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Top Churchs in Mashishing, South Africa

Top Rated Churchs in Mashishing

Top Reviewed Churchs in Mashishing


What a blessing to be part of our church
There’s an amazing atmosphere with beautiful and warm people. Definitely the place to be
Wonderful Worship Experience !
When God is Present the Holy Spirrit takes Control..Loved It
Good service was given at biker memorail
Hldirbteeneoordigheif van die Heilige Gees neem besit van jou vn jy di kerk genou instap ! Pastoor Jaco dra die Woord uit soos God hom lei ! Bya dnki aan hom en dingemeente vir julle wonderlike aanbiddings gees AMEN
Pst. Baie goeie diens gelewer. It was my 1st time there and I was impressed with the preach.