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Top Museums in Tulcea, Romania

Top Rated Museums in Tulcea

Top Reviewed Museums in Tulcea


Amazing place! Wonderful that they built it! You get to sense a little of the life in the Danube Delta! Great service also!
Nice quite small museum.
Very nice and clean. You can enter in the houses and some descriptions attached in houses with interesting to know details. Not busy, do not avoid if you are close by
Din pacate nu am ajuns sa vizitez muzeul inainte de renovare sa pot face o comaratie, insa pot spune ca este un muzeu interesant, cu o arhitectura potrivita destinatiei. Este prezentata bine traditia multiculturala a judetului Tulcea, desi eu personal mi-as fi dorit sa fie un pic mai bogat in exponate. Per ansamblu totusi o experienta placuta, recomand cu drag!
Great tanks , great types of fish.
Great exhibits, friendly staff.
Parking is lacking as it's next to a school.
Could benefit from 1 or 2 extra members of staff to ask questions about the various exhibits.
Lovely place to visit though. No need to book tickets in advance.
The place is nice and the houses are made in traditional style. The weather was a bit windy but was a good time.
Excellent, unexpected and in very good taste. Highly recommended, even though the whole city is undergoing serious construction and rehabilitation.
A museum that could be better.
The presentation of the fauna of the Danube Delta is appropriate, but it can be seen that it was established a long time ago. The stuffed animals featured are dusty and worn. It would be better if you put up professionally made plastic models.
Interactive map layouts don't work well as some of the buttons on the selection devices are missing.
Exhibits from previous temporary exhibitions are not stored on the first floor.
The entire basement area with aquariums permeates the smell of dirty aquarium water.
Traditional houses decorated in an old manner, brings back nostalgia from our grandparents houses. Worth the visit if you’re in the area.
The place is nice and all, but I give it only 2 stars because of how little the aquariums are. Lots of the fish look like they are suffering and waiting for life to pass. The shark in the picture looks like he would rather be dead. He would probably need 5 to 10 times more space and decoration in the tank. Same goes for more of the fish. Otherwise the place was nice
Fairly disappointed with the food. I had fish chips as I wasn’t very hungry and I just wanted something fishy. My dad had a portion of sturgeon with natural potatoes (boiled potatoes with parsley). The food truly wasn’t up to standard, I can only give it a pass.

However, the service was ok and the landscape was amazing.
The food is great - the "sturion storceag" is fantastic.

The serving is great, and, even though it takes some time to get the food, it worths to wait - we visited the traditional village museum nearby - overall, a great experience!
Really nice. Unexpected for a small city like Tulcea. The kids have enjoyed it. We even had a chance to visit 2 temporary exhibitions.
It is a sad, sad place to keep wild animale în such tiny containers for people to "enjoy" :(
sediul Muzeului de Etnografie si Arta Populara (fostul sediu al bancii Nationale a Romaniei - Agentia Tulcea)este unul dintre edificiile publice emblematice pentru Tulcea, constituind, impreuna cu alte constructii, exemple valoroase ale arhitecturii de forme nationale.
Constructia are la baza un proiect eleborat in 1924 si a fost ridicat in perioada interbelica (1924-1927), deci, la finele epocii de manifestarea curentului national in arhitectura Roamniei.
Loc ideal al introspectiilor istorice -cultural - financiare pentru vizitatori.
It is an interesting place. The houses are really nice, but there are some elements that should not belong in these houses.
Vizita de la Muzeul de Etnografie si Arta Populara din Tulcea

Construcția este situată pe strada 9 Mai nr 2-4 din Tulcea ,datând din perioada interbelica adica perioada de sfârșit a curentului național in arhitectura romaneasca.
Patrimoniul Muzeului de Etnografie si Arta Populara din Tulcea cuprinde mai multe colectii :Colectia de etnografie,Colecția de covoare,Colectia de ștergare,Colecția de vase din metal,Colectia de Arta Populara romaneasca etc care se reflecta in cele 8000 de exponate ,structurate pe sali tematice.
Intreg patrimoniu muzeal reprezinta un adevarat model cultural de conviețuire etnica dintre romani si celelalte populații din Dobrogea: aromâni,bulgari,turci,tătari,lipoveni,greci,ucraineni.etc
In timpul anului școlar exista numeroase parteneriate educaționale intre muzeu si instituții de invatamant
In ultimele doua poze se vede orașul de la etaj
A 100% Romanian village, quite beautiful. all houses are almost identical. it can go into everything. the price is 10ron / adult and 5 ron / child. is a fish restaurant near the village, but when events are closed ..... it's not always open. it's worth getting in if you're on the road
Is a verry nice place to visit, they have many parts of nature replicated there. You can see the wild life there in 1:1 scaled and all the plants and animals. Is like they ar having parts of nature in every room, parts of Delta Dunarii. Manny species of animals, plants, birds and fishare are presented there. Just visit the place and you will enjoi the time spent there.
at 2018 Aug 12
at 2018 Aug 12
Un muzeu foarte bine documentat, cu exponate diverse și interesante. Conţine 2 expoziţii permanente și una temporară dedicată Marii Uniri. Merită vizitat!
The Museum of Ethnography and Folk Art reflects, through the diversity of collections, a unique cultural model generated in Dobrogea by the ethnic coexistence between the Romans and the other populations
A beautiful museum, curated with love and care! Many types of inticately embroidered traditional clothing, tapestries and decorated furniture over two floors with a lovely recording in English for those of us who don't speak Romanian so well. All at such a small price as well.