Local Guides World
767 5th Ave, New York, NY 10153


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Reviews — 1

Gina Humphries
at 2019 Apr 16
Gina Humphries
at 2019 Apr 16
Be very careful entering a business venture with them. I was an employee at one of their, now defunct, Seattle's Best kiosks in Middle Tn. The writing was on the wall almost from the beginning. Too many hands in the cookie jar for one. The need to throw any and all ideas at the wall to see what stuck. There were allegations of people not being paid. Im not sure they fully prepared for food service. We were not properly advertised. Word of mouth could be great, if the company is...it was not. Corporate was warned about thefts and people not showing up for work of taking excessively long breaks and they did nothing. Oddly, it never seemed like running these successfully was a priority or they were in over their heads. Accountability was lacking. You could go months without seeing someone from corporate and there were no real higher ups (no GMs, District managers or real managers) this allowed team leads to do whatever they want (and they did). When the kiosks were (inevitably closed) they did so with no warning to the employees. Not illegal...just unethical. So I suppose you could add "doesn't care about employees well being" to the list

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