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Sama Shanit

5 reviews on 1 places
Shevi Waterfall
2019 Jan 30
Shevi or Tale Zang Waterfall is one of the greatest and most beautiful waterfalls in Iran which is located in Zagros Mountains and in Sardash Area of Dezful licated in Khuzestan Province with a little distance from Lorestan Province and between Sartang Shevi Mountains, 10 kilometers from Tale Zang Rail station and on Tehran-South Railroad which is the easiest way to Loeestan Rail Station. This waterfall which is the most beautiful waterfall in Iran in some people’s idea is a beautiful and pleasant waterfall which comes from a cave outside and flows in a high defile downwards. This waterfall was registered as one of the national monuments of Iran on 29th of Dey 1393. Shevi Waterfall that is located in a valley between the forty first mountain and mountain hall has green and beautiful natures in spring. The best time to visit this waterfall in spring, especially Farvardin when the weather is fresher and the nature is greener. Shevi in Bakhtiari Lori language means tenderness and most of the residents of this waterfall are Lor people and Bakhtiari.
It is also noteworthy that Lorestani salamander that used to live in this waterfall has recently been extinct due to contraband of these salamanders which were known as Iranian Salamander.
Babak Fort
2019 Jan 30
Pāpak Fort or Babak Castle, also known as the Immortal Castle or Republic Castle, is a large citadel and National Symbol of Iranians on the top of a mountain in the Arasbaran forests, which is located 6 km southwest of Kalibar City in northwestern Iran. It has been identified as the stronghold of Pāpak Khorramdin, the leader of the Khurramites in Azarbaijan who fought the Islamic caliphate of Abbassids. Iranian Azarbaijanis gather at Babak Castle during the first weekend in July for the annual commemoration of Babak Khorramdin.
Babak Fort or Babak Castle also known as the Immortal Castle or Republic Castle, is a large citadel and National Symbol of Iranians on the top of a mountain in the Arasbaran forests, which is located 6 km southwest of Kalibar City in East Azerbaijan province ,northwestern Iran. It has been identified as the stronghold of Bābak Khorramdin, the leader of the Khurramites in Azarbaijan who fought the caliphate of Abbassids.
Bābak Khorram-Din (Formally known as "Pāpak" meaning "Young Father") was one of the main Persian revolutionary leaders of the Iranian Khorram-Dinān ("Those of the joyous religion"), which was a local freedom movement fighting the Abbasid Caliphate.The castle, built on 2300-2600 meter heights, surrounded by gorges as deep as 400 to 600 meters, is believed to belong to the Parthian dynasty and modified under the Sasanid dynasty. To reach the castle, one has to trek a tortuous and narrow passageway and then cross a corridor-shaped temple, 200 meters in lengths. This castle has been repaired by The Cultural Heritage Organization of Iran.

Babak Fort of East Azarbaijan

The ascent to the Castle is not for the infirm, elderly, or those afraid of heights. A series on long, and in places, broken steps lead the traveler to the top of a hill from where there are several choices for further ascent. The easiest is straight in front of the steps and consists of a long dirt track. As there are no sign posts towards the Castle, walk towards the peak on your left hand side but do not leave the dirt track. You will need hiking boots, a sun hat, plenty of water, and at least 3 hours for the climb, and 2 hours for the descent. At the end of the dirt track, turn left onto the rocky mountain side, and beware of slipping. The first of sign of the ruins will appear on your left, but do not become too complacent: the actual Castle is another 2 peaks march away. The first peak offers spectacular views of the Castl. After ascending a second peak, with its own ruins, you will see the Castle perched on top a jagged cliff. Ascending the Castle steps is a dangerous process, as there are sheer cliffs on your right hand side, and no protective rails or fences to prevent a fall of several hundred meters.

Babak Fort of East Azarbaijan

Take extreme care of the edge, and hold on to your children. Once you have climbed the pinnacle of the cliff, you will truly appreciated the amazing effort in building and maintaining a fort at this altitude. Unfortunately, you will also have to tolerate the graffiti on the ancient walls, and young people playing chicken on top of the Castle walls. Under no circumstances should you even consider climbing these walls: first, this can damage the ancient structure, and second, a fall of several thousands of meters would lead to certain death. Nevertheless, the experience afterward is well worth the strenuous climb: the surrounding Arasbaran oak forest, jagged cliffs, mountains in the distance, and the history of the place combine to create one of Iran's most beautiful vistas. The castle, built on 2300-2600 meter heights, surrounded by gorges as deep as 400 to 600 meters, is believed to belong to the Parthian dynasty and modified under the Sasanid dynasty. To reach the castle, one has to trek a tortuous and narrow passageway and then cross a corridor-shaped temple, 200 meters in lengths.
Bistoon Inscription
2019 Jan 22
Bīsitūn, also spelled Bīsotūn, historically Behistun, village and precipitous rock situated at the foot of the Zagros Mountains in the Kermanshah region of Iran. In ancient times Bīsitūn was on the old road from Ecbatana, capital of ancient Media, to Babylon, and it was on that scarp that the Achaemenid king Darius I the Great (reigned 522–486 bc) placed his famous trilingual inscription, the decipherment of which provided an important key for the study of the cuneiform script. The inscription and the accompanying bas-relief were carved in a difficult, though not inaccessible, rock face. Written in Babylonian, Old Persian, and Elamite, the inscription records the way in which Darius, after the death of Cambyses II (reigned 529–522 bc), killed the usurper Gaumata, defeated the rebels, and assumed the throne. The organization of the Persian territories into satrapies or provinces is also recorded.
Built between the beginning of the 16th century and the end of the 18th century, this place of spiritual retreat in the Sufi tradition uses Iranian traditional architectural forms to maximize use of available space to accommodate a variety of functions (including a library, a mosque, a school, mausolea, a cistern, a hospital, kitchens, a bakery, and some offices). It incorporates a route to reach the shrine of the Sheikh divided into seven segments, which mirror the seven stages of Sufi mysticism, separated by eight gates, which represent the eight attitudes of Sufism. The ensemble includes well-preserved and richly ornamented facades and interiors, with a remarkable collection of antique artefacts. It constitutes a rare ensemble of elements of medieval Islamic architecture.

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[Sheikh Safi al-din Khānegāh and Shrine Ensemble in Ardabil]
Sheikh Safi al-din Khānegāh and Shrine Ensemble in Ardabil (Iran (Islamic Republic of)) © UNESCO
[Sheikh Safi al-din Khānegāh and Shrine Ensemble in Ardabil] [Sheikh Safi al-din Khānegāh and Shrine Ensemble in Ardabil] [Sheikh Safi al-din Khānegāh and Shrine Ensemble in Ardabil] [Sheikh Safi al-din Khānegāh and Shrine Ensemble in Ardabil] [Sheikh Safi al-din Khānegāh and Shrine Ensemble in Ardabil] [Sheikh Safi al-din Khānegāh and Shrine Ensemble in Ardabil] [Sheikh Safi al-din Khānegāh and Shrine Ensemble in Ardabil] [Sheikh Safi al-din Khānegāh and Shrine Ensemble in Ardabil] [Sheikh Safi al-din Khānegāh and Shrine Ensemble in Ardabil] [Sheikh Safi al-din Khānegāh and Shrine Ensemble in Ardabil] [Sheikh Safi al-din Khānegāh and Shrine Ensemble in Ardabil] [Sheikh Safi al-din Khānegāh and Shrine Ensemble in Ardabil]
Outstanding Universal Value

Brief synthesis

Sheikh Safi al-Din Khānegāh and Shrine Ensemble was built as a small microcosmic city with bazaars, public baths, squares, religious buildings, houses, and offices. It was the largest and most complete khānegāh and the most prominent Sufi shrine since it also hosts the tomb of the founder of the Safavid Dynasty. For these reasons, it has evolved into a display of sacred works of art and architecture from the 14th to the 18th century and a centre of Sufi religious pilgrimage.

The Sheikh Safi al-Din Khānegāh and Shrine Ensemble in Ardabil is of Outstanding Universal Value as an artistic and architectural masterpiece and an outstanding representation of the fundamental principles of Sufism. Ilkhanid and Timurid architectural languages, influenced by Sufi philosophy, have created new spatial forms and decorative patterns. The layout of the ensemble became a prototype for innovative architectural expressions and a reference for other khānegāhs. As the shrine of a prominent Sufi master, who also was the founder of the Safavid Dynasty, the property has remained sacred in Iran up to the present day.
مدیر کل میراث‌فرهنگی، صنایع‌دستی و گردشگری استان سمنان بر تسهیل راه دسترسی گردشگران به منطقه سیاه کوه و کاروانسرای قصر بهرام تاکید کرد.

به گزارش ایسنا، «حسین خواجه‌بیدختی» در حاشیه بازدید به همراه جمعی از مسئولان استان از منطقه پارک ملی کویر و قصر بهرام گفت: باید راه دسترسی گردشگران و طبیعت‌گردان داخلی و خارجی به منطقه گردشگری سیاه کوه تسهیل شود.

وی ابراز امیدواری کرد: جذب سرمایه‌گذار بخش خصوصی و واگذاری کاروانسرای قصر بهرام بتواند نقش موثری در افزایش ارائه خدمات به مراجعان و گردشگران داشته باشد. قابلیت‌های مجموعه قصر بهرام زمینه اجرای طرح احیاء و باز زنده‌سازی این کاروانسرا را فراهم کرد و در حال حاضر امکان اقامت در این مجموعه فراهم شده است.

بیدختی ادامه داد: فاز اول مرمت این بنای تاریخی با انجام سفید کاری هشت باب از حجره‌ها، مرمت و بازسازی شاه نشین،کف سازی ایوان حجره‌ها و شاه نشین، ایجاد و ساماندهی آشپزخانه و سرویس بهداشتی داخل مجموعه و تجهیز امکانات رفاهی در شاه نشین و حجره ها انجام شده است.

او با بیان اینکه یکی از اهداف برگزاری این نشست، تسهیل ورود گردشگران به منطقه پارک ملی کویر و مجموعه بناهای تاریخی سیاه کوه است، افزود: این نشست در محل کاروانسرای قصر بهرام و با حضور نماینده مردم گرمسار در مجلس شورای اسلامی، معاون عمرانی استانداری، مدیر کل راه و ترابری استان و معاون اداره کل محیط زیست استان برگزار شد.

در این نشست مقرر شد برای دریافت ورودی از طبیعت گردان و گردشگران به منطقه تسهیلات ویژه‌ای در نظر گرفته شود و با همکاری استانداری سمنان و از محل اعتبارات استانی بخشی از مبلغ ورودی به پارک ملی کویر به عنوان یارانه به اداره کل محیط زیست پرداخت شود. بر این اساس مقرر شد از گردشگرانی که به منطقه سفر می‌کنند مبلغ ورودی دریافت نشود و مجوز ورود به پارک ملی کویر نیز در همان محل ارائه شود.

از دیگر مصوبات این نشست، اجرای ادامه راه دسترسی به پارک ملی کویر و منطقه نمونه گردشگری سیاه کوه، توسط اداره کل راه استان و با همکاری اداره کل محیط زیست استان است.

معاون عمرانی استاندار سمنان و نماینده مردم شهرستان‌های گرمسار و آرادان در مجلس شورای اسلامی نیز در بازدید از مجموعه قصر بهرام، از تلاش‌های اداره کل میراث فرهنگی استان سمنان برای مرمت و آماده سازی این مجموعه برای اسکان گردشگران قدردانی کردند.

قصر بهرام، یکی از اقامتگاه‌های میان راهی دوره صفوی است که در دل کویر مرکزی ایران در منطقه نمونه گردشگری پارک ملی کویر و نزدیک دریاچه نمک واقع شده است. یکی از مزیت‌های سفر به قصر بهرام، بازدید از جاده تاریخی سنگفرش و مشاهده دو کاروانسرای دیگر در نزدیکی این کاروانسرا است، کاروانسرا های 'عین الرشید' و 'سفید آب' دو کاروانسرایی هستند که در نزدیکی قصر بهرام قرار دارند.

قرارگرفتن قصر بهرام در منطقه محافظت شده پارک ملی کویر، نیز جزو مواردی است که جذابیت این کاروانسرا را بیشتر می‌کند، محیط زیست منحصر به فرد و ویژه پارک ملی کویر همراه با گونه‌های نادر جانوران و پرندگان، این منطقه را به یکی از دیدنی‌ترین نقاط برای گردشگران تبدیل کرده است.

سه هزار نفر به طور سالانه از قصر بهرام بازدید می‌کنند که بیش از 200 نفر از این تعداد، گردشگر خارجی هستند.