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dokter iyun (wanita) baik hati, bener2 meriksa, trs ngejawabin semuanya dengan baik, ramah bgt, ga ngeburu buru, murah senyum . the best .
Pelayanan nya ramah dan cepat, sukses terus untuk klinik kartika pratama khususnya buat mba sadiah yang cantik
Luka dikaki anak sy sdh sembuh, tp luka dihati ibunya tdk akan sembuh akibat perlakuan yg tdk menyenangkan dr dokter aji. seumur hidup br sy alami perlakuan yg tdk menyenangkan ini dr seorang dokter yg notabene adalah seorang pelayan masyarakat. Mngkn dokter ini terbiasa melayani penyakit ringan seperti panu, kudis dan kurap, ketika ada pasien dtng dgn luka robek dikakinya dia tdk mau menangani sambil marah2. ( mngkn ada masalah pribadi )

Mdh2an dokter membaca ulasan sy dan dpt memperbaiki diri, sy jg pelayan masyarakat tp sy bs menempatkan diri antara masalah pribadi dan pekerjaan.
so hati2 dokter aji jika ingin bertindak jangan sampai menyakiti orang lain.

Ini Klinik ga pantes dapat bintang 4...bintang 1 aja masih ga pantes.... Pelayanan amat sangat sangat buruk....datang tanggal 9/9/2023 sekitar jam 2 siang dengan kronologi anak luka berdarah di jempol kakinya... Nyampe klinik ketemu petugas di pendaftaran, katanya suruh langsung ke dokternya... Pas nyampe ke dokternya dibilangnya suruh ke suster nya dan ternyata itu yg dibagian Pendaftaran adalah suster... Dokter nya sambil marah² katanya semuanya dia yg ngerjain... Namanya dokter aji... Tolong itu orang bukan kayak dokter ya...melanggar Kode etik... Pertama ngelayanin sambil ngedumel, bad attitude.... Kedua, kalau emang dia punya masalah internal sama temennya di klinik, tolong jangan lampiaskan ke pasien...ketiga ngebentak pasien, padahal pasien hanya bertanya sekali doang dibilang jangan nanya mulu, keempat ketika mau pulang, Sy hanya bilang "sy cukup tau pelayanan di sini" si dokter malah bibirnya kyk orang monyong-monyong dengan kata-kata "nye nye nye nye"...sambil monyong monyong GA JELAS.. Dokter apaan tuh....tunggu karma nya ya akibat menzolimi orang... Ternyata banyak juga yg ga suka sama tuh dokter... Tutup juga aja kliniknya.....buruk banget 👎👎👎👎
Connie Jee
at 2023 Sep 09
Connie Jee
at 2023 Sep 09
Chaotic, The Hall was freezing cold, i could only stand sitting there for 30mins. It was so uncomfortable I had to leave the fan meeting of Ahn Hyo Seop. Horrified!
Wah bener" kecewa banget, kalau bisa bintang nol pasti udah bintang nol, pagi daftar poli gigi via telp info buka jam 19.00-21.00, dateng jam 7.n udah rame infonya "karena sdh ada yg dateng duluan jadi yg duluan ya bu, ibu no 3" udah di tunggu satu persatu sampai jam 8 lebih pas no 3 lah nama lain yg di sebut, padahal jelas" aku duluan yg dateng, loh mas kok dia duluan saya yg dateng dulu , heha hehe aja sambil bilang iya bu nanti di panggil, yasudah di tunggu sampai mau set jam kedengaran dr dalem ketawa tawa bercanda gk selesai" , tanya lagi masih lama bu nanti di panggil jelas udah set jam lagi tutup, entengnya ngomong pasiennya siapa ya bu
Waduhhh entahlahitu klinik sangat tidak profesional
The mall has good ambience. There are so much brands for outfits, food, skincare, etc. The fnb area served many kind of restaurant, such as the restaurant for dessert, breakfast, boulangerie, korea food, japanese food, indonesian food, beverages, salad, coffee, etc. For the first time visit, it may be a little bit confusing, but there are a signage which contain floor plan and related information. The prices are different. The parking lot is available for cars (in the building) and motorcycle (parking area outside the building). In addition, there are toilets and musholla. Also, there are a lot of staff who are ready to help you out. Have fun 😉👍🏻
Menurutku sangat buruk untuk kategori orang yg baru pertama kali cek ke dokter gigi.. pengalaman saya,wktu itu saya mau tambal gigi yg lubang, lalu kedatangan pertama saya lgsung ditangani, di cek kondisi gigi, dll..dokternya bilang ini saya pasang tambalan sementara ya, Minggu depan datang lagi utk tambal permanennya,wktu pembayaran lumayan lah harga periksa gigi memang agak lumayan kan.. Minggu kedua saya sudah datang lagi yg katanya akan dilakukan tambal permanen ,lah ternyata di otak atik sekian menit malah dia bersihin karang gigi, katanya sekalian aja ya dibersihkan,dan tambalan yg lama diambil lalu dipasang lgi yg baru, setelah selesai semua saya pikir sudah selesai dong, eh taunya dokter bilang Minggu depan kesini lgi ya lanjut dipasang yg permanen, dia ngmong terus dan tidak kasih saya gantian buat ngmong.. saya cuma mikir lah dari tdi yg dokternya lakuin ke gigi saya itu apa, saya gk minta pembersihan karang gigi, klo memang itu bagian dari tambal gigi okelah gpp,saya bakal tetep bayar juga kok, tp ini yg harus dilakukan tindakan tambal permanen malah disepelekan..saya cuma jawab iya,lgsung bayar dan mahal sekali,saya 2 kali datang aja udah habis hampir sejuta,lalu maksut dokter Minggu depan suruh datang lagi buat ngapain?ngasih uang lagi? Mau habis berapa aku ni?gk dikerjakan pula gigiku,bersihin karang gigi juga gk sampai ke sela2.. Minggu ketiga gk saya datangi, biarkan klo mau tambal permanen aku datangi klinik lain yg lebih jelas dan cepat eksekusi, tidak di ulur2 kaya dokter ini biar mancing alasan supaya kita harus balik berkali kali..habis banyak sudah,huhuhu
at 2023 Jul 18
at 2023 Jul 18
Nice three stars hotel. Spacious rooms. Simple basic breakfast. You can find a convenience store at the lobby, fantastic!.

The cons: the walls quite thin, you can hear your neighbours talking, especially if you got a connecting room. I got one, but the staffs changed my room based on my request. Additionally, the location is also quite far from Bali's main attraction.
fitriana puspita
at 2023 Jul 10
fitriana puspita
at 2023 Jul 10
Located on a separate floor in the mall. Seatings are on a flat surface, we can barely see the front of the stage.

AC and audio are good. Everything is fine except the seating ans floor arrangement.
Ismi Hasanah
at 2023 Jul 09
Ismi Hasanah
at 2023 Jul 09
I came here to attend Fujii Kaze's concert and I can safely say I'm very satisfied with the venue. The concert organizer is very prepared, they divide the entry to the venue into several gates which is very convenient for us since there's no congestion in the venue. The air conditioning and sound system are good as well. I would love to attend another concert here because everything is very convenient.
Ernatia Wati
at 2023 Jun 21
Ernatia Wati
at 2023 Jun 21
Strategic place to hold an event/concert because it's located inside the mall. They provide musholla in the venue. The traffic mostly bad in that area, so please spare time before your event started
Spacious and clean room. Good internet connection. 👍
Ninok Sugesti
at 2023 May 15
Ninok Sugesti
at 2023 May 15
3 star hotel in Bali
Price = low budget, so many student guess here
Place = near airport
Saya berobat ke situ sampai harus balik lagi karena dokternya periksa asal asalan tidak mendengarkan penjelasan pasien' baru ngomong aja udah di skip langsung di kasih resep, di kira saya ga bayar kali. akhirnya saya pindah klinik Alhamdulillah langsung ada perubahan
at 2023 Mar 29
at 2023 Mar 29
Came here to watch a concert. Nice spot and the AC is great. No matter how crowded and how active Inwast, the room is still cool.
Aida Anwar
at 2023 Mar 21
Aida Anwar
at 2023 Mar 21
I'm impressed with standard of service and cleanliness of this hotel even though is a 3* hotel. Staff are very accomodating and friendly, rooms are SPOTLESS CLEAN. WIFI is good. Best of all the hotel resto serves up really tasty affordable food. Ricebowl is our favorite and a winner!! We stayed for 3 nights and we will come back to stay again soon.
Poppi Natama
at 2023 Jan 30
Poppi Natama
at 2023 Jan 30
The Kasablanka hall is a big venue that held concert, special event and also Sunday Service for JPCC located on the top floor of mall Kota Kasablanka.

I've attended Epik High, JB Got7 conceet in 2022 and the place and location is just great. Not only for K-pop, they hosts concerts for a wide range of genres.
++Friendly staff. Good rooms. Good price. Good service. Love the wig concept😂.

--Swimming pool very cold because it is always in the shadow.
It was not like promised by phone, we ask for connecting room which facing to the garden by phone and the answer is okay and will inform will late check in due to traffic, but when we arrive the room is facing the wall as well as noise.
Did complain, but the answered the room facing to the garden is not available or already full (during complaining time) and this make really uncomfortable.
Aganto Seno
at 2022 May 10
Aganto Seno
at 2022 May 10
My expectation is higher than what I got here, including the cleanliness, services, room, and breakfast. Less various options for breakfast, no sausages. An Indomie corner is available 🤔 They don't provide mineral water in the bottle, but in the dispenser.
Old building with old facilities but still good. The only defect is the room is not soundproof and also the swimming pool is too small. One more thing is the glasses in the dining room are smell fishy. Even though I changed many times, it's still the same.
Kıvanç Dalgıç
at 2019 Jun 10
Kıvanç Dalgıç
at 2019 Jun 10
Such a amazing experience.Huge and modern mall.You can find all brands international.Alot but really alot foods courts and international restaurants but mostly available Asian types.Korean .Thai.Chinese . Vietnamese.Japan.Indonesian .Wow wow alot more counties which l don't even remember
All are clean and modern and amazing options and choice
I really love Indonesian malls . Fabulous
Hope everyone has chance to visit onces in a while
Meskipun hari minggu, klinik ini tetap buka, which is great karena kita semua tau sakit itu gak kenal waktu. I didn't have to wait for too long until I can meet the doctor, and there is some newspaper available if you wish to read it while waiting. The clinic is fully air-conditioned, so you wouldn't have to battle the iconic Jakarta Heat™ along with your sickness. Though, I am not sure about the weighing scale they use in the Doctor's room, because it says that I'm 36 kgs, which is practically impossible...