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2106 Columbia Dr, Decatur, GA 30032


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Reviews — 8

They call me Nas
at 2017 Dec 14
They call me Nas
at 2017 Dec 14
I have attended this school a total of 2 scholastic years. The school is fine in it's own right. They never seem to have enough food for all the students. The health level is at least a C. The teachers won't send you to the nurse for injury. The school goes against dekalb county student code of conduct rules such as; A student may not be suspended for attendance related issues (i:e; late to class). The student may recieve a warning and/or phone call for the first 2 offenses, in this school however, you get instant all day in school suspension. The Spanish teacher Dr. Juan Rodriguez threatens students' grades and constantly calls security on students asking him questions or explaining something. He does not grade work himself, he makes students do it for him. He is biased towards his teacher pet's. I personally know a student who skips his class every single day and has had a solid 88 for the entire semester. This teacher also shoves students and ignores both parents amd teachers. He takes personal calls during class and is very rude to students he personally does not like. He is extremely dismissive and will talk about anything and everything to avoid a question. The disciplinary vice principal refuses to do anything about this teacher. Mr. Andy Rhodes is a world history teacher that uses videos to explain things to his students, he expect all work to be done within 90 minutes but only let's you work on certain things at certain times, this has caused alot of outrage in students. He grades students on their mood rather than their knowledge and comprehension. He tried to refer a student for being 'rude' even though the student wasn't talking to him or about him. Being rude is not an applicable reason for referral. He even gave a student several zeroes for doing his closing work. This has been the only thing I've seen so far that has been unordinary. The classrooms are hot in the summer and cold in the winter. The a/c will blast at 33 degrees outside. Major props of good work to two particular teachers by the names of Ms. Fletcher and Mrs. Nogueras.
Tymeka Taylor
at 2017 Sep 29
Tymeka Taylor
at 2017 Sep 29
Best school i attended class of 08
Ashley Arnett
at 2016 Sep 03
Ashley Arnett
at 2016 Sep 03
Ayee Class of 2010. Columbia was not that bad when I attended. However, freshman year the school was pretty rough. We had a lot of principals. The teachers made commuting to Decatur 5 days of of the week doable. Very excited about Boochie leading Columbia. I would def say if you plan to attend college apply yourself while you can now with a free education.
at 2015 Dec 09
at 2015 Dec 09
a ky toy! not grat much spik inglidh
aguanten los chinos negros!john lennon aki toy!
Leana Cam
at 2014 Sep 10
Leana Cam
at 2014 Sep 10
I wish I could give it a 0.5, for being a stable building and working on the cockroach problem. This school is hopeless and the community that suffocates it is a shining example of that. This is not an institute for education. Those who don't lose themselves and their integrity here should be given an award. This is coming from a former student, class of 2014. Half of these kids barely know how to spell or act decent in society. Most of them are betting on a athletic degree or ROTC to get to college, but you need tenacity, humbleness, and pride (not arrogance) for that type of thing, so I guess that is why the community is so sad. If only the neighborhood was cleaned up, if only the school had more money, if only the teachers weren't pushed to their limit, if only accredited colleges came to CHS, if only the students were not treated like animals, if only the board of education had people who generally cared. This school would be rather nice, but it is not. So I am here to tell you, move out this community and find a decent school, because the only third redeeming quality this institute has is that it is not a worse school, Towers.
Shirley Naive
at 2013 Mar 08
Shirley Naive
at 2013 Mar 08
We watched the finals tonight - congratulations. The coach's blurb at the end was somewhat accurate - the girl's basketball team was disciplined, but unfortunately, not like #13 needed to be disciplined: with soap in her mouth. She stole the ball during the 4th quarter, but as she ran out of bounds she was clearly seen dropping the "F" bomb several times, clearly not realizing the camera had zoomed in on her face. Is this the type of "discipline","school spirit" and leadership that is promoted at this school? If I were the parent of a child at this school, I'd be far more annoyed than I am now. This is not appropriate language for a girls baseketball team - I hope she and the coach are reprimanded for this behavior. Clearly, if this is on national TV, it's not a first.
Dexter Scott
at 2013 Jan 04
Dexter Scott
at 2013 Jan 04
Great School Wonderful Teachers BUT WORST PRINCIPLE EVER ! Principle Amy Is Disrespectful To Students,Staff,and Parents !

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