Local Guides World
Santander, Cantabria, Spain


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Reviews — 8

Maria Ach
at 2024 Aug 08
Maria Ach
at 2024 Aug 08
You can see it from Magdalena peninsula, the coast line opposite. It’s nice to see the view from there including the Faro de la isla de mouro. Recommend it!
Ariane Moussault
at 2024 May 30
Ariane Moussault
at 2024 May 30
The name of the island until the 18th century was Isla de Mogro but due to a transcription error by the cartographer, the name was changed to the current name of Isla de Mouro. In 1570 the construction of a castle on the island was planned to protect the entrance to the bay; However, in the end the castle was built on the nearby Magdalena peninsula (the castle of San Salvador de Hano). The island is only 1,7 hectares, the castle would have filled the island! Now there is only one single-story house 38.7 m above the sea level with a conical white tower of a little more than 18 m. The lighthouse went into operation on February 15, 1860.

The lighthouse keepers lived on the island until 1921. On numerous occasions they remained several days in solitary confinement due to the storms. In 1865 one of the lighthouse keepers lost her life after being swept away by a wave and fall into the sea. In another storm in 1896 one of the lighthouse keepers died suddenl. His partner had to live several days with his body until the storm stopped. It reminds me of the French who described the different levels of lighthouses. Living isolated in a lighthouse on an island being described as hell and thus the lowest step in the career of a lighthouse keeper.
Faro está situado en una pequeña isla denominada de Mouro, a la entrada de la bahía de Santander, frente a la península de La Magdalena y se construyó en 1860.Su diseño original es similar a otros faros de roca de los que existen en las costas inglesas, con una torre cónica blanca ubicada en el centro de la vivienda (de una sola planta) donde residían los fareros. Posteriormente se añadió un edifico rectangular.
at 2021 Aug 29
at 2021 Aug 29
good spot for scuba & snorkel
at 2020 Sep 02
at 2020 Sep 02
Faro muy bonito. Se puede ver desde la península de la Magdalena. Si eres amante de los faros, sin duda es una visita obligada. El faro está deshabitado.
Idania Diéguez
at 2019 Dec 27
Idania Diéguez
at 2019 Dec 27
Hermosa isla rocosa coronada por un faro a la entrada de la Bahía de Santander, donde reinan la vegetación y la fauna autóctona. En uno de sus lados el mar está tranquilo y se puede ver hasta el fondo.
Josu Munoz
at 2019 Jul 10
Josu Munoz
at 2019 Jul 10
Pequeño islote en frente de la Magdalena, que cuenta con un faro. Se puede visitar sus alrededores mediante los diferentes servicios de barcos turísticos que se encuentran en el puerto de Santander.

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