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229 W 28th St 7th fl, New York, NY 10001


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Reviews — 8

Trevor Eisenman
at 2023 Sep 06
Trevor Eisenman
at 2023 Sep 06
I appreciate the level-headed and unemotional reporting provided by Epoch Times. I rely on Epoch Times' factual reporting and backing everything up with sources. MSM is full of hate-mongering and broad general statements, they try to split and divide the country. Epoch Times is way more truthful that MSM. I'm sure they aren't perfect. If the Global Intelligence Corps has classified them as propaganda, that's pretty much proof that they are NOT.
Rafael Soliz Jr
at 2023 Aug 27
Rafael Soliz Jr
at 2023 Aug 27
The Epoch Times supports the actions of those who penetrated the U.S. Capitol Building on January 6th, 2021 with intent to commit the murder of several elected officials. The Epoch Times also supports rhetoric, media, and other publications that foment hate and would lead to a similar situation happening again. With deep ties to the Falun Gong, the outlet supports QAnon conspiracies and misinformation regarding Covid-19. The outlet also fosters a deep anti-Chinese sentiment, using survivorship bias to springboard far right talking points.

Despite claiming to be free of bias, The Epoch Times is a far-right conspiracy-driven publication with misinformation and abject falsehoods sprinkled in amidst factual data in order to appear legitimate. Avoid this publisher and all that are linked to it or share staff with it at all costs. Better and more truthful right leaning publications exist that do not peddle conspiracy theories and that do not have ties to organizations that support terrorism abroad.

The Global Intelligence Corps has classified this publication as propaganda and has marked up multiple articles, many from Jasper Fakkert himself, with annotations explaining how The Epoch Times has earned this classification.
at 2023 Jan 23
at 2023 Jan 23
Best moderate and insightful news. I'm not a fan of biased news media coverage. So, thank you for holding the line !
The only problem is there are not much news on Africa and the Caribbean. I would of like to have a section on these two areas. That's where the left-leaning news media get it right.

Overall, it's fitting for American readers.
Basketball Jones
at 2022 Sep 14
Basketball Jones
at 2022 Sep 14
If there was a way to pull less than zero stars I would. You might as well read Tmz or stars. Actually no I’m sorry that’s disrespectful to them
Great writers, Actual research. Truthful journalism is under attack constantly these days. It's much easier to be a 'yes man' & collect a paycheck but this paper doesn't do that. When radicals enter your building in order to set your machinery on fire, you're over the target. I've read the defamatory reviews which contain no facts - merely emotional hissy fits when you've lost the argument. Americans must stand strong as Dark Forces try to have their way with us. 🇺🇸
Md Reza
at 2020 Apr 05
Md Reza
at 2020 Apr 05
Extreme example of yellow journalism. They publish completely fabricated news and main focus is how to increase circulation/subscription, not to provide truth to American citizen. Started reading their news few months and realized how some politician speaks to carb the infnite freedom of anyone can write anything about anyone without having any types of accountability, in the name of freedom of newspaper.

Here is my suggestion to anyone who wants to subscribe Epoch Times news, if my statement are not true, please tell 10 people to add subscriptions. If my statement are TURE (which is), please tell 5 people to provide their frustration in any public review domain.
Tatiana Tobar-Darzi R.
at 2019 May 10
Tatiana Tobar-Darzi R.
at 2019 May 10
I believe The Epoch Times is the most reliable news on print and online! What truly distinguishes them from all other news publications is that they truly stand by their motto and values of "Truth and Tradition".

Their articles are insightful and enriching to the mind, body, and soul. Best of all, they're non-partisan! They very clearly separate news from opinion articles, allowing us--the readers--to make up our own conclusions of the world around us based on the way news was originally meant to be reported--just the facts!

It's truly refreshing to read The Epoch Times!!!

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