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Monika Sedláčková
at 2024 Jan 09
Monika Sedláčková
at 2024 Jan 09
Süßes Museum und guter Ausgangspunkt für eine Wanderung davor oder danach❤️
Die Museumsangestellte war verhalten aber freundlich. Der gezeigte Film von 1987 ist mit Humor zu nehmen. Die Musik geht echt ab😂👍🏻, sie sollten dringend mal was aktuelles produzieren. Zumindest in vielen Sprachen. Da ich ein großer Goethe Fan bin hat mir natürlich diese Ausstellung am besten gefallen. Alles in allem für 90 Kronen Eintritt voll okay, aber es fehlt an modernen Museumspädagogische Ansätzen. Für Kinder ungeeignet.
Close when we reach
Besuch lohnt sich auf jeden Fall.
Hier erfährt man die Geschichte von Marienbad sowie von dem Gast Göthe.
Wir waren hier mit Kindern, es ist auf jeden Fall sehr interessant.
Unique place to visit in Prague
Skrytý poklad. Objeveno náhodou, moc pěkné muzeum. Příjemný personal.
Sheryl Yu
at 2023 Dec 28
Sheryl Yu
at 2023 Dec 28
Got a ticket with the tour guide (an app) on my phone. Multi-languages available. Indeed it helped me massively in understanding the history in the past, the story behind, what this building/objective represents. With the app I felt like indeed I slowed down my pace in feeling these attractions because I was listening carefully, rather than simply come and go. This is a small but interesting place, part of the whole package.
Sheryl Yu
at 2023 Dec 28
Sheryl Yu
at 2023 Dec 28
My attention was attracted by the sculpture at the entrance. It was amusing and funny. I got a perfect chance to take a photo with it. It probably somehow indicated my next journey into the Kafka Museum! I am very interested in his work and his life experience since school time, and this museum has carried out a brilliant job of presenting what we know, and what we don't know about this great, complex and fascinating guy. The whole experience is well worth the entry price (if you are truly a fan of Kafka). I spent my time walking around and reading those narratives about him including his diaries - I also realised it was not only about him - it was about some interesting history OF PRAGUE as well! I would highly recommend this place as a place to go in Prage. I enjoyed this journey very much and I hope you do as well!!
at 2023 Dec 27
at 2023 Dec 27
It did not disappoint — a must-see in my opinion. A 5 minute walk from Charles Bridge.
The museum itself seems well considered, mostly plaques with information in good English. As teachers, my husband and I were excited this museum was included on our CoolPass.

We were very disappointed in our treatment by the staff, however. We arrived at 4:12pm knowing the museum closed at 5pm... but it's a small museum, so we knew we had time. The woman at the counter started to refuse to let us in, then begrudgingly said okay when I pleaded, taking my entire phone to scan instead of doing it hands-free...(and then coughed on it, gross). As we entered, the other two employees also tried to bar our path and rushed us through saying they were closing. We were able to read every plaque and be out by 4:29... which included the one minute I took to sanitize my phone). I was just sad that such a thoughtful museum about education is being run by a staff that doesn't seem to care about educating the public.
Beautiful place to spend time in.
We had and amazing trip 😍
Very informative museum with authentic artifacts.
Knew it already from postcards etc, but we visited a week ago, in the snow, and its truly magical in the snow, funny how the snow falls of the roof, and many people slipped next to it, the church also strangely looks a bit creepy like a harry potter style tower, also doesnt look like anything else in the world, impressive architecture, also i think that spires on a spire is unique, and how they are orange like lighted is really adding something in my opinion! my advice is to visit prague before christmas time prague is really stunning!
Very nice advent event! Hot wine some snacks, opportunity to buy presents!
Expozice v muzeu je velmi příjemně uspořádaná. Seznámíte se životem nejen Jana Amose Komenského, ale i s dalšími pro školství významnými osobnostmi napříč českými dějinami. K tomu knihy, obrazy, historické předměty, vyzkoušení psaní husím brkem. ... Až do konce října 2024 je zde také velmi zajímavá výstava "Cesta kolem světa za 45 minut" na téma Za obzory školního zeměpisu a dějepisu.
Was drawn here by the description and, oh boy, it didn’t disappoint.

Two guys going at it with all they could and taking the whole process very seriously too.

Great spectacle.
We were most fortunate to have attended an evening of classical music held within this magnificent church in Prague, just off Old Town Square. A fitting locale to hear 11 string musicians play their violins, cello’s and a bass as a soloist sang ‘Ave Maria’ and other, moving and beautiful songs. It’s a pity I am limited to only 30 seconds or less of video per scene and it’s difficult to recreate the emotions that were felt in so small a time frame. Enjoy it.
M. B.
at 2023 Oct 29
M. B.
at 2023 Oct 29
Hier bekommt man einen eindrucksvollen Einblick in die Bestattungskultur. Ist auf jeden Fall ein Besuch wert.
Majestic Gothic-style church on Prague’s Old Town Square.

Interior of the church features beautiful stained glass windows, vaulted ceilings, and other gorgeous stone elements.

Would recommend early visits during the weekday to avoid large tour groups.
Review for Church of Our Lady before Týn:


Standing tall amidst Prague's historic heart, the Church of Our Lady before Týn is not just an architectural marvel but a source of inspiration that has transcended boundaries. Its majestic spires, reaching towards the heavens, coupled with intricate Gothic details, make it a sight to behold. There's an enchanting tale whispered through the cobbled streets that this very church influenced the iconic silhouettes of Disney Castles. And as you gaze upon it, the magic becomes palpable, a fairy-tale brought to life against the backdrop of Prague's skyline.

In a world where inspiration can be found in the most unexpected places, it's essential to have a guiding force to channel that motivation. Just as this church stands as a testament to human creativity and ambition, in my role as an international video personal trainer and life coach, I strive to help individuals tap into their potential, drawing inspiration from the world around and within them. Whether you're standing in the shadow of architectural wonders or embarking on personal journeys, remember to dream big, aim high, and let the world inspire you. 🌍💪🏼🏰.
Das Heimatmuseum von Marienbad erzählt auf zwei Etagen die Geschichte von Marienbad die erst kurz nach 1800 begonnen hat. Es gibt in verschiedenen Sprachen einen halbstündigen Film (von 1987!), der auf einem TV-Gerät abgespielt wird, auch eine deutsche Version ist dabei. Darin werden verschiedene Aspekte der Entwicklung Marienbads beleuchtet. Die Ausstellung besteht aus einem Teil der die Besonderheiten des Badebetriebes aufzeigt, es gibt einen Bereich wo es um typische Bekleidungsgegenstände dieser böhmischen Region geht, eine wunderschöne 3D-Rekonstruktion von Marienbad aus den Anfängen um 1815 ist aufgebaut, im Obergeschoss kann man eine Ausstellung über das Leben und Wirken von Goethe in Marienbad bewundern, die anderen Räume sind den anderen illustrieren Gästen gewidmet, unter anderem gibt es einen Teil des Kaiserzimmers aus einem früheren Hotel im Original. Im letzten Raum schließlich finden sich historische Trinkbehälter für die Brunnen von Marienbad, historische Flaschen auf die früher das Heilwasser gezogen wurde und eine Gesteinsammlung mit charakteristischen Steinen aus der Umgebung. In meinen Augen extrem interessant, ich habe mir 1,5 Stunden dafür Zeit genommen. Von der großen Kolonnade aus etwa 300 m nach oben zu gehen, hinter der achteckigen Kirche. Im Gebäude findet sich auch eine Toilette, im September 23 betrug der Eintrittspreis 90 Kronen.
One of my favorite buildings in Prague from the outside 🌞 that hides a beautiful and rich collection about the history of education in the Czech Republic. Recomended to visit in case you are interested in this topic or just want to immerse in the atmosphere.
This is in Old town square which is absolutely fantastic. The size and atmosphere are truly impressive. It's a real standout in terms of its overall appeal. The design and surroundings make it clear why it's considered great
A. Dream
at 2023 Aug 21
A. Dream
at 2023 Aug 21
Politicians urinating - it's a perfect expression of today's realities in every country. When people get into power, the vast majority of them prioritize their own interests above everything else. And to the voters, it remains to pretend that the urine trickling down on them is refreshing rain. 🤷🏾‍♂️💪👍
Damy Mojitodka
at 2023 Aug 18
Damy Mojitodka
at 2023 Aug 18
Absolutely recommend whenever you're a Kafka reader or not.
Such interesting documents , publications and part of Kafka's personal life. Hoever, I cannot rate 5 stars as I agree with other reviews reporting that some documentation ain't original but just photocopies
Velmi krásný kostel a příjemné uklidnění duše
Very cool artwork however it does not rotate anymore the statues were static when I visited.

I have been told / seen videos of the statues moving. I was told that used to you could text a word and the situates would then spell it out.
it’s a spectacular old church that unfortunately had been obscured by other newer buildings built in front of it. i feel only sadness whenever i look at it. what was the government thinking, allowing such a thing to happen? a crime against history!
This sculpture is really different and amusing. It's a spinning fountain. It's located near the Kafka museum, so you can easily see it while passing by if you're going there. There are plenty of seats for watching. Definitely worth going to.
ana purna
at 2023 Jul 11
ana purna
at 2023 Jul 11
a beautiful historic building with informative exhibits inside
Jakub Skala
at 2023 Jul 06
Jakub Skala
at 2023 Jul 06
The kind of place that kids will love and parents hate.
From kids perspective:
Awesome! Animals everywhere! Peacocks on the streets, a donkey in the restaurant, big snake to pet, goats, lamas, ducks, chicken, horses and a tiger! We panned some gold, rode a rodeo bull and got balloon animals.
From the parent's perspective:
Entry for family of four just shy of 1000,- CZK. Above that if you count parking. For that you get access to the place and nothing else. Every attraction is paid separately and they are not cheap.
The western town needed complete overhaul 15 years ago. The western show we visited was interrupted by a storm which we waited out in a café with leaky roof. The toys in the playpen looked so dated that we didn't let kids in for hygienic reasons. Animal enclosures with chicken and rabbits won't impress much as well, and the tiger they have here is a sight for sore eyes. Poor animal.
Several restaurants here. The one we chose had a warm buffet with no service. Choice of 5 meals of mediocre quality that cost twice as much as they're worth.
All the staff seems to be highschoolers on summer jobs.
Everything's dated and falling apart. Signs of repair under way in several places.
On the good side - place for camper vans and tents looked nice and well maintained. The greenery is obviously managed by someone who knows what he's doing.
Jacky V.
at 2023 Jun 27
Jacky V.
at 2023 Jun 27
Not as busy as the Old Town Hall. You can take your time going up on your own and stop at different floors to see some art and some panels on the history of a Prague. There is a balcony that goes around at the very top of the tower with gorgeous views. Very much worth it for 60 CZK, if you can handle all the stairs.
The Church of Our Lady in Prague, also known as the Týn Church, is a striking Gothic masterpiece that dominates the skyline of the city. As I approached the church, I was immediately captivated by its soaring spires and intricate façade, which exude a sense of grandeur and spirituality.

Stepping inside the Church of Our Lady, I was enveloped by a serene and reverent atmosphere. The dimly lit interior, adorned with magnificent stained glass windows and ornate altars, evoked a sense of awe and tranquility. The architectural details, from the vaulted ceilings to the meticulously carved stone elements, showcased the skill and craftsmanship of the medieval artisans.

One of the most notable features of the church is the mesmerizing astrological clock, which stands as a testament to the ingenuity of its time. The clock not only tells the time but also displays the positions of celestial bodies, providing a unique intersection of science and spirituality. Witnessing its intricate movements and rich symbolism was truly awe-inspiring.

The Church of Our Lady in Prague is not only a place of worship but also a significant historical and cultural landmark. Its towering presence and remarkable architecture make it an iconic symbol of the city. Visiting this magnificent church is an opportunity to appreciate the artistic and architectural achievements of the past while connecting with a sense of spirituality and history that permeates its walls.
The Church of Our Lady before Týn is situated in one of the most vibrant and beautiful areas of Prague. The surrounding streets are filled with historic architecture, quaint shops, cafes, and restaurants, creating a lively and colorful atmosphere. It's a great place to explore, shop, dine, and enjoy the lively vibe of Prague's Old Town.
Really interesting to be honest two peeing men figures inside a pond shaped like Czech Republic, very funny when visiting with your family. I'm loving this culture 😄
Kostel svatého Haštala by měl být jediným chrámem v Čechách zasvěceným sv. Haštalovi. Svatý Haštal bývá vyobrazen jako mladý rytíř v plášti s mečem a knížecí čepicí, v ruce drží palmu mučedníka. Kostel se nachází přibližně v místech, kde se měla ve 2. polovině 12. století nacházet románská trojlodní bazilika. Současný kostel má tvar nepravidelné čtyřlodní baziliky s věží nad západním polem jižní boční lodi a sakristií s klenotnicí v patře na severní straně presbytáře. Zařízení kostela je převážně barokní z doby po roce 1730, část oltářů a soch byla pořízena při obnově interiéru po roce 1883. Nejstarší součástí zařízení by měla být cínová křtitelnice z roku 1550.
Jan Příborský
at 2023 May 24
Jan Příborský
at 2023 May 24
I visited the "Invisible exhibition". Highly recommended. The guide was super friendly and helpful. It was brand new experience for me to be in such a dark space. I really enjoyed. It shows the daily life of the people with sight problems, You will not know until You try... No pics taken :D
Mike773 U
at 2023 May 14
Mike773 U
at 2023 May 14
11/05/23: quite a crude structure. Roped off and no longer aesthetic to move. Still in working order. Installed in 2004 by Czech artist David Černý, installed outside the Franz Kafka Museum in Malá Strana. The fountain's basin is made of bronze and shaped like the Czech Republic. Standing in the fountain, opposite one another, are mechanical statues of men, standing 210 centimetres (6 ft 11 in) tall with bronze penises, urinating. Visitors used to be able to command the men to write messages into the water via SMS. This is now not possible. A strange, unusual and somewhat controversial statue
Part of old Jewish quarters...now a museum. ..connected to Jewish cementry
Předchůdce tohoto kostela byla románská Bazilika z poloviny 12 století, která stála přibližně na stejném místě. První písemná zmínka o tomto kostele je až z 21.3.1234.Sv.Haštal patřil mezi významné kostely románské Prahy.Je to další z impozantních církevních staveb. Škoda, že byl v době naší návštěvy uzavřen takže jsme nemohli vidět jeho interiér.
Krásné muzeum. Zavzpomínali jsme si na naše školní léta a děti mohly vidět, jak se dřív učilo a spoustu věcí si i vyzkoušet
Dieser Ort war Teil eines Kombi-Tickets (GetYour Guide, 28€) welches ich empfehlen kann. Mehr zum Ticket weiter unten.

Hier konnten wir über zwei Stockwerke verschiedene Utensilien zur Bestattung begutachten, war relativ schnell besichtig.
Hätten wir vermutlich nicht besucht wenn es nicht im Kombiticket enthalten wäre.
Von außen macht das Gebäude einiges her.

Das Ticket hatten wir im voraus gebucht werden, vor Ort abgeholt und nach einer kleinen Tour haben wir folgende Stationen selbst besucht und an zwei Tagen (Ticket gilt mehrere Tage lang!) folgendes erkundet:

- Alter jüdischer Friedhof
- Spanische Synagoge
- Maisel-Synagoge
- Pinkas-Synagoge
- Klausen-Synagoge
- Zeremoniensaal
- Ausstellung Galerie Robert Guttmann
- Alt-Neue Synagoge (in Tour1 enthalten für ein paar Euro mehr)
Skvělé duchovní místo, kde je možno dosáhnout klidu 🙏
Velmi pěkný barokní kostel s moderním sanktuariem a oltářem, klidné místo v centru Prahy
Oceňuji, že v kostele, který za totality sloužil jako skladiště estébákům, opět slouží svému účelu.
at 2022 Nov 28
at 2022 Nov 28
Amazing. The entire Jewish quarter is one of the most important things to visit in Prague. Super well organized and all the museums/synagogues are worth spending half a day on.
Jan Komensky (1592-1670) is a father of modern education. He was against violence in education, and he believed that correct upbringing can save even the most boisterous children. He offered three levels of education which we know and use nowadays.
A great collection of the rich history of Czech schooling and pedagogy including the legacy of Jan Amos Komensky.
Fredi V
at 2022 Oct 22
Fredi V
at 2022 Oct 22
Lovely building (with a "hospoda" or whatever in the courtyard). Especially nice when there is a concert in the main hall upstairs. Nice Hall (nice architecture & good acoustics). Twice a year (in the Spring and during the Fall), in the courtyard and in the hall on the ground floor there's a one-day long "fine food festival". The wines and cannoli from Sicily are especially nice.
Klaus Wanderer
at 2022 Aug 13
Klaus Wanderer
at 2022 Aug 13
Great place to visit for a cheap entrance (only cash), you have some good but not great views and a bit of a lesson in history

Place is the first where ruling class folk were thrown out a window by those who didn't like them (google defenestrations of Prague)
Alan Teo
at 2022 Jul 15
Alan Teo
at 2022 Jul 15
Ceremonial Hall of the Jewish People that depicts how the dying and the dead are ceremonially managed according to Jewish rights.
Najma Yusuf
at 2022 Jul 09
Najma Yusuf
at 2022 Jul 09
Had a good time watching the event but it was too sunny sitting on the gallery. SOME SHADE SHOULD NE THERE
at 2022 Jul 08
at 2022 Jul 08
Nice museum for 10-20 minutes, there is toilet
Co napsat ke kostelu? :-) Kostel, no. Barokní výzdoba, poněkud schovaný v ulici Bartolomějská naproti policajtům, kousek od kina Ponrepo. Líbí se mi, že mají mše ve všední dny v 11,30, kdy se pak ve 12 můžete pomodlit i Anděl Páně a pak zajít někam na oběd.
David Dancey
at 2021 Sep 14
David Dancey
at 2021 Sep 14
The place of the First Defenestration of Prague

A large and imposing tower looming over the New Town Hall. The hall itself is mostly closed to the public except on certain occasions, but one can climb the tower and see great views over the city. The current building itself is slightly later than the Hussite era, but at the beginning of the Hussite era, the first of the defenestrations took place at this site, making it a pivotal point in the history of the Czech lands and all of Central Europe.
Small but good exposition
Anja Zorc
at 2021 Aug 16
Anja Zorc
at 2021 Aug 16
I am already planning to go back to Sikland. My kids loved our days spent there. There is western city with shows, shops, bar, bank… kids can get tattooes, face painting, colored braids, they can jump in a trampoline/inflatable slide, use water park, you can ride a train or safari train or night scary train (3x per week). They’ll see many animals, they can ride a horse, change clothes and become cowboy/indian… search for gold or diamonds..the list of things you want to try will never become empty. I loved night shows with fire most.
Nenápadný kostelík zvenku, ale uvnitř je na co se dívat, kdo je věřící a má rád pestrý a zdobený interiér, určitě si svou návštěvu zde vychutná...
Very nice quiet place, real "genius loci".
Natalia Danilovich
at 2019 Oct 01
Natalia Danilovich
at 2019 Oct 01
The construction of the New Town Hall began shortly after the founding of Prague’s New Town in 1348. 1456 saw the completion of the Town Hall’s tower. The tower is 42 meters high, 221 steps lead up to the tower gallery. It is opened daily except Mondays, from 10 am to 6 pm. It’s also closed during winter season. It’s not very popular among tourists and not as crowded as for example the Orloj tower, but you still get to enjoy the beautiful views at Prague.
We had a grand tour of the place from a priest
Kostel, jediný toho jména u nás, je gotickou stavbou ze 14. st., na níž se podepsal i stavitel Petr Parléř. Byl a je farním kostelem této zastrčené a trochu tajemné části Prahy, jako stvořené pro dobrodružnou literární tvorbu ( Stínadla ). Navíc se tu stále vynořují otázky pro archeology, neboť tu byla již románská svatyně ( hrob sv. Anežky České ?).
Bohuslav Dedic
at 2018 Jul 15
Bohuslav Dedic
at 2018 Jul 15
Skvele misto kam s detmi na vikend pokud maji rady kone a westernovy styl. Parada!
Worth a visit
Very nice
Während des Besuches wird man liebevoll von einer Museumspädagogin betreut, und darf z. B. mit Gänsekiel und Tinte schreiben üben. Die Ausstellung ist umfangreich und durchgehend zweisprachig Tschechisch und Englisch, aber teils auch etwas allgemein über die tschechische Geschichte (das Museum wird auch häufig von Schulklassen am Wandertag in Anspruch genommen). Das Spezifische von Jan Komenius und die Entwicklung der Pädagogik gerät dabei in den Hintergrund. Man kann hier aber locker ein oder zwei Stunden verbringen.
Echt nervig ist die Mittagspause von 12:30 bis 13:00, wenn man nicht pünktlich um 10:00 auf der Matte steht läuft man Gefahr, mittten im Besuch aus dem Gebäude komplimentiert zu werden.
Luis Kabongo
at 2017 Aug 25
Luis Kabongo
at 2017 Aug 25
The attractions are a bit far from the entrance, there are too many other things than the western area itself, not so entertaining during the week, recommended for children with a taste for western culture.
Hřbitovní kostel. Dlouhodobě prochazí postupnou rekonstrukcí interiérů. Ale je krásný!
at 2017 Aug 06
at 2017 Aug 06
It was really a very good time being in Šiklův Mlýn. There was a lot to do in the 'western town'. The Western town was build to look like in the western ages. There were activities such as shooting from a bow and shooting from an air rifle, each costing 1 'šiklák' which is equivalent to 35 CZK. You can get those in the bank of the town. Overall, you could spend the whole day the, it was a lot of fun, even for the smaller kids. However, the prices of pretty much everything was quite high. I'd recommend this place for anyone with kids, who wants something not mainstream and different.
Lia Jer
at 2017 Apr 25
Lia Jer
at 2017 Apr 25
Beautiful and Historical location in Prague, I was in the annual whiskey festival "Whisky Life Prague" 2016 and 2017 with a number of 160 different whiskeis form all over the world!
Radek Los
at 2016 Sep 27
Radek Los
at 2016 Sep 27
We had there a company team building.. they prepared for us western activities like Indian hunting or gold washing.