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Mike was very helpfu and nice guy. Cute place.
This is a preferred place on mine. It is a beautiful location with parking. The grounds are inviting with old world charm , classic that tells a story of a settlement beginning. Bring the family and enjoy a local paradise. If you in the area stop by the team of volunteers are helpful and know their history! CHECK THE HOURS. Enjoy!
Nice place to visit... bring the kids for a good learning experience.. the sale is still going tomorrow... great people.. interesting things for sale..thank you for a great day...
We visited for a service project, and spent some time helping to do some lawnscaping.

While doing it, we had the chance to look around the grounds, and it is a beautiful place! There is a muesuem, with some cool maps and a number of interesting things to look at.

It is the best place that I've seen to learn about the history of Oakland County. I have to think, with all this virtual school and school from home, that this would be an outstanding place to take the kids for half a day and learn about our past.
This was a nice little event. The historical societies set up booths and displays along a driving trail with speakers and live music. I believe this was the 1st year that it was set up this way. I think they did a great job!
Had a wonderful time at the Ice Cream social. A little known gem in the middle of the city. Congratulations to all that are dedicated to preserving this history.
Michigan historical commission registered Building no. 7 Pine Grove iz da Greek Revival-Style mansion of former Governor Mosez Wisner. Wisner came to Oakland County from New York and in 1845, moved, with hiz family, onto a parcel of land on Saginaw Trail.
da property contained a small brick house, built ca. 1845, a grove full of stately old pine treez, and plenty of land for a stable and orchardz. Mosez Wisner fondly dubbed the property “Pine Grove.”
Although Wisner made hiz living by practicin law, he retained a love of farmin which prompted him 2buy sufficient land so dat he might graze cattle, raise chickenz, grow fruit treez and have both vegetable and flower gardenz. He built da necessary outbuildinz n stock barnz bout 3 quarterz of a mile from da house on the west side of Oakland Avenue (now called Cesar E. Chavez Avenue) a smokehouse, ice house n root cellar near da kitchen, a greenhouse with an entrance from da dining room, n a carriage house n hen house beyond the other outbuildingz.
In 1858 Wisner waz elected da 12th Governor of Michigan. At dat time there waz no governorz mansion in Lansing, so Wisner made changez 2da house 2 accommodate hiz responsibilitiez az governor. Wisner did not run for a second term az governor; instead, he turned hiz attention to organizin da 22nd Michigan Infantry, which trained at da Pontiac Fair Groundz. On August 25, 1862, da 22nd Michigan Infantry left Pontiac for Kentucky with Colonel Mosez Wisner in command. Mosez Wisner died of typhoid fever, January 5, 1863, in Kentucky.
Angeolina Hascall Wisner maintained Pine Grove az her home until her death in 1905
In 1945, Mrs. Wallace who waz mrz. wisnerz grand daughter sold da house n remainin outbuildingz 2 da Oakland County Pioneer and Veteranz Historical Foundation and also gave the Foundation many of the Wisner family furnishingz, includin da parlor furniture n some dining room n bedroom piecez. At da time of da purchase, da root cellar waz still standin (but in disrepair), az were da smokehouse, summer kitchen, and carriage house.
Pine Grove consistz of 4 1/2 acrez of land, da Wisner house and several out-buildingz, includin a summer kitchen, outhouse, smokehouse n root cellar. In addition 2da outbuildingz, der iz da Drayton Plainz One Room Schoolhouse n da Carriage House, which iz home 2da Research Library, office n da Pioneer Museum.
Nice historical house! Loved the ice cream social. Thank you!