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Best General hospitals in Italy

Top Rated General hospitals

Top Reviewed General hospitals


This is real from my honest experience. I really like the doctor and the workers here. I got into an urgent situation and I went to Pronto Soccorso.

As foreign student here, I got 2 nicest doctors I ever had. First, it was the doctor that diagnosed my disease. He knew that I had to take further tests. Then, Doctor Marco while I stayed at the hospital. He always supported me and explained my condition in a really good way. They speak English really well. Although I also understand Italian, we can discuss more comfortable way in English.

Finally, I don't forget the workers and nurses who are working. I give my appreciation to them also.

This is what I called, the health system in Italy is very good. Hope the hospital give them appreciation also
ida üstün
at 2024 Feb 03
ida üstün
at 2024 Feb 03
I waited 2 hours in the emergency waiting section. And it turned out I have to wait 3-4 hours more. Its an emergency room not a appointment line…Than of course I left
Ben Laden
at 2024 Feb 03
Ben Laden
at 2024 Feb 03
kind and professional hospital,they speak English well, the service was quick, and free of charge for the basic emergency service.
Uno schifo di ospedale!
Se così si può chiamare
Potessi dare zero stelle,le darei
Ospedale pessimo
Se stessi morendo non ci andrei completamente
Tre giorni fa in seguito ad una bruttissima caduta abbiamo chiamato il 118 e hanno portato mio padre in questo inferno,messo in codice giallo ha atteso circa tre ore
Perché purtroppo negli altri ospedali nn c'era posto!!!
Mio padre paziente invalido,diabetico con due vertebre fratturate in più con una ferita profondissima alla testa che aveva perso litri di sangue ha atteso tre ore in pronto soccorso dopo avere deciso di ricoverarlo i medici hanno aspettato due giorni per mettergli i punti,in totale "32 punti"
Ha una o due vertebre cervicali fratturate e impalato nel letto,nn respira bene,gli hanno per giunta dato un farmaco che gli ha fatto allergia e stava gonfiando e per questo nn riesce neppure a parlare e respirare,ha pure la lingua gonfia
Non può ne bere ne mangiare data la posizione rischia di soffocare
Non ci danno nessuna spiegazione sul da farsi,sono degli incompetenti
Medici e infermieri da terzo mondo
Non gli danno le cure adeguate
Roba da striscia la notizia,questa è la MALASANITÀ,questa è PALERMO!
Im suffering for my knee due to an accident of scooter ,, its almost 3days since i got hurt,,, will i go to the nearest pronto soccorso? change my mind its because i know what going on and happened when im arrive at hospital....5 to 10 hours of waiting....i will cure myself by doing a little bit medication.....very worse ever since
Visita prenotata tramite internet..tempo di attesa 6 mesi c/c..un eco(color)doppler arti inferiori. Arriva il fatitico giorno con messaggio di conferma MA... non ti comunica il padiglione...un ora c/c a girare dentro il policlinico per trovare il padiglione giusto. Scriverlo nel messaggio no? O nel email ? Una vergogna!
Very worse hospital experience ever! We pay our taxes for their salaries, but they can’t even treat us well just because we’re immigrants.
The staffs are VERY RUDE and UNFRIENDLY. The doctors and nurses are SARCASTIC and DISRESPECTFUL to the patients and specifically to the guardians. They are also INCAPABLE, UNPROFESSIONAL and they LACK EMPATHY and they SLACK OFF ALWAYS. Their service is so so terrible .Whenever you need them they are always on break or not on their station.They can’t even find a vein to the point that my sister had 8-9 injects before they could find it and they even blamed her for it. They are VERY RACIST. Even though you need an immediate care and you first arrive they will ignore you and just put you on the wait list, they only prioritize white people even though it’s not an urgent matter. If you’re white, then you will be first on their list, it’s non negotiable.They will also let you wait for 13-15hours before they could even check up on you and get the results we got here at 5pm (12-11-23) then we finished and got the results at 8.30 in the morning(13-11-23) so we waited for 15 hours. They even forget to check up on a patient who waited for 14 hours just to be treated.He created a scene in order for them to noticed him then after that all the patients are so angry for waiting so long.We spent so much time waiting for them to do their job but they are just chilling outside,chitchatting,always on break and smoking their cigarettes and they wouldn’t even pay attention to your concerns,they can’t even be bothered to ask their patients if how they are doing. EVEN THOUGH YOU ARE CLOSE TO DYING, YOU WILL DIE WAITING AND FASTER BEFORE THEY CAN EVEN TREAT YOU!! They don’t have the heart and patience to serve the people. SO DON’T GO HERE IF YOU WOULDN’T WANT TO EXPERIENCE THIS.
Rana Nosabah
at 2023 Oct 31
Rana Nosabah
at 2023 Oct 31
I went there on friday night. I had a very good experience and everyone was so kind and caring.
Anika Hossain
at 2023 Oct 20
Anika Hossain
at 2023 Oct 20
I've had to visit the ER here. The staff are cruel, inhumane and hostile! In my most vulnerable moment, they treated me like the lowest of the low and laughed at my tears.

I wonder if anyone regulates the quality, ethical awareness and competency of the staff there. I just hope and pray that nobody has to go there in their most vulnerable, helpless and scariest moments in their lives. If any of you are in medical emergency, please try to find a different hospital near you if you can. No one deserves to be treated like they treat people who put their trust in them and run to them for help.

And if you are one of the ER staff there reading this, please find a different profession where you don't have to deal with human beings in any way. Your arrogance and abuse of power over weak people is not going to do you any good.

And if you're someone who has suffered or died in their hands, know that the universe will soon take care of any mistreatment or cruelty you have been through.
I recently visited this hospital, and from a structural perspective, it's quite dated. The lack of an effective queuing system was noticeable, leading to confusion and delays. Moreover, the indications for different ambulatories were unclear, adding to the overall disorganization. In comparison to more modern facilities, this hospital falls short in terms of advancements and overall infrastructure. Improvements in these areas would significantly enhance the patient experience and efficiency of operations. Parking slots are really limited and you may spend a lot of time to get it one. Suggest to use public transports instead.
We were traveling in Italy and one of our travelers got really sick. We sat there for 4 hours and never saw a doctor. We had to get her to Dublin and found out she was in really bad shape. DO NOT use this facility!
Waited in the emergency for the whole afternoon just for them to tell us to go to another hospital, their orthopedic team only works in the morning. Could have been a 5min visit, turned out to be 4h, quite incapable
Waited 3 hours in the emergency department and I respect that some emergencies are more important than others but you can’t leave an emergency patient without and ecg or blood test for three hours!!!
Voglio ringraziare sentitamente tutto lo staff medico, infermieristico e ausiliario per essersi preso cura di me dal 5 al 11 Agosto con assoluta professionalità, prontezza e preparazione. Per mia fortuna non è risultato niente. Grazie di cuore a tutte/i. Maurizio Billeci.
waited for 4 hours at the ER
Jeffery Bezos
at 2023 Jun 29
Jeffery Bezos
at 2023 Jun 29
- the facilities are outdated, in other countries, nobody still use these old, unhygienic facilities to check patient’s bodies
- one of the assistants who blonde long hair aunt in gynaecology room 27 was very blunt, rude e arrogant to treat patients as fools
- I was bleeding non-stop after took a pill which the doctor gave, the blood was in my house everywhere even the toilet, in this situation, we called their reference phone number, no replied
- My family called emergency to ask some advice, their staffs cut off the phone without any words
- My family called the ambulance for this accident , after arrived the hospital , their staffs push me to a room, locked up the door and blamed me why I called the ambulance due to this bleeding incident. They said I was not dying, I was not “QUALIFIED “to call ambulance and don’t call ambulance like a “TAXI” . But when they told to my family, they changed their words and said that they didn’t say something wrongly and badly to me. I don’t know why they treated patients like this

I felt like I was in police station instead of the hospital.
Long waiting (8h) on a bed before being seeing by and doctor. In during the waiting nurses checked on me only 2x.
It seems there's a severe lack of staff.
Only physical examination by the doctor, no scans, MRI etc... Got medicine administered for my back pain and got dismissed.
Siamo stati ricoverati in Chirurgia Pediatrica per un intervento di Orchidopessi fatto a mio figlio di 5 anni. La cosa che più mi ha colpita, è stato il fatto che i bambini stati accolti con con sorrisi, baci e abbracci. Ho trovato meraviglioso questo modo visto che i bambini si sono subito tranquillizzati. Il reparto era estremamente pulito, grazie alla Signora Ignazia e alle sue colleghe che con cura si assicurava o più volte al giorno che tutto fosse pulito e disinfettato. Ringrazio tutti, dai Dirigenti Medici, gli Assistenti in formazione, la coordinatrice di reparto, il personale infermieristico ed il personale O.S.S. Ad ognuno di loro faccio i miei complimenti non solo per la loro professionalità, ma anche per l'amore e le attenzione che hanno dedicato a ciascun bambino, incluso i genitori. La mia eterna gratitudine va ai Medici Chiara e Francesco, ed infine ma non meno importante, un grazie gigantesco allo Zio Marco Carollo, un zio nel vero senso della parola. Grazie per tutto. Se potevo mettevo più stelle perché li meritano tutti.
Hotel pessimo, ho messo una stellina perché 0 non se ne possono mettere... sono arrivata e subito mi hanno accolta degli uomini con delle strane divise color verde acqua, mi hanno dato una stanza esteticamente orrenda, in più c'erano altre persone sconosciute nella mia stessa stanza con cui dovevo condividere il bagno...assurdo.
Sono arrivata e come benvenuto mi hanno messo uno strano oggetto nel braccio, che dovevo tenere durante tutta la permanenza...
E non parliamo del cibo...schifoso...a quanto pare allo chef non piace il sale.
Non ve lo consiglio assolutamente questo posto...
Always long waiting at the pediatry
Sono andata in pronto soccorso in seguito ad un incidente. Mi hanno fatto subito il tampone, hanno voluto sapere che dolori avessi e mi hanno portata nel giro di 20 minuti a fare i raggi X. Il radiologo bravissimo, e successivo controllo ortopedico eccellente. Ho fatto tutto nel giro di 2 ore e mezza, e vista l'affluenza e le visite effettuate non mi resta che fare i miei complimenti.
Todd A
at 2022 Sep 10
Todd A
at 2022 Sep 10
I went there with a closed up throat, some type of allergic reaction while on vacation in Milan. Couldn't even get my own saliva down. But this is by far is the WORST EMERGENCY room you could go to. They were not friendly at all AND made me sit there for hours and simply refused to call me back. I went from having "4 people" in front of me, to "10 people" in front of me after watching them call name after name. They never planned to see me, I'm not sure if it's Berghaus I'm black or because I'm American. But they skipped all around me. I ended up having to get in a plane back home with my throat completely closed. Just hope you don't ever have to go to a hospital in Milan, they are ALL BAD. And this one supposed to be the best. Maybe differentif you're not black or a foreigner.
J Dono
at 2022 Sep 08
J Dono
at 2022 Sep 08
Even though people can complain about the time you have to wait to be attended, you have to realize that some emergencies are more important than others. The workers were really helpful and the doctor who attend me was emphatic and patient. Thanks to the community of Lombardy and the workers who are doing their best
I went in the emergency department at 7:00 am with a severe kidney crisis. Until 2:00 PM absolutely no one paid attention to me. When I asked the employee she told me that I have to wait another four hours. People , never go to this hospital!!! The service there is absurd.
Su segnalazione di una mia amica ho prenotato una visita con il neurochirurgo Dr. Messina Domenico per ernie e grosso aracnoidocele intrasellare.
Dopo aver regolarmente pagato ticket e vidimato la ricetta sono stata visitata il 16/05 in maniera frettolosa, i riflessi verificati con l ausilio del cellulare e liquidata con una barca di esami da fare.
Oggi dopo aver fatto tutto e continuando a star male, cerco di prenotare al Cup ma mi dicono che non possono prenotare con lo stesso medico e mi suggeriscono di contattarlo direttamente.
Cerco di farlo.....mi risponde che le visite sono sospese per Covid si entra solo in pronto soccorso.
Ma il dottore non è troppo giovane per aver già dimenticato il giuramento di Ippocrate e perché allora ho fatto tutti questi esami?
I went to the pronto soccorso for an emergency
And I’ve been there for 18 hours before they knew I was sick and had a severe stomach problem. What a shame.
I’ve done a COVID test for my flight. Two days ago and they told me to collect the results from the hospital they won’t send it by email or SMS. After two days I went to the hospital and they’re closed . They will open after two days because it’s weekend. *******
Gizem Adalı
at 2021 Jul 10
Gizem Adalı
at 2021 Jul 10
Even one star is too much for this"hospital". We went to emergency at 4 am and there were only 2 people who was waiting before us but we've waited for 3 hours at least to be controlled at the end we gave up and returned home. And they call it Emergency? What a SHAME.
If you want to be treaded like a dog go there, they have 0 respect to anyone, i saw a woman with broken face and blood everywhere and nurses were laughing around here while she was in pain. This is not hospital, its a Zoo, while people suffer they walk around laughing and when i came and had problem with my nerve system they were treating me like animal, they are not professionals, bunch of clowns
Massimo Cane'
at 2019 Sep 16
Massimo Cane'
at 2019 Sep 16
Top 🔝
One of the best beautiful clean and will organized hospital in lombardia the doctors are so polite with good stuff problem.one thing I do not like if u need to get appointment they give u so looooooong duration it should be solve to get give compart to the public.
New and comfortable structure. Advanced services and a very complete range of cares enrich the offer of this non academic hospital, run by the public service. My kid has born here and everything went very smooth thanks also to the staff. Very clean, I loved this detail. Pharmacy, shops and restaurants available for the siblings of the patients.
Very advanced and well-organized hospital, helpful staff, and really good ambience. There is a free parking at the parco della trucco
at 2017 Aug 17
at 2017 Aug 17
I went to the hospital on 17th August of 2017, and I can say mostly good things about my visit. Everyone was very friendly and kind to me, also everyone spoke good English except for the lady at the cashier. I came with my insurance and was called almost immideately. The only problem was the waiting for my X-Ray results, but it was understandable, as I was at the emergency cases ward and there were people who needed help faster than I did.
at 2017 Jul 26
at 2017 Jul 26
Nous avons conduit notre fils aux urgences suite à une réaction allergique grave. Il a été pris en charge immédiatement par un médecin et une infirmière professionnels et efficaces qui ont tout fait pour le soigner, et qui ont été très gentils avec lui.
Operato 4 bipas + carotide ok
wow waiting for 1 hour now.....