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Top Gyms in Warsaw, Poland

Top Rated Gyms in Warsaw

Top Reviewed Gyms in Warsaw


briggitte osoro
at 2023 Nov 14
briggitte osoro
at 2023 Nov 14
My favourite gym in Warsaw for real..clean and the environment is beginner friendly... sometimes there is no PT on the floor but it's fine
Ankur Rathi
at 2023 Nov 09
Ankur Rathi
at 2023 Nov 09
Nice gym with latest equipment and training sessions.
Klimatyczna siłownia. Ale coraz więcej sprzętów zepsutych a na recepcji mężczyzna. Podobno to siłownia wyłącznie dla kobiet!
Silownia jakich wiele, ceny jak to w stolicy. Przyzwoity poziom .
Teren placu brudny i zaniedbany
Nikita Milto
at 2023 Sep 01
Nikita Milto
at 2023 Sep 01
The worst gym ever. I have spent over 1,5 hour trying to register properly and assign an fingerprint. There was no assistance at all. Once I finally managed to register my fingerprint (which was pure luck, since it is not written that you have to access the gym through the fingerprint), I failed to enter the gym because it didn’t recognise my print. The worst experience ever. Not recommended!
Delicious food I enjoyed meal which is unforgettable
Not enough machines but also not bad
Michal Socha
at 2023 Aug 25
Michal Socha
at 2023 Aug 25
Fajne miejsce - szkoda tylko, że jest mylone z placem zabaw dla dzieci.
Bardzo dobra siłownia, posiada wszystkie potrzebne maszyny. Schludna oraz posiada saune.
Standardowy sprzęt jak w każdym zdroficie. Czyli znajdzie się wszystko co potrzebne - sztangi, ciężarki, maszyny, orbitreki itp. Zaletami są długie godziny otwarcia i brak tłumów. W lato klimatyzacja ratuje życie.
Siłownia typowo pod fitness. Atmosfera super. Jeżeli komuś zależy na zajęciach czy cardio to polecam. Ale przy budowaniu siły niestety za mało zaopatrzona.
Bardzo fajnie że powstają takie miejsca na terenach miasta! Oby takie placówki były spotykane co raz częściej.
Po wejściu na siłownie okazało się, ze trwa malowanie sufitu i 3/4 maszyn jest wyłączonych z użytku. Na pytanie pan z recepcji które były zajęte graniem na telefonach czemu nie informują przy wejściu o braku możliwości ćwiczeń dostałem info ze jest wzmianka na stronie ze klub będzie zdrofitem. Jakby miało wprost oznaczać, ze jest remont i maszyny są zabezpieczone folia do malowania…Oczywiście nie było możliwości anulowania wejścia na multisport wiec swoją dzisiajszą wejściówkę zużyłem na oglądanie jak panowie malują sufit na siłowni. BRAWO DLA PAŃ ZA OBSŁUGĘ I ZAANGAZOWNIE W PRACE ! Na zdjęciu warunki do ćwiczeń jakie oferuje siłownia!
Blisko, kameralnie, dobra, neutralna atmosfera, dostępne są wszystkie niezbędne maszyny. Nie jest to wybitne miejsce aby przyjeżdżać z drugiego końca Wawy ale jak ktoś ma blisko jest wszystko czego potrzeba. Polecam
Adam B
at 2023 May 30
Adam B
at 2023 May 30
Gym looked nice but they only accept credit cards that DO NOT have the CVV security feature. Why not?

I couldn't sign up as a result.
The guy at the front desk was a g, gym looked clean... A bit expensive but
Mauro Pagnacco
at 2023 May 10
Mauro Pagnacco
at 2023 May 10
This gym is perfect for weight lifting and cardio. All machines and bars are in good condition. All place is very clean. The cleaning lady is very hard worker. She is cleaning all the time. Good atmosphere. I highly recommend this gym. I forgot to say that is you are dumbells lover, this is the gym for you. The dumbells are in very good condition and the maximum weight is 60 kg which is very good for people who are looking to increase strength.
Ogólnie fajna siłownia, poza pewnymi minusami jak maszyna smitha w której sztanga stawia opór w drodze do dołu. Nie da sie używać.
Excellent gym with a lot of equipment but almost always a lot of people in the end of a day
Klub schodzi na psy, latem nie dziala klimatyzacja,bardzo duzo ludzi a sprzętu coraz mniej, sauna ktora doniedawna byla czynna w weekend do 22 teraz jest czynna do 15 ,bardzo duza ilosc kradzieży w meskiej szatni ginie wszystko lacznie z obuwiem, i domumentami,szafki otworzy każdy kto chce nawet jesli sa zabezpieczone klodką,przeztrzegam aby nie przynosic wartosciowych rzeczy bo klub nie bierze za nic odpowiedzialnosci,obecnie jest marzec a jestem przekonany ze kiedy tylko zrobi sie cieplo nagle przestanie dzialac klimatyzacja ktora zapewne bedzie naprawiana do konca wrzesnia,taka obrotna jest tam pani menadżer,ktorej nie pozdrawiam.
Laurynas Stoma
at 2023 Feb 11
Laurynas Stoma
at 2023 Feb 11
I understand the crowds since a different gym closed nearby. But it’s unforgivable to remove disinfection spray and paper towel from the gym. Half of the time there is no soap in the morning in bathroom to wash hands. The fingerprint entrance is the worst. There are definitely better devices that don’t take 10 tries to enter or leave the gym
Byłam na siłowni parę dni temu, stan szatni, łazienek odrzuca na wejściu. Nie polecam tego miejsca! Bałam się wziąść prysznic po podgloga się podemna ruszała, a drugi prysznic był nieczynny. Dziura w futrynie i grzyby na ścianach są odrażające. Wyszłam bardzo zniechęcona. Na dowód załączam zdjęcia. Wiem, że już nieraz były te usterki zgłaszane managerowi oraz właścicielom ale nic sobie z tego nie robią.
It has been a rather small sized sport facility but with nice, appropriate set of gym equipment, seated conveniently in close proximity to Ursynow subway station.
Szczerze jedna z najgorszych siłowni na jakich byłam
Główna sala do ćwiczeń ok 10 m2 na oko a i taj jest kolejka do wszystkiego i nie ma gdzie nogi postawić
Nie polecam !
Nice fitness club. I have been training here for 3 months. I have a comment on the equipment. the leg press creaks, the equipment is not repaired for several weeks.
I'd have to edit this review.

This place is only meant for bodybuilders.
One man taking 3 machine exercises in one sitting without letting others use the machine. There's only so much alternative exercises to try with triceps before your patience stretches thin.

Additionally, the man in red clothes today at 8:00 was going out of his way to break the equipment in your gym. Please check your cameras.

I would rather find a gym with a healthy gym culture than to be laughed at when giving up with people who dont know how to share a machine.
Nice place, convenient location close to Metro station and bus stop. Staffs and group trainers are great as well, big recommendation 😜
Anita Koralewska
at 2022 Dec 21
Anita Koralewska
at 2022 Dec 21
Very spacious gym, the equipment is new. Not crowded, usually easy to park outside. Accepts Multisport.
Kupiłam tu karnet z tego względu, ze mieszkam obok. Czystość Ok. Jednak Stan łazienek pozostawia wiele do życzenia, prysznic nie działa, pod umywalka stara zardzewiała kratka, zamek w drzwiach ledwo zipie, drzwi od przebieralni się nie zamykają a jak się zamkną to na amen… 😳 główna sala z ciężarami i maszynami mała, moim zdaniem nie wystarczająca ilość maszyn. Maszyny są stare… zużyte… na podłodze stara brzydka wykładzina.. a ceny? Nieadekwatne. Pzdr. Pls. Zróbcie coś z tym 🙌🏼
One of the best gym and good connectivity. It is near Ursnow metro.
Good members of stuff, no issues here. Price is high considering how little space in the facility, there are often queues. Locker room is small and inconvenient. And music is on repeat which is quite annoying. TV are showing irrelevant things, idk why they even exist there. A lot of people are not using towels so the equipment is left covered with sweat. And the contract is fairly ridiculous considering how little communication is provided in verbal communication
A lovely gym to work out with great gym members and staff. Has tonnes of spaces with the underground floors. A few things l would suggest is to have some weight racks with extra weight, because members tend to borrow weights from other machines.Secondly, to have clear gym rules posted around the gym in English and Polish. Overally, it is a great place. l love it !!
Great gym, has everything you need, nice staff
at 2022 Nov 02
at 2022 Nov 02
Everything is good except the smell in a shower.
Terrible gym! Trainers don’t care about nothing, it is very dangerous!
Also they scammed me for not telling me there is a student discount over membership, i payed much more than I needed and the manager of the gym didnt want to refund me!
Last Monday I came to make a subscription, I asked about the possible methods of operation and I was given wrong information about the prices. After a few days I realized that there was a special price for students and when I asked for a refund the manager laughed in my face. They are thieves do not come near this place.
at 2022 Jul 29
at 2022 Jul 29
Bardzo dobrze wyposażony street workout. Drążki są w dobrych rozmiarach nie za grube nie za chude. Konstrukcja sztywna. Bardzo dobrze się tam ćwiczy. Jedynym minusem może być duża ilość osób/dzieci w weekendy.
Super ze są takie miejsca i oby więcej ich powstawało
Nice place for regular workouts. Not overcrowded during day hours though around 5 PM may become a little packed. Definitely not one of those posh and stylish places to brag around on Instagram but it has it all one might need, since there are 3 levels to meet any fitness related needs
I like this place, it's nicely spread out on one floor and there is a good choice of decently maintained equipment and weights. Could do with more bathrooms though.
Super, all you need for workout is there!
Well designed gym with equipment for bodybuilding and weight lifting
I'm visiting Warsaw to see family and came here to work out. Amazing, clean and friendly facility with a wide variety of equipment. Good prices too!
Well equipped for a small, upstairs commercial gym. Two power racks with platforms, two squat racks, Proud plates, dumbbells and barbells (WL and power) and Hammer Strength machines. Worth a few sessions if you are visiting Warsaw.
Kameralna siłownia ulokowana pośród blokowisk minionej epoki. Lokal / siłowania wyposazona kompleksowo tak aby wykonać każdy możliwy trening.
Należy wskazać również na plus czystość, schludność i umiarkowaną ilość osób ćwiczących ;)...
loved it......onsite trainers are super friendly...bit difficult to communicate in english with reception though due to language barrier....fantastic gym with state of art equipment
Great selection of free weights and equipment which you may never find in other gyms. Old school vibe! The Sound system and song selection sucks as in every other gym though, plenty of car parking available. Locker keys are provided and lockers are bigger than most gyms.
My favorite gym in Warsaw. Great trainers with super energy. TBC and hot iron classes are the best 👍
Shamanie Peters
at 2021 Sep 14
Shamanie Peters
at 2021 Sep 14
Hands down the best gym in Warsaw.

1) EQUIPMENT IS TOP OF THE LINE - I've been at this 30 years and they have equipment I could only wish was available in other gyms. The layout of the equipment is well thought out, there is plenty of it, and I never have to wait, or feel cramped. If I had one minor suggestion it would be to have plate trees as the weights can get a little spread out. The staff does their best to keep it together, but the clients are the issue. If you're big enough to lift it, for the love of God you are presumably big enough to put it back.

2) IMPECCABLY CLEAN. And kept that way irrespective of the time of day. I never shower at the gym. Typically they are grimy and disgusting. I'd rather shower at home. This is, and had been the only exception I have ever made. The showers are extremely clean and the cleaning staff are wonderful. They work hard and keep it clean.

3) THE STAFF IS GREAT: friendly, helpful.... Big guy with the beard is a legend. Watched him with a client and was extremely impressed. Technical aspects of the lifts were spot on. The trainers know what they are doing and can be relyed upon for any type of level of need: beginner to advanced. The female trainer is also outstanding as I've watched her with varying different clients and she accurately assesses their condition and adjusts appropriately. I never see them having clients do clean and press when the person has never even touched a weight before (fyi - I've seen that before).


5) Wouldn't even think of going anywhere else. Of course you get the one or two attention seeking louts who grunt and scream squating 79kg as if it's a world record, but nothing a good pair of headphones can't take care of.

Very impressive. And the cost is extremely reasonable. 5 star +
at 2021 Sep 02
at 2021 Sep 02
Fajne miejsce do ćwiczeń, ale można czasem przypadkiem dziecku kopa sprzedać.
Very good gym with nice equipment. Mostly crowded on the evenings but early mornings are quite free. Definitely 100 times better than other cooperate gyms. The only problem is the ventilation. It feels quiet suffocating in the summer.
Park jest kompletny, warto zrobić coś dla siebie i przejść się na trening 😁
I could turn a blind eye on a few things like lack of parking, very high fees for a single entry and a couple more things, but the moment the staff opened their mouths, I knew this was not a place I want to associate myself with, disrespectful the moment I step my foot in. They repealed me very efficiently from using their services.
Dobre miejsce do ćwiczeń. Po treningu można zjeść lody i odpocząć na ławce. Brakuje trochę całkiem niskich rurek do pompek.
at 2021 May 12
at 2021 May 12
Super pomysł, jak dla mnie drążek troche za nisko, zwisajac dotykam piętami ziemi, a nie jestem najwyższy,
Amazing gym, amazing people and service. Besides great equipment the atmosphere is very positive as well. Even in the most crowdy days you can always find space and equipment for yourself. On the top of that they are still open. Such a noble decision - to help people boost their immune system in the time of plandemic. My best regards. Highly recommended.
Great place!
This gym is very nice! Lot of space, never too much overcrowded, always clean.
It's a comfortably big fitness club with a lot of training machines to help you with your exercises. As it's not in the city centre, there's some people, but not enough to impede you exercising. I would wholeheartedly recommend this club based on above-mentioned qualities
Very nice just refurbished gym, most of equipment is new!
Staff is nice and polite, thanks to Mikal very helpful and nice to chat to.
Here everyone's speaks good English and prices are nice, I live in a different country now and sometimes I wish I could move this gym with is staff in here.
If you in Warsaw that's the place for good workouts and good customer service too!
Ogólnie fajnie i można poćwiczyć, ale trochę przeszkadzają wszechobecne dzieci. A 20m obok jest wielki i fajny plac zabaw, zdecydowanie bardziej bezpieczniejszy i przystosowany dla małych. Sam jestem rodzicem i rozumiem że to też jest atrakcja dla maluchów, jednak mogą sobie tam łatwo zrobić krzywdę i przeszkadzają korzystać ze sprzętu zgodnie z przeznaczeniem.
pan JAPA
at 2020 Jun 15
pan JAPA
at 2020 Jun 15
Bardzo lubię to miejsce. Jest kilka drabinek, kilka poręczy. Może nie jest to najlepiej wyposażony teren do streetworkoutu ale jest wszystko co potrzeba. Dla chcącego nie c trudnego.
at 2020 May 25
at 2020 May 25
Przyczepić się mogę do tych niższych drążków które są dla mnie za grube i przez to niewygodnie się robi ćwiczenie "podciąganie australijskie".Ale tak ogółem to jestem zadowolony.
Miejsce zasadniczo ok, można zrobić fajny trening, ale w ciągu dnia ciężko jest poćwiczyć, bo jest tam pełno dzieci a ich rodzice nie rozumieją do czego służy to miejsce. Żeby niepotrzebnie nie tracić nerwów najlepiej przyjść wieczorem lub z samego rana.
close to the metro station most of good machines.
Was looking for a temporary gym as I was in Warsaw for just a short period. This gym has everything you are looking for at a reasonable price. The weights and equipment are of high quality and the people in the gym just do their own thing. If you need assistance most of the time there is always somebody from the gym to help you out.
Nice gym and its the biggest in the area... Ursus...
Has three floors...
Entrance is from first floor and then you go down to two more floors.
Locker room available plus there are only 4 shower room.
There is a sauna also available.
At reception you can get the towels and supplements like whey protein and protein bars... Energy drinks etc.
There is another hall for fitness activities and cross training. Spinning room is different and it has treadmills as well.
Main area is crowded where all the heavy weight machines available.
Ground floor and basement have the machines for lower part and abs....
There should be more toilets... There is only one I saw.
Reception is very helpful. If I missed something I will update it later as I have started from yesterday only. :)
Fantastic place for outdoor workout
Nice gym with lots of new equipment. There is only one minus - it is quite small and sometimes crowded in the afternoons.
Jedno z najlepszych miejsc na Bemowie do ćwiczenia streetworkout'u. Dobrej jakości sprzęt, odpowiednia wysokość drążków i kółek. Jednym słowem "TAK" :D
A lot of people on a small flat. No room for abs or stretch is the biggest issue. Overall fine for a quick training, not for a longer stays.