Local Guides World
Rokach St 98, Ramat Gan, Israel


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Reviews — 3

Andrey Gaishin
at 2020 Nov 14
Andrey Gaishin
at 2020 Nov 14
גינה עם מתקנים חדשים מגלצ'ות, חבל טופוס, נדנדוד איזור דשה.
at 2020 Jun 27
at 2020 Jun 27
The playground is "wicked" looking, and by wicked, I mean insanely exiting, and a bit scary. There is two pipes sliding attraction, approximately two stores high, with a thick ropes net around the entrance, that looks something like a birdhouse. The net is thick, and is spaced and placed in such a manner, that even if someone accidentally falls down, their fall will be catched and smoothed by the nets. In addition, the ground is covered with elastic surface. I really wish that there were such things in my childhood area!

In addition, there is small children's playground nearby, for toddlers, an electronic piano that should be turned on sometimes (never catched it working) and a place to bring unnecessary books for.
Ася Орлова
at 2020 May 11
Ася Орлова
at 2020 May 11
В течении долгого времени каждое утро наблюдала, как проходит строительство этой площадки. И на мой взгляд, площадка удалась!
Яркая, но не излишне, есть тень, горки, маленькая библиотека, качели, лужайки и красивые растения. Недавно на площадке установили рояль! Правда, по крайней мере, по утрам он не работает, не знаю работает ли вообще.
Единственный минус этого места - цвет забора, отделяющего его от велодорожки.

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