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Top Art gallerys in Moscow, Russian Federation

Top Rated Art gallerys in Moscow

Top Reviewed Art gallerys in Moscow


Добрый день! Прошу обратить особое внимание этому работодателю!Я устроилась на должность уборщицы вышла как и было обговорено 1 ноября отработала как стоял график и сегодня у меня должен быть рабочий день,но у меня заболел ребёнок и о дальнейшей работе речь и не Может идти так как нужно находиться с ребёнком.Сегодня утром я сообщила ,что я не смогу выйти на работу и в 11.00 поехала,чтобы встретиться с директором и предоставить доказательство,что у меня уважительная причина,но меня и слушать не стали и расчёт за ноябрь и не дали .Мне не остаёться как пойти дальше в трудовую коммисию так как я отработала чесно и всё доказательства есть. И в завершении сказали,что людей не ценят. Прошу пожалуйста будьте бдительны,а у меня впереди долгие разбирательства так как я не оставлю .Я мать четырёх дитей.Спасибо за понимание.
Nice place for tourists. Russian people also friendly.
Very nice place for kids!!
Its soooo big
Search for the building of “House of illusions” it has the upside down house and many things for the kids!
The kids enjoyed the activities a lot
If you’re a fan of Starwars, search for its building its so nice!
They have snacks kiosks everywhere as well

Keep in mind that its crowded in the weekends!
This is without a doubt my favourite park I’ve been to ever! Such a huge place it is like theme park for all things Russia/Soviet history and culture. There is no way you can see everything in just one day more like over a week or two. If I visit Moscow again I’ll be sure to come back.
The weather was nice and the place was packed with people. It’s a huge area so it didn’t feel too crowded.
Amazing location, extremely wonderful place for someone visiting Moscow just to witnesses this spectacular place.

Which showcase the 15 entities of the soviet union and their exhibits in different pavilions. The Cosmos space station was my favourite. Highly recommend.
Anton Skusonosenko
at 2022 Feb 06
Anton Skusonosenko
at 2022 Feb 06
Выставка Родная речь, очень маленькая и не стоит входного билета. По одной работе Левитана, Шишкина, две Саврасова и несколько Айвазовского. Интересно, но очень мало.
В пространстве холла, меж разных по характеру галерей, часто развернуты симпатичные выставки. Сейчас это очень динамичная "Столпы авангарда", посвященная современным художникам, обращённые к наследию русских авангардистов, их идеям и шедеврам. Выставка спроектирована галереей Грос-арт, базирующейся в Артефакте.
Посетил выставку Константина Коровина. 36 полотен из частных коллекций, размешены в широком коридоре Галерейного центра.
С точки зрения раскрутки Галереи - отличный ход. Как художественная выставка - так себе. Маловато.
Зато возле входа - потрясающая скульптура дамы в платье с турнюром. Костюм и прическа выполнены в малейших деталях. Произведение искусства.
А на выставку сходите.
Прекрасная небольшая галерея! Сегодня посетила выставку К. Коровина, очень понравилось - картины его ранее мне неизвестные, из частных коллекций!
This is a nice place to walk around, but more than half of the buildings are closed for renovation. The fountains and landscaping were beautiful. But, the cable cars were not operational and there was 3/4 of a ferris wheel. I don't know if they were building it, tearing it down, or repairing it. That being said it was very crowded and is an enjoyable way to spend a day.
Dmitriy Sukhanov
at 2021 Feb 14
Dmitriy Sukhanov
at 2021 Feb 14
Nice gallery with pretty good selection of paintings, sculptures, carpets and other items of fine arts. Not a huge one. Hosts also exhibitions which can be pretty interesting. Located close to Arbat area(10 minutes walking), so makes sense to visit if you are in the area.
Инна Иная
at 2021 Feb 14
Инна Иная
at 2021 Feb 14
Понравилась выставка "До встречи в Париже" чрезвычайно!
Очень много интересных картин и скульптур. Есть залы с коврами, ювелирными украшениями и антиквариатом. Можно купить картину, ковёр и прочее. В восточном зале представлена необычная посуда и лакированные шкатулки.
На выставку свободный вход.
Очень рекомендую посетить)
One of the best art museums in the world. The masterpiece "The Appearance of Christ before the people" by Alexander Ivanov is a bliss to witness ❤️❤️❤️
Vera Hey
at 2020 Nov 27
Vera Hey
at 2020 Nov 27
Very interesting. Some classic and some very diffetent
A very big gallery with great artwork (if you're a fan of it). You need at least a couple of hours to see all of it. The ticket is 500 rubbles for adults. But I'd recommend the Shimov gallery. Much more impressive.
at 2020 Jul 19
at 2020 Jul 19
Уютный уголок искусства, где можно найти редкие шедевры и узнать новые имена талантливых людей
Obviously it was raining and cold when we were waiting in line to get in (we visited Russia in fall). There were a lot of tourists and guide groups inside as it is a famous place. Basically, if you know something about paintings, art, or History - you will find at least one paining you are familiar with. Take a guided group obviously so you know what's where and learn something new and interesting. Some paintings are as old as from 1100's all the way till now modern time.
A relaxing place with a beautiful garden attached to it. This whole park complex is a collection of exhibits and monuments to Russian achievements. Covering an easy walk of around one kilometre in length, you move from one spectacular monument to the next. The exhibition is massive, the floral arrangements are amazing. One day is not enough to see everything.

The main entrance to the park is just behind the wonderful Cosmonaut Museum. Once you go through the grand looking Stalinist entrance you soon arrive at the exhibition pavilions, fountains and food kiosks and cafes.

To whom love walking and taking photos it’s the right place .
Great public attraction in Moscow! A must visit! Lovely gardens, environment, fun music all around! Can easily spend more than a day over! Lots of different interesting exhibitions on site, awesome aquarium, space museums, history museums. Great for families or even for singles looking to have a joyful day!
Stunning museum featuring all Russian painters! I usually get bored at museums but I found myself absorbed into all the paintings and went to every room here!
A special experience for a foreigner, this is worth seeing if you are really into Russian culture and history.
Xenia RK
at 2019 Mar 12
Xenia RK
at 2019 Mar 12
One of my favorite galleries in Moscow. Shows you Glazunov's diverse and evolving art through the years, and a cool perspective on capitalism and communism through his monumental murals.
I love this place in general especially at night. Sadly the pavilions do close at 18:00. But for the rest it's enjoyable to take a walk in the evening . There are speakers all around that play soft music which makes the promenade all the more enjoyable !
What an amazing memorable place when i went in i wasn't sure of the amount of beautiful Art present at this gallery my original plan was to spend couple of hours only but i ended up being mesmerized and deeply lost in the beautiful paintings and lost track of time. Below you can see some of my favorite paintings at the gallery. I would highly recommending this place if you are Art lover like me.
Definitely recommend. A lot of paintings by Glazunov including his monumental works. They definitely produce a strong impression.
I also very liked the drawings/ paintings inspired by Dostoyevsky's novels and illustrations for Melnikov-Pechersky.
A must visit if you're in Moscow for a visit. A wide collection of Russian art and antiquities. Get the English translation speaker to get some context. Will take a few hours to go through all the exhibits. Some of the works are jaw dropping.
A fabulous selection of wonderful.pieces by Russian artists. Our tour guide was very knowledgable and gave great explanations that brought the artworks alive. My advice is take the time to enjoy not just file past which is what happens in many places.
All hail mother russia and Putin! Soviet4life
at 2018 Apr 12
at 2018 Apr 12
Cheap ticket. Great exposition and inner space. Impressive art. At Thursday evening free to visit at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Don't miss second gallery building(located near main) building about Russian history!
There are some points which must precisely be considered.
1) It is a MUST to go there in the morning, unless you cannot cover all its parts.
2) You definitely need to have an English map to figure out how the gallery has been organized.
3) Do not miss any part. If you are in short of time or sth else, plan to come again. The gallery is really a dynamic ocean of art.
Da Pr
at 2018 Jan 19
Da Pr
at 2018 Jan 19
Most incredible gallery, a must to visit!!!
at 2017 Apr 06
at 2017 Apr 06
kitch; this place and man needs some modesty and sense of proportions; his works are average at best