochgebirgslandschaft Himalaya www gms logistic com Gondwanaland Zoo Leipzig Window to the zoo Park Israelitische Religionsgemeinde zu Leipzig Stein Palmen Schulmuseum Leipzig Gedenkstätte Museum in der „Runden Ecke“ Similar Places Restaurant Maximilians Berlin Hotel Restaurant Budapest Frankfurter Haus Restaurant Maracana Hofbräuhaus München Staatliches Hofbräuhaus in München Hofbräu Wirtshaus Berlin Restaurant Deutsches Haus Egglfinger Hof Boulevard Friedrichstrasse Related Places German restaurants in Leipzig German restaurants in Germany