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Top Churchs in Seville, Spain

Top Rated Churchs in Seville

Top Reviewed Churchs in Seville


at 2024 Aug 30
at 2024 Aug 30
Unique experience in buying their special yemas. Payment and release is made thru a revolving platform and you don’t interact with any person on the other side
Adam Hirst
at 2024 Aug 24
Adam Hirst
at 2024 Aug 24
We just attempted to visit the convent. When we knocked we were ignored. Not long after an italian family arrived. Two men (famously nuns are not men!) answered and the whole thing was sly. Disappointed
Confuse other people in your group by going into this small courtyard, knocking on the wooden door and getting a sealed box in return for a few euros. Like a strange drug deal but for very sweet sweets.
Delicious muffins made from an ancient recipe. The novices run the store behind a spinning wooden apparatus that keeps the world from seeing them. For five Euros you get a dozen of them. Magdalenas or candies representing I imagine, Mary Magdalena are sold as well.
Very unique experience to buy cake from window where you don't even see the seller and also seller does not see customer. For me cake (yamas - mixture of lemon juice, egg yolk and lot of sugar) was too sweet however not bad at all. But the buying experience is why we did it. And it's worth that. They (nuns) inside the monastery sell juat the cakes for 4 centuries. Basically you place your money (the amount depends on what you want, there is a menu with prices, not sure but probsbly you need to have exact amount) on the counter, turn it around and wait a bit. After very short time the counter will turn again and you find your sweet order inside the bag. You just hear the voice of nun saying thank you.
One-of-a-kind experience buying yemos from these nuns. It is not really about whether or not you like yam bites in a sugar glaze. It is about imagining the history and lives of women who have taken vows of poverty and service. I feel a little sad for them, but know it is their choice
Iglesia muy interesante, tanto a nivel artístico como histórico. Refleja buena parte de la historia de Sevilla. Tuve la oportunidad de visitarla en grupo con una guía, con lo cual pude conocerla bastante a fondo.
Es una iglesia muy bonita en el centro de Sevilla donde sale la cofradía de Santa Cruz. Es un buen lugar para casarse, y por eso lo elegí. Además tiene cerca el Alcázar.
Bonita iglesia ,situada a escasos metros de la catedral y a las puertas del barrio de Santa Cruz.
La primitiva Iglesia de Santa Cruz estaba situada en el solar de la actual plaza de Santa Cruz, se edificó en 1391, siendo enterrado allí en 1682, el pintor Bartolomé Esteban Murillo.

Los franceses la derribaron para realizar reformas urbanísticas, trasladándose en 1840 a la Iglesia del convento del Espíritu Santo, calle Mateos Gago, que había pertenecido a la Congregación de los Clérigos Regulares Menores, fundada por San Francisco Caracciolo.

Este convento se construyó en 1672 y había sido exclaustrado en 1810, conservándose junto a la iglesia, el patio principal y su escalera junto con alguna estancia menor, a los que se accede desde la Sacristía.
Es Sede de la Hermandad de Santa Cruz, que realiza su estación de penitencia el Martes santo.
Templo parroquial que da nombre a uno de los barrios más famosos del mundo. Merece la pena la visita solo por admirar la talla barroca del Cristo de las Misericordias.
Mas Hassan
at 2022 Sep 21
Mas Hassan
at 2022 Sep 21
What can we say, this is one of the most serene place of worship in the centre of Seville that was full of dedicated worshippers on One Tuesday evening. The atmosphere was electric and soothing to soul.
The place is beautiful with great ambience and spirit.
Iglesia bonita en el barrio Santa Cruz situada en la calle Mateos Gagos
Mike773 U
at 2020 Aug 26
Mike773 U
at 2020 Aug 26
Aug 2020: We stayed 5 nights in Seville and this was one of many highlights and very special places to come! A hidden gem, famous, and delicious. A must visit to anyone travelling to Seville. The nuns at Convento de San Leandro in Seville have sold just one item for more than four centuries: Yemas de San Leandro. These beautiful desserts/sweets are made from egg yolk, lemon juice and sugar. Yemas de San Leandro. When you enter the foyer, you’ll notice a revolving tray embedded in a wooden door. Reference the price list, then place the appropriate amount of money on the tray and rotate it behind the wall. A few moments later, a box of wrapped yemas should appear in its place. WATCH the STEP!!!!!!
Preciosa parroquia, de aquí salen unos Pasos espectaculares en Semana Santa.
The beautiful church (entrance around the corner, near Plaza de San Leandro) was open today for free, and it was beautiful. We also bought yemas at the window/turnstile in the lovely little courtyard - half kilo for 11€. They are yummy and very sweet!
at 2018 Feb 06
at 2018 Feb 06
Lugar de la visita: Iglesia de Santa Cruz
Fecha de la visita: 28/01/2018
A esta pequeña iglesia se le nota el paso de los años en el exterior, si bien el interior se conserva bastante bien.
Las paredes pintadas de blanco dan sensación de amplitud.
Abunda la madera bellamente labrada, tanto en puertas como en las figuras, etc.
Si vas paseando por el Barrio de Santa Cruz y pasas cerca, párate unos minutos para contemplarla.