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1915 1st Ave W, Seattle, WA 98119, United States


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Reviews — 8

Johnny Ray
at 2021 Oct 18
Johnny Ray
at 2021 Oct 18
My daughter enjoys attending McClure. Our experience has been overwhelming positive with the teachers and staff. The academics are challenging and students have an opportunity to take advanced classes, which will help them succeed later in life.
Ella Hutchinson
at 2018 Jun 15
Ella Hutchinson
at 2018 Jun 15
This school does not know how to manage their money. When they raise money from fundraisers , the people putting money in believe that it will be used for a good and productive cause. But no when they are given money they us it to buy televisions for the teachers lounge instead of something that would benefit the students.
Renovation Restore
at 2018 Apr 03
Renovation Restore
at 2018 Apr 03
My kids hate this school. Which is sad because my kids are good students and good kids. I loved my middle school teachers and school when I grew up elsewhere. The education at McClure is below par I know since the kids are not being inspired by teachers since the teachers are not being inspired by the Principal or Vice Principal to try to inspire kids to learn. As an example the 2017 Spanish teacher was ridiculously horrible. The principal made excuses and never admitted there was a problem. So many parents and kids spoke up. The principal blamed kids and disciplined kids for ridiculous excuses the teacher made instead of demanding the teacher do her job better and inspire her to do so. The principal and vice principal sadly try to lie to parents blaming kids for teachers lack of ability and weird behavior. I would love for the administration to take ownership, set the bar high and inspire teachers. Let the kids have healthy fun and inspire them to learn. Unfortunately this staff has no ability to do this and they have no love or respect from the kids.

Read the kids reviews. Kids are people to and they know what is reasonable and what isnt. They come from loving families and other schools. So they know the difference -good teachers from bad, fair treatment from weird hypocritical misled trestment. Writing the number 69 on a chalk board is not a sex crime in middle school nor is it sexual harrassment, a bus driver punishing kids for sitting sideways or driving off when kids are running after the bus or slamming on breaks to punish kids so they hit their head and laugh is not acceptable. The principal not only condones this from teachers and a driver but encourages and rewards

Every child I know that goes to Mcclure cant stand the Principal or Vice Principal and their very bizarre behaviors. Every parent I know voices the same complaints as above. Unfortunately Seattle has such crappy overloaded school system and staff and such a shortage of bus drivers in 2018 that this staff a bad driver gets a pass and kids really have little else to choose from so the staff just snicker and say go pound sand if you dont like us. They definetly are not listening to the kids or the parents.

This is a fact based quote from the objective Great Schools website about McClure Middle School in Seattle. Look it up for yourself.

"A worrisome sign:
Students at this school are making less academic progress given where they were last year, compared to similar students in the state.

Low progress with high test scores means students have strong academic skills but that students in this school are making smaller gains than similar students in other schools."
Jonathan Hendrix
at 2018 Mar 12
Jonathan Hendrix
at 2018 Mar 12
words, in the physical form, almost cannot describe the incompetency and absolutely disgusting Geo-political, economic, social, and structural state of this horrid mess at Worth McClure middle school. The man did not depart from his life towards the heavens and beyond to leave behind this kind of a legacy for his name; a legacy forged by tyranny and abuse of power. A legacy for which his very namesake is looked down upon as if he were a worm separated in two by the sole of a shoe, by young children who were at once eager to learn, but whos' hopes in a better education crumbled, similar to a Nature Valley granola bar. I wish by God that I could be able to give less than one star as a review, because this horrid mess truly deserves it.

I returned to Seattle in august of last year (2017 as of the time of this review's writing) expecting a wholesome, genuinely good experience to be had at such a place as McClure middle school. When I first received word of the school, in the hills of Buda not too far from the banks of the great Danube, my ears absorbed tales of a well disciplined school with it's own unique culture, diverse peoples, respect for others, and well-minded teachers whom mastered the arts of giving the gift that keeps on giving; knowledge. What I had expected of McClure was far from the true state of the building. With all the qualities mentioned above embedded into the heart of the school's climate.

In my first year at Worth McClure, I never could have expected how downgraded my school would be compared to my previous school, Hudson Middle School. This school, I believe, is beyond saving. The only act that could resurrect some amount of honor and discipline is if much-despised devilish duo of Trinn Murray (assistant principle) and Shannon Connor (headmaster/principal) resign. These two are so hated, that people have risked getting in serious trouble to inscribe sayings such as "f*** murry" and "murray is a b****" in the boys 'restroom.

in conclusion, this schools sucks
at 2018 Jan 04
at 2018 Jan 04
If something goes wrong instead of fixing the problem they think banning whatever caused it is the salutation. Also teachers are nothing close to supportive. One said my mom does my homework for me (witch isn't true). Most classrooms are in horrible condition. One teacher I have isn't even qualified for what he's teaching.
libby acquavella
at 2017 Jun 16
libby acquavella
at 2017 Jun 16
McClure is a horrible school. the teachers and staff handle situations horribly. All the students are mean and there used to be rats everywhere. The Spanish teacher doesn't know anything. The principal is more focused on dress codes than the rat situation and the quality of the education.
Samantha B
at 2016 Aug 14
Samantha B
at 2016 Aug 14
McClure is a good school, I think that most students who say that they dislike it for whatever reason probably have personal feelings about it, that doesn't mean that the school is a bad place, because its not. Sure the teachers are a bit mean sometimes but its mostly because they want us to learn and understand and maybe we are resenting them. Also the dress code could be modified a little bit more but I believe that leggings and crop-tops seem to be to common of an outfit and it lacks variety. To all the students who have issues with dress code, don't you think that it would be easier on the teachers to just make us wear uniforms? If that's not what you as students want to have happen then i think the amount of complaining should be minimized to almost none. McClure is a good school for those who don't focus on their personal hatred for the school. Besides, if you get in trouble with teachers for cell phones, its not their fault that you got it taken away because you took it out when you weren't suppose so don't blame them for YOUR mistake. Overall, if you have a problem with the school, talk to the people in charge. Before you do, be sure that what you are going to say isn't ignorant, Aka "check your self before you wreck you self" and keep the hatred to your self. I am an up coming eighth grader as well as a W.E.B. leader and i hope that this year is a good year and if there is anything I can do to make it a good year I'll do my best. Thank you :)

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