Local Guides World
1340 NE Logan St, McMinnville, OR 97128


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Reviews — 8

Linda & Peter E.
at 2023 Nov 20
Linda & Peter E.
at 2023 Nov 20
They refuse to even consider helping a Spanish speaker. Jesus would be turned too away cuz our Lord never spoke a word of English.
Shelby Brooke Arnold
at 2022 Nov 20
Shelby Brooke Arnold
at 2022 Nov 20
I would never recommend someone who is doing well to go there for support. They will support the high homeless to stay there but because someone had to check in at there work they kicked him out…..
There gonna put someone on the streets who is working and clean and doing there Best for going to there work to help because my assistant had to come help and employee at work.
at 2022 Jun 15
at 2022 Jun 15
Gonna pass on this place. I am where I am at this moment because I gave it all not because I lost it all. Within the first minute of the conversation the lady challenged my credibility. thats too bad cause I proved the truth and take great pride in my honesty. I understand they deal with people who probably do lie. But the assumption was wrong and I see what i was warned about is true.
Kevin Carr
at 2021 Mar 29
Kevin Carr
at 2021 Mar 29
I want to thank the staff; Kaye, Terry, Donna, Stephanie, and Anna, for the great job they're doing in assisting individuals such as myself who are needing a safe place to stay. Their dedication to helping others in need is truly a Godsend.
Sonya Sanchez
at 2020 Oct 07
Sonya Sanchez
at 2020 Oct 07
I first and foremost want to pour out my graditude to the staff those who do the initial intake to help those in need such as myself 🙂 having a place to come home to everyday to rest and always having our dinner made and ready by 5 o clock was truly a blessing I must say I was blessed to stay at the shelter and have two wonderful caring kind hearted men prepare our food for us 😉😊❤️ God truly blessed me with a experience I will never forget and will forever be grateful for. Thank you sincerely to the beautiful ladies and men of Yamhil county. Mission Gospel Rescue Mission
Heather Hunter
at 2020 Jan 03
Heather Hunter
at 2020 Jan 03
This is my second winter volunteering at the mission and I can honestly say I look forward to my hours there every week.
The food is good, the place is clean and orderly and the interactions between the E-shelter staff and the people that stay there is genuine and caring.
It is home for some of our community several months a year and they seem to appreciate it.
Scott A. Hibbler
at 2019 Nov 30
Scott A. Hibbler
at 2019 Nov 30
I have seen and heard both the good and bad associated with this place. It is troubling to me that in the past they have taken a position of the upper hand rather than a hand out. Too many troubled souls have been eighty-sixed when they really needed their help. I wonder if Pride Jones might still be alive today if they had been merciful to him?

Surprisingly, this program claims to be Christian and still receives money from the government, while they openly promote their particular religious views. The community on the whole would be better served if there were a viable alternative that doesn't proselytize, but just offers services to those in need. To the best of my knowledge, Jesus helped the sinners, so there is hope for the rest of us, unless of course this Mission has a say and then we all might be banned....

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