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Top Monasterys in Moscow, Russian Federation

Top Rated Monasterys in Moscow

Top Reviewed Monasterys in Moscow


at 2024 Mar 14
at 2024 Mar 14
Beautiful and quiet monastery both from inside and outside.
The architectural ensemble, built in the 17th-18th centuries, rises on Krutitsky Hill, on the left bank of the Moscow River. It belongs to the stauropegial monasteries of the Russian Orthodox Church. The monastery is known as the tomb of the Romanov royal family, Count Sheremetev. One of the frescoes of the cathedral depicts the genealogy of the Rurik family...
Красивый храм. Сотрудники ЧОПа сквернословы и грубияны. Выгнали из территории за фотографирование цветов, хотя об этом нигде не сказано. И без предупреждения
It is one of the most outstanding Russian monastery of 16 century. Unfortunately, it has been brought into a poor state be commy-coop in 1917, and remained in that state for all 70 years under communist rule. Therefore, now it takes years, if not decades, to restore immense treasures in it, such as icons of 16 century and on, frescoes all over the walls and ceiling, altar, and most of the structures inside the the cathedral, monastery walls and walls themselves. Most of the central cathedral and it's yard is closed to public and eyes, inside and outside.
Novodevichy Convent, also known as Bogoroditse-Smolensky Monastery , is probably the best-known cloister of Moscow. Its name, sometimes translated as the New Maidens' Monastery, was devised to differ from the Old Maidens' Monastery within the Moscow Kremlin. Unlike other Moscow cloisters, it has remained virtually intact since the 17th century. In 2004, it was proclaimed a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
I think it’s one of the most important place that you have to visit it in Moscow after the red square . Do not miss to walk around and enjoy the park behind .
Компактный, красивый, ухоженный. Территория не большая, находится рядом со смотровой площадкой РАН, рядом "Нескучный сад".
Монастырь замечательный. Тихий, уютный, с брусчаткой. По будням до 16:30 работает трапезная. И совсем недалеко от смотровой
Great place to walk around, and assess and soak Soviet/Russian history through the graves. Many military, scientific, performing arts, and people of power are buried there. Architecture itself is pretty.
Karen Hulse
at 2021 May 16
Karen Hulse
at 2021 May 16
Beautiful - would be a 5 if the renovations had finished, still a lot of building work going on! Still full of trees and spring flowers and peace! The little church and an icon display currently open (May 21) Reduced price!!
Fotini Zgeba
at 2021 Apr 14
Fotini Zgeba
at 2021 Apr 14
Really interesting place to visit. We loved it! At winters is most of it closed for renovations but at summer is lovely to walk around the historic buildings and enjoy the beautiful gardens!
vova belas
at 2021 Jan 21
vova belas
at 2021 Jan 21
Очень понравилось! Приятные служащие женщины. Всё объяснили, продали. Большая благодарность!
at 2020 Nov 17
at 2020 Nov 17
Несколько раз захотил посмотеть, но территорию постоянно закрывают и перекрывают, осмотреть ее невозможно.
Точнее, закрывают все, кроме магазинов и лавочек.
Gijane Gijane
at 2020 Jul 22
Gijane Gijane
at 2020 Jul 22
Significant part of the Russian history. Please read something about this place before going there.
Nice old church and a small museum
Svetlana Cekic
at 2020 Jun 27
Svetlana Cekic
at 2020 Jun 27
Wonderful old Monastery.
Jeremy Tasch
at 2020 Feb 28
Jeremy Tasch
at 2020 Feb 28
Historic, serene, accessible, and a vital part of the community.
Монастырь восстаёт из небытия.... Очень красиво и величественно...
Один из самых древнейших Монастырей. Сказочно красивый уголок в самом центре Москвы. А какие там службы, как поют хоры монастырские!
natee t
at 2019 Dec 26
natee t
at 2019 Dec 26
Beautiful and well-respected by everyone visiting. The atmosphere is pretty amazing - you could feel it even if you don't notice it that this is a sacred place, a truely holy place. (Ladies will need to cover their hair when visiting. There are plenty you could borrow at the entrance.)
at 2019 Oct 08
at 2019 Oct 08
As of August 2019 renovations are taking place so lots of construction equipment and random holes in the ground. My photos were taken just outside the convent. Great place to take a walk or sit and read a book and feel like you are away from the millions of people in the city.
Irina tkachik
at 2019 Sep 21
Irina tkachik
at 2019 Sep 21
Красиво, хотя мало удалось посмотреть из-за ремонта( душевно. Очень много икон с мощами
A very beautiful monastery. No English signs. Women must wear a head cover like a scarf and long skirt cover if wearing pants or short skirt. Must also have sleeves or cover for arms. These are required to enter the monastery for prayers. No photos allowed. A very sacred place for Russians.
Excellent restorations. Exquisite hospitality.
Очень красивый храм, иконы...то, что там чувствуешь, словами не передать.... можно заказать требы с именной просфоркой, т.е. та просфорка, из которой вынимали частички за тех, кого ты указал в записочке, возвращается тебе после службы.
Amazing place with an amazing genuinely holy atmosphere. Highly recommended to visit. You can easily spend there half of a day walking around, listening to church chants, eating in a church cafe and walking round church shops.
Andrey Sergeev
at 2019 Jul 27
Andrey Sergeev
at 2019 Jul 27
We went there in the evening, and what a relaxing visit it was. The temples were closed for service, but the general atmosphere was just so relaxing and nice. When visiting monasteries, we always partake of their canteenas, and this one has some of the nicest food, all very lean and diet-oriented. Strangely, some Japanese dishes were present, perhaps for their leanness)
Kirill Bykanov
at 2019 Jul 18
Kirill Bykanov
at 2019 Jul 18
A truly beautiful and holy place to be. In the recent years and until present times the monastery is undergoing major renovation works. The area and church looks more beautiful than ever improving every day. The buildings are being restored and the surrounding gardens tended to. It's an amazing and peaceful place to visit. Let the pictures speak for themselves.

Советую всем сюда поехать, посмотреть церковь и прогуляться по садам. Особенно после окончания ремонта!
linda payson
at 2019 Jul 07
linda payson
at 2019 Jul 07
While extensive renovations are being done - this is clearly one of the nicest monastery complex’s in Moscow. They have managed to maintain(or repair) some magnificent wood paneling. Note that there seems to be nuns actually living and praying there. Headscarf and respectful attitude are very important here.
Old monastery decorated with a unique tile. Foto is prohibited. You have to wear properly if you want to get into.
The altar was very impressive. People were actively working to do restauration of the interior. The monastery is difficult to reach on foot, more than 1 km away from any transportation mean.
Inside the Church was a must see.....Amazing art work on the walls and ceilings. Outside gardens are very peaceful.
You feel so much at peace at that place. Wasnt expecting anything but it was a pleasant experience.
Located near the Moscow river, this peaceful retreat from busy city includes 16th century convent and a cemetery for country famous people. My mother, grandmother, grandad and grand uncle are buried there
Clime to the RAN access balcony and enjoy the view.
Душой ещё раз побывали на Валааме. Нам повезло и гид-экскурсовод Максим провел отличную экскурсию по подворью.Много святынь и чудотворных икон.
Amazing place in Moscow to feel good. Fantastic monastery with good small territory to walk around!
Po Da
at 2018 Dec 21
Po Da
at 2018 Dec 21
divine beautiful place.!!!
Старинный храм, красивейшие иконы, шикарная атмосфера, вкусная трапезная. Приезжали к близкому другу, он там трудник, впечатления самые лучшие.
Андреевский Ставропигиальный мужской монастырь был возрожден в 2013 году, до этого бывший лишь Патриаршим подворьем. Монастырь существовал с 1620-х по 1918, отдельные храмы продолжали функционировать до конца 1930-х. В 1991 на территории бывшего Андреевского монастыря было открыто Патриаршее подворье.
Также на территории монастыря находится синодальная библиотека, переведенная сюда в том же, 1991 году, решением Патриарха Алексия || из Свято Данилова монастыря.
На данный момент монастырь активно восстанавливается. Ведутся активные реставрационные работы, возрождается монастырская жизнь.
на территории монастыря помимо Синодальной библиотеки находится Синодальный отдел по взаимоотношениям Церкви с обществом и средствами массовой информации.
08:00 Литургия в будни,
09:00 Литургия в субботу и Воскресение
17:00 Вечерня и Утреня или Всенощное бдение в праздники.
Ajay Pathak
at 2018 Jul 20
Ajay Pathak
at 2018 Jul 20
Looking very awesome, I was go there in evening, but nobody can enter there because there only prayers peoples live. I just see from outside.
at 2018 Jun 29
at 2018 Jun 29
Over 90% of the convent is under construction/renovations and by the looks of it, it will be like this for a while. June 29, 2018 - only 3 places are open thus tickets are discounted, under $2 per adult.
Still worth to see it.
An island in the city
One of the most beautiful monasteries in Russia, worth seeing!
Mc Hummer
at 2018 Apr 24
Mc Hummer
at 2018 Apr 24
Старинный монастырь, возвращённый в лоно церкви после большого перерыва. Конечно, не всё на его территории сохранилось, но постепенно возрождается то, что осталось.
Монастырь был основан в 1386 году супругой князя Андрея Серпуховского и матерью князя Владимира Храброго — княгиней Марией Констаниновной, которая постриглась здесь в монахини перед смертью в 1389 году под именем Марфы.
Один из старейших действующих мужских монастырей в москве . Внутри он небольшой но очень живописный особенно осенью . На территории расположена общеобразовательная школа. Прогуливаясь по набережной обязательно следует туда заглянуть
Dawut G
at 2018 Jan 11
Dawut G
at 2018 Jan 11
Small but good
Keith Bauman
at 2017 Jul 26
Keith Bauman
at 2017 Jul 26
Pretty place but mostly under renovation. Important to have a guide who can tell you about the role and life of a Russian Nun