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Muy bonito edificio medieval.
Staff very friendly, and my kids loved the place. I recommend this for something to do on a lovely day. Keeps them busy for a while. Only thing that was annoying was some parents not watching there kids, some of them kids were very naughty, but still had a good experience. Parents need to watch there kids better it’s not a Creche.
I haven't seen so many Lego set in one place ever before. Very nice place, with a lot of moving installations - great for kids as well as adults
at 2023 Sep 24
at 2023 Sep 24
Pozostałości po pałacu zabezpieczone przed dalszym zniszczeniem, mury frontowe podparte betonowymi słupami z metalową konstrukcją. Wewnątrz umieszczono zdjęcia z wyglądem komnat w okresie świetności pałacu. Na miejscu nieistniejącego prawego skrzydła pałacu ustawiono metalowy trejaż. Warto tu zajrzeć, pospacerować po pięknie utrzymanym parku.
Un lugar donde el tiempo se detuvo, rica gastronomía y gente amable
Lubimy tam przychodzić. Dzieci mają co robić (5 i 10 lat ) . Jednak ceny w tym roku zaszalały stanowczo.
Omid E
at 2023 Sep 10
Omid E
at 2023 Sep 10
Beautiful building from the outside but the Museum itself doesn't justify this overall high rating, You shouldn't expect much to see. Nevertheless, the Architecture is very charming and probably it's the most noticeable building in the old town.
Michael c
at 2023 Sep 03
Michael c
at 2023 Sep 03
Das Preis-Leistungsverhältnis ist okay. Alles ordentlich sauber und die Darsteller sind noch gut jung an Jahren. Macht aber trotzdem Spaß.
Das Museum ist nur zu Fuß erreichbar. Der Weg dahin ist mit vielen Buden und Ständen gezeichnet. Das Museum ist sehr sauber. Die WaxFiguren sahen dem originalen Mensch ultra realistisch gegenüber aus. Man kann von Sport bis hin zu Sängern alles sehen. Wie z. B Christian Ronaldo. Preisleistungsverhältnis ist okay.
Auf jeden Fall ein Ausflug wert.
Wroclaw's Town Hall is a Stunning Gothic building in the main square and dates back to the 13th century.

An art museum is housed in the rear of the building.
Fuimos al museo de la burguesía para poder ver el edificio por dentro. Tal y como se informaba en internet la entrada era gratis pero nos intentaron obligar a pagar de manera bastante fea. Las chicas de información no eran capaces de hablar en inglés, siendo un sitio internacional
Preis/Leistung ist absolut im Einklang, es ist ja auch kein Madame ... Aufenthalt max 1 h ... Gelegentlich hilft die Beschreibung neben der Figur sehr weiter ... Für einen kurzwelligen Spaß lohnt es sich ... Kein Fahrstuhl vorhanden bzw nutzbar
Gutes Wachsfiguren Kabinett mit tollen Figuren die zwar nicht alle Perfekt getroffen wurden jedoch nah dran sind.
Preislich unschlagbar
65 zloty für 2 Erwachsene und 1 Kind sind es wert für den Spaß.
Adrian Gacka
at 2023 Aug 17
Adrian Gacka
at 2023 Aug 17
Super miejsce z pięknymi ruinami. Baszta zlokalizwoana obok na którą można wejść w bardzo przystępnej cenie (5 zł za osobę dorosłą). Zamek naprawdę musiał robić potężne wrażenie przed podpaleniem przez armię radziecką. Pozytywnie nas zdziwiło, że ostatni "potomek" zamku był tutaj w 2012 roku. Na miejscu też restauracja, ale nie mieliśmy okazji sprawdzić. Śmiało polecam na wycieczkę z dziećmi jak jest ktoś w okolicy Żmigrodu lub Doliny Baryczy ✌🏻
Bardzo fajne miejsce. Córka była bardzo zadowolona. Polecam innym rodzicom, by odwiedzili to miejsce z dziećmi.
A great little museum for Lego fans of all ages.
Ein sehr kleines Wachsfigurenkabinett zum kurzweiligen Zeitvertreib (ca. 30 Minuten). Einige Figuren sind fotorealistisch modelliert, andere wiederum mit verdrehten Füßen, fehlendem Finger oder anderen Gliedmaßen die absonderlich erscheinen. Einmal gesehen und für ganz okay befunden.
Polecam to miejsce, ciekawa ekspozycja, bardzo miła Pani która potrafi zareklamować muzeum
Byłoby 5 gdyby nie cena atrakcji. Na plus sporo dmuchanców dla dzieciaków i leżaki dla rodziców. Można przed albo po obejrzeć pokaz fontann.
Cieszę się, że poza licznymi straganami z odzieżą, muszelkami i pamiątami, powstają takie miejsca jak to - gdzie można zasięgnąć trochę wiedzy. Miejsce kameralne. Czas zwiedzania to max 40 minut (w tym 8 minutowy film wyświetlany "w kółko"). Koszt (2023 rok) to: 9 pln - normalny i 6 pln ulgowy.
Ekspozycja na zewnątrz muzeum mogłaby być lepiej zadbana i zagospodarowana.

Niewątpliwie warto wstąpić (otwarte codziennie od 10:00 do 18:00)🙂.
The attraction is poorly guarded, the staff does not keep up and it is not friendly to children.
Paweł P.
at 2023 Aug 02
Paweł P.
at 2023 Aug 02
Miejsce połączone wraz z informacją turystyczną. Muzeum ma pare ciekawych przedmiotów i super filmik. Na zewnątrz stoi pare łodzi rybackich ale bez szału. Co do informacji turystycznej to ubogo wyposażony i obsługa woli sprzedać bilety do muzeum niż turystami.
Bonito edificio de origen medieval, que posee un reloj astronómico y una estilizada torre en el lado contrario
Byłem z 30 dzieci na lekcji muzealnej. Nie była do końca dostosowana do poziomu dzieciaków. Trochę bardziej wykład dla studentów niż lekcja dla dzieciaków. Oprócz tego fajna ciekawa wystawa dotyczącą rybołówstwa
Super miejsce rodzice mogą odpocząć dzieci się pobawić miła obsługa cena przystępna bardzo polecam
Excellent. I was not expecting such a good little museum! Great displays, a lot of attention and small details, and the adjoining Video Console museum was excellent as well with a brilliant collection and lots of classic playable games. I suggest a visit to anyone!
Tommy Zwo
at 2023 Jun 23
Tommy Zwo
at 2023 Jun 23
Wir hatten viel Spaß. Es sind zwar nur ca. 30 Figuren und bei einigen muss man raten, wer das sein soll aber dafür kann man tolle Fotos machen.
Fajne miejsce, dziecko wybieganie i zadowolone. Za 30 min płaciliśmy 30 zł. W kasie można kupić skarpetki dla dzieciaków za 8zl jesli nie ma się swoich. Rodzice mogą posiedzieć na leżakach. Miła obsługa, mogę polecić :)
at 2023 Jun 19
at 2023 Jun 19
All stories are cut short to 2- 3 min, but that didnt ruin them.
Good weather is a must, as this is a big playground for kids with old legends booths "hidden" arround.
You can come and go freely with a ticket for a day.
Eine vielschichtliche Museumseinrichtung, die die Gegenwart mit der Vergangenheit verbindet.
Die dargestellten Objekte sind optisch gut präsentiert. Das Gebäude ist leider von den Räumlichkeiten unübersichtlich, Raumpläne die eine Übersicht bringen könnten waren leider auch nicht vorzufinden.
Gesamt da die Objekte Sehenswert u. auch interessant sind ist ein Besuch empfehlenswert.
Sindhura K
at 2023 Jun 02
Sindhura K
at 2023 Jun 02
We threw a birthday party here on a weekend. The place is huge and kids enjoyed a lot. The pizzas here taste good too and you find vegetarian options too. Overall experience is great. It's a reasonably priced place to enjoy with friends and kids.
El ayuntamiento es un edificio precioso donde se puede ver un reloj astronómico. Recomiendo perderse por las calles de esta ciudad y descubrir sus bellos rincones. Merece la pena pasar tres días en la ciudad.
Maj 2023: Małe kameralne muzeum, a ja cenie sobie takie miejsca. Cena biletu normalnego 9 pln. Widać, że odpowiadają za nie osoby zaangażowane i pełne pasji. Samo zwiedzanie to przy wczytywaniu i niespiesznym zwiedzaniu to max godzina. Bardzo sympatyczna i pomocna pani na kasie.
One of the best Lego museums we've been to. It Is small in size, but big in what you can see. Nice experience.
Für ältere interessant, für Kinder eher nicht
An outstanding collection of toys and dolls. The highlight of the collection are the dolls and doll houses gathered from a remarkably diverse range of eras, traditions, and styles. Also surprisingly international with gems from all parts of Europe as well as some fine samples from Asia and the Americas.
Es ist ein kurzweiliger Ort, recht klein aber fein. Man kann in Ruhe ein paar Bilder machen. Es ist wie immer...manche Figuren sind sehr gut gelungen und bei anderen ist es gut, dass der Name dran steht. Wir haben den Besuch nicht bereut und der Preis passt auch.
Wer noch schnell ein Foto mit Putin machen will, muss sich bestimmt beeilen...🤫
The place is quite spacious and different types of entertainment for kids. Also has place for parents to relax. It is bit crowded on weekends. The staff are nice and we'll organized
Very nice exhibition of lego and shop with some old and rare lego minifigure and set. A must see for every lego fan.
Trest place to stop and have an amazing hot chocolate!
Real, thick, hot chocolate.
Not cocoa-like drinks like in most other places. You have to wait a bit to be served, but it’s worth it.
Expensive and small
Terry's Travels
at 2022 Oct 28
Terry's Travels
at 2022 Oct 28
Fairytale park translated to English, the place has a ski slope and a tube slide that is very cool, the small park surprisingly has several story time booths from local folklore to Pinocchio
One of the most beautiful buildings in the city! Stunning in the day and night. Went for a little tour inside which was nice, but the outside is more beautiful in my opinion.
Omar Khayyam
at 2022 Jul 30
Omar Khayyam
at 2022 Jul 30
Cola for 11 pln? Coffee from toilet for 14? You guys showed me how to do a very profitable business from nothing. Get dirty hangar, paint some walls and put the sky-high price tag.. Your prices look like a spit in guests' faces, very unjustified..
Wow that was something! My kid love lego so he had a great time, everything was interactive! For me consoles muzeum were the best as I'm 40' so know all of them. Nice! Recommend!
Place for a child from 6 to 18 years. Price is 25PLN for a child (unlimited). Recommended!
at 2022 Jun 05
at 2022 Jun 05
It is OK, collection is OK but a lot of dolls and not really much more. I could see more toys to be honest.
I love it! My kids and I had a great time. I think both, kids and adults find this place attractive and enjoyable. It is really worth to visit. Unfortunatley there is no toilet in the museum or bars located next to the place.
Marcin Woźny
at 2022 Apr 18
Marcin Woźny
at 2022 Apr 18
Fos small kids only. Small parking.
We liked the interactive lego models and scenes very much! Definitely worth of visiting.
Unfortunately a very boring place for kids. Nice collection but for sure not prepared for a young audience. It is also very small.
Rauls Putnins
at 2021 Oct 21
Rauls Putnins
at 2021 Oct 21
Average place, nothing special. In toilet there is no handtowels nor working handdryer. Place is open till 7pm but at 6:30 there comes cleaning lady and disturbs the guests. Attractions for kids quite simple and used. First and last time here.
at 2021 Sep 23
at 2021 Sep 23
A nice place, the park is large and has a pond. In the palace ruins there is a bar so that is pretty nice.
Cena nieproporcjonalnie wysoka do asortymentu, który jest do użytku dzieciaków. Do tego zabawa zależna od pogody. Podczas lekkiego deszczu plac nie do zabawy... A przy 30 stopniach dmuchance parzą.
Kleines Museum aber interessant um über die Entstehung des Spielzeuges der unterschiedlichen Zeitepochen und Länder zu erfahren.
Good for the children
Nice park
at 2021 May 23
at 2021 May 23
I loved the place. I couldn't imagine that ruins can be so attractive. I really thankful to those people, who work on the beauty of the place.
All people who work there, at Donjon and cafe, are nice.
Not the best coffee in the cafe, but the ice-cream is very tasty.
There's an opportunity to rent bikes, and the playground for kids is also good enough.
M Demb
at 2021 May 22
M Demb
at 2021 May 22
Awesome for kids any age. Our 13 month old girl loved it.
Martin Shaw
at 2021 May 04
Martin Shaw
at 2021 May 04
The best children's play centre anywhere in the region, bar none. Only worry was that there was no security barrier stopping young children from wondering outside or leaving the premises, potentially vulnerable, while parents relaxed at the tables located out of sight of the exit. If you can trust your child not to leave, then it's great. The toilets were nice and clean too, but too big for children 0-4 to use on their own.
Revathy Rajagopal
at 2020 Oct 07
Revathy Rajagopal
at 2020 Oct 07
Best place for birthday parties. Huge area & less price when compared with other indoor play areas.
Polecam. Not bad.
Roman Nováček
at 2020 Aug 12
Roman Nováček
at 2020 Aug 12
Nice place for family with children for the whole day long.
A nice little park with a pretty lake area. Perfect for a relaxing walk.
Good for 60 min +
I really enjoyed chocolate workshop!
Fine for children. You can use this place during the same times. Children have band and can go in and out and in... Price 18 PLN.
A lot of fun for both kids and adults. The building itself is an old train station. There is a cafe as well
OMG!!! What a treasure to find in the city. It used to be a hat manufacturer and shop - now you can make chocolate there. They run kids and adults workshops and the service is amazing- they are open on Sunday. You can sit upstairs and drink hot chocolate and watch the workshops or customers or just drool about the chocolate on comfortable sofas. Highly recommended
One of my favorite 100% chocolate (Ghana). At the store they also serve a different kind of 100% chocolate (Venezuela) as a rich drink. Love their roasted cacao beans!
Daniel Squires
at 2018 Sep 23
Daniel Squires
at 2018 Sep 23
Nice place for smaller children to run around. Lots of different activities, the usual play park equipment and more. The bajki are in Polish only, so keep that in mind. They are animatronic scenes which tell a fairy tale when you press the button. Don't walk there from the centre of town, get the road train.
at 2018 Aug 28
at 2018 Aug 28
Good place for kids. Adults too can enjoy play with their little ones. It was not crowded on Friday, when I visited. 39 pln for three people, 2 adults and a kid and you can enjoy till shutter is down. It was hot inside but not uncomfortable. Overall a good place to let your kids discharge their infinite energy ...
Piotr L
at 2018 Aug 15
Piotr L
at 2018 Aug 15
Small, local museum - worthwhile to support and realize history of this small fisherman's places now mostly crowded by summer invasion of tanned tourists. ;)
Historical castle ruins. New open restaurant area for walking , cycling trip, child play ground.
The park is generally pretty decent, but charging extra for maps and charging extra for using the playground is a low blow and a poor business model if you appreciate word-of-mouth publicity.
A family ticket worth 155 sloty ought to cover it all.
I did a Chocolate bar workshop for adults and really enjoyed it! As an English speaker you will have to call in advance to make you have a printed script for the presentation. Also there was no English speakers in the show and tell but I have personally worked with chocolate before so I knew what was going on-others may not find this. But you get to play with melted chocolate and other treats and (lick the bowl) so I loved my little creation and recommend the workshop.
The place provides nice experience when it comes to making chocolate. The employees are very friendly, tell a lot of stories about chocolate and process of ita making; the atmosphere is cozy and nice. The place is perfect for both kids and adults.
raj badhan
at 2018 Mar 11
raj badhan
at 2018 Mar 11
A great place for a children's birthday party. Lots of space, plenty for the kids to play on and catering onsite. There's a couple. Of pool tables if the adults get bored. In the summer it gets very hot, so dress the children appropriately as they will get very sweaty. Clean and friendly staff. Generally they don't speak English but are always helpful. Parking is a bit of an issue as you would need to park on the main road. Which gets crowded quickly.
Seán Middleton
at 2017 Aug 14
Seán Middleton
at 2017 Aug 14
There are some glass boxes with fairy tales and a button to press to hear the take in Polish. There are some catapults that look exciting but don't work very well and are disappointing. There are some exciting looking water games but the spiral pump doesn't really work and the dams take a long time to fill, and don't really gush. Nice trampoline and playground and rubber tyre attraction you get one ride per ticket. Alright. So yeah it's O.K., but not more.
Great pleace! They have work shops in english, russian and ukrainian :D Healthy and really tasty chocolate :) perfect pleace to spend nice time with friends or family (kids for example) You can to do your own chocolate or buy - I can recommend chocolate from Ghana or Samk Polski - Butter or Beer. Also delicious is sweet chocolate to drink, pralines and brownie cake :D :D love it !!!
Interesting collection of old toys. Allows to recall old times and show children toys of their patents and grandparents.

Exhibition is quite big (over sixty stops when you want to see everything and learn something about). There is bo guide but you get written guides (unfortunately I got not up-to-date and descriptions didn't match showcases).

Can be Interesting for children and also for adults. However, It's better when someone likes musems ;).

Here is free parking lot near the building and clean toilet for children.
Jacek Klimkowicz
at 2017 Jul 21
Jacek Klimkowicz
at 2017 Jul 21
Good place for kids. There is nice playground, pontoon slide and several cottages with interactive stuff - kid can push the button to listen to fairy tale and see moving toys inside.

Here os dedicated parking lot for a few cars, clean toilet and some kind of bar when you can eat and drink something keeping an eye on kids.

The only disadvantage is a tickets policy - this place offers nothing for adults. All you can do is to take care of your childs. And you can pay for this - you have to buy separate ticket to get in. Luckily tickets are not especially expensive.
Good park for walking. Nothing special.
at 2016 Mar 05
at 2016 Mar 05