Local Guides World
Čechova 282/16, 170 00 Praha 7-Bubeneč, Czechia


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Reviews — 2

Vladimir Pecha
at 2021 May 27
Vladimir Pecha
at 2021 May 27
Nevelká zděná stavba v Čechově ulici před domem č. 282/12 zastřešuje jeden z pěti větracích otvorů unikátní Rudolfovy štoly (1584-1593) asi 45 metrů pod terénem Letné, která zásobovala rybníky Královské obory vodou z Vltavy. Objekt připomíná něco mezi podivnou kadibudkou z dob reálného socialismu a teleportační kabinou - pozor, pokud vstoupíte dovnitř, ocitnete se v roce 1982!

A small brick "box" in Čechova street in front of house no. 282/12 covers one of the five ventilation openings of the unique Rudolf's water tunnel (built between 1584-1593) about 45 meters below the Letná terrain, which supplied the Royal Fields with water from the Vltava. The object is reminiscent of something between a strange toilet from the days of real socialism and a teleportation cabin - be careful, if you enter, you will find yourself in 1982!
Eagle Eye
at 2020 Feb 23
Eagle Eye
at 2020 Feb 23
A turret covering a ventilation shaft. The curious graffiti-covered concrete and rusted iron structure dates to 1906.

The tunnel dates back to Emperor Rudolf II's time in Prague. Emperor Rudolf II never did anything by half measures. When he wanted to maintain artificial fish ponds in Prague’s Stomovka park, he had a kilometer-long tunnel built from the Vltava river, under Letná and into the landscaped wooded area. At the time it was private imperial property used as a game preserve.

This was no small feat. Much of what is known as Rudolfova štola, or Rudolfine Tunnel, had to be built through solid rock centuries before the invention of dynamite. Construction took place 1584–93, stopping sporadically when money ran out.

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