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Top Foreign consulates in Brussels, Belgium

Top Rated Foreign consulates in Brussels

Top Reviewed Foreign consulates in Brussels


Heeft iemand aub het juiste adres van de spaanse consulaat??? Mijn vriend had een afspraak om zijn paspoort te verlengen. Een taxi moeten nemen omdat het adres niet klopt. Een boete gekregen voor te lang parkeren. Bij de ambassade geweest om nogmaals het juiste adres te bekomen... Terug naar Limburg gereden zonder verlenging van paspoort! Niemand te zien op het adres hertogenstraat!!!
Everyone was very respectful from the door until the last moment
They were all so helpful in getting me an Emergency Travel Document to go back to UK..
The wonderful Charlotte on phone and Scottish lady who took me to station.
Thanks so much 🙏
They are really useless if you call them and ask anything tha answer will be sorry we can't help you. I applied doe visit
3 months back and still pending and my visit was to join invitation marriage ceremony on 10 May. They are hungry for fee. If you apply first will to pay fee. They really don't deserve one start but there's no choice for zero
Unfortunately here is not responsible from visa applications and TLS does not handle it well. However gentlemen at help desk were very kind and understanding. They did their best to help in great attitude.
Afspraak maken online ging perfect,de afspraak zelf was enkele weken later,Super vriendelijke ontvangst en perfect geholpen,afspraak werd stipt nageleefd
Nothing works. Nobody picks up the phone. Nobody reply emails. I sent emails two weeks ago. Heard nothing back. Absolutely nothing works.
Shame on you Austrian diplomats and shame on you Austria! #neverforget #Schengen vote!
Eerst sturen ze je naar de apotheek om een mondmasker te gaan kopen. Vervolgens vraag je om uw reispas op te sturen word je weer naar een Gazet/ of b post gestuurd. Ik heb nooit geweten dat je bij een overheidsinstantie zelf een enveloppe en postzegels moet voorzien. Of tenminste rekent het door aan de klant. Spanjaarden zijn duidelijk blijven hangen in de tijd. 😂
Outside security was very friendly, inside security not so much, but the staff when you finally get inside are lovely and helpful, despite the reputation for their intense bureaucracy. It's not as bad as the other reviews say!

It's best to communicate with the consulate by email, as they usually aren't answering the phone, and everything is still slow to be processed if it involves anyone back in Spain, so don't expect miracles.
Scammers. The menu gets repeated 4 times despite chosing the language. These people intentionally cut off the line. "Hello, how can I help you? Hi?..." and the line is cut for the third time. Insane.
The reception and security staff at the front desk are as helpful as they can be. Often their hands are tied in terms of what they are able to do and the nature of the enquiry.
at 2022 Feb 10
at 2022 Feb 10
The processing time is disrespectfully long.
I'm just a simple student planning for an exchange in the UK for 1 semester, I don't know what they are checking. It has passed more than 1 month, I suppose to leave Belgium and at the same time, I can't because they have my passport. This is ridiculously terrible, total uncertainty.
at 2022 Jan 04
at 2022 Jan 04
0 stars for the security gardes. He spoke to me very bad , very rude and complex guy!! He told me exactly: what you are doing here if you don't speak Spanish.And that nobody could help me cause nobody speaks French.(big lie , they speak French)I felt like i did something wrong.
I go there to renew my sons passport and never had a language issue or any other issue.
I give 5 stars only for the people are working inside the offices. Very kind never had a problem and I finished really quick
I had to request a new passport as it was damaged.

My experience:
It was an excellent service and, it took me about 10 minutes to have all the admin. completed.

My advise:
- Read attentively the explanations on the consulate website
- Communicate by written email should you have queries.
Die Umgangsweise an der Österreichischen Botschaft in Brüssel ist sehr unprofessionell und extrem unhöflich.

Ich musste unlängst den Reisepass für meinen Sohn erneuern und dadurch mehrmals auf die Botschaft gehen. Während eines Termines an der Botschaft stellte ich mehrere Fragen an die Dame welche meinen Antrag bearbeitete, zB, wenn man einen Notreisepass bräuchte, wie lange dies denn dauern würde? Ohne meine eigentlichen Fragen zu beantworten, bekam ich grundsätzlich die Antwort, dass ich das alles auf der Website nachlesen kann. Nach mehrfachen Nachfragen, wurde der Ton der Dame etwas unfreundlicher.

Als „Kunde“ der Botschaft hat mich dies natürlich geärgert und ich lies die Dame wissen, dass mich die Art und Weise wie sie mit mir umgeht stört. Sie verschwand dann in ein Hinterzimmer und ca 2 Minuten später kam ein Herr aus dem selben Hinterzimmer, ohne Jacket und ohne Krawatte, mit halb offenen Hemd und meinte: “So, wos is des Problem“? Ich hatte keine Ahnung wer oder was dieser Herr war, und war lediglich geschockt wie er mich angesprochen hat. Ich antwortete dem Herrn mit einer Gegenfrage um festzustellen wer er sei und warum er mit mir so pöbelhaft spricht. Er antwortete:“I bin da Konsul; wo’s is ihr Problem“?

Das Ganze ging eine Weile hin und her und der Ton verschärfte sich natürlich auf beiden Seiten. Ich bekam letztendlich den Reisepass für meinen Sohn, blieb aber maßlos erstaunt wie unprofessionell und grauslich der Umgang mit Mitbürgern an dieser Botschaft ist.

Ich lebe nun schon mehrere Jahre im Ausland und habe auch mit mehreren Botschaften zu tun gehabt. Die Erfahrung in Brüssel war mit Abstand die schlimmste und ich würde mir gerne wünschen, dass dort mit Mitbürgern besser umgegangen wird.

Ich hoffe, dass sich jemand mein Anliegen zu Herzen nimmt und eventuell weiter kommuniziert.
During our recent, short trip to Belgium my wife and I were the victims of a theft. While on a train from Brussels airport, on New Year's Eve, one of our bags was stolen, including our UK passports. We were due to fly back to the UK on 3 January.
On New Year's Day we used the UK.GOV online emergency travel documentation application process. We were notified less than 24 hours later that we could collect our ETDs from the UK Embassy in Brussels, on 2 January.
The embassy staff were courteous, friendly and very helpful.
We were able to make our flights back the UK the following day.
A very big thank you to the staff of the embassy who helped us feel so welcome and who printed our documentation for us.
We owe you our gratitude for such amazing service, and for helping us to recover from the stress and humiliation of having our passports stolen.
I have to say that the Emergency Travel Documents section processed my application within hours letting me get home as planned .... my application went in around 2000hrs and my etd was ready by 0915 the next day.

In addition the staff at the embassy were so friendly .... and even walked me around the roundabout to find a taxi after collecting my document.

Customer service at its best in very stressful episode having had my passport stolen.

Very much a friendly port in a storm. Thank you all of you. Thank you