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Top Memorials in Rome, Italy

Top Rated Memorials in Rome

Top Reviewed Memorials in Rome


at 2024 May 07
at 2024 May 07
This replica statue of English poet and writer Lord Byron (1788 - 1824) situated just inside the Porta Pinciana gate entrance to the gardens. It is a copy of an original monument at Trinity College in Cambridge.

You will see Lord Byron, nicely dressed and seated with clock over his shoulder and what appears to be a broken book in his left hand. There is a broken column at his feet and English inscription on the statue base.

Have a quick look while passing by if interested in monument viewing.
George Gordon Byron (1788–1824), ismertebb nevén Lord Byron, az angol romantikus költészet egyik legkiemelkedőbb alakja volt.
Különféle műfajokban alkotott, köztük líra, epika és dráma. Legismertebb művei közé tartozik a "Childe Harold zarándoklata" és "Don Juan". Botrányos viselkedésével ismert.
Dusan Radivojevic
at 2024 Jan 13
Dusan Radivojevic
at 2024 Jan 13
Pantheon is one of the most important locations to visit in Rome. It is beautiful at night but be aware of the working hours.
Beside the wonder of making such a big dome from one piece there are a lot inside. One of the most interesting facts is that you will be able to see Rafael's tomb.
Since recently the entrance is not free anymore.
Rob McIver
at 2024 Jan 08
Rob McIver
at 2024 Jan 08
I won’t have the words to express how enjoyable my quick visit to the Pantheon was. Went at night to avoid crowds. That limited me to the outside views, which don’t feel so limited. The structure itself is stunning and its preservation is unbelievable. Spent an hour and a half having dessert with friends on the patio of one of the adjacent restaurants. Enjoying great company with that view is alright in my book! Go visit!
Apekshit Sharma
at 2024 Jan 03
Apekshit Sharma
at 2024 Jan 03
During my recent visit to the Pantheon in Italy, I found the historical significance and architectural marvel of the building impressive. The well-preserved structure and the oculus at the dome added a unique touch to the experience. However, the crowds can be overwhelming, impacting the overall enjoyment. It's advisable to visit during off-peak hours for a more tranquil experience.
Rosie Alvarez
at 2023 Dec 12
Rosie Alvarez
at 2023 Dec 12
Beautiful and impressive! The self tour audio phones were nice to have if you want more details of history and information about the pantheon. We went on a Sunday morning at opening but it wasn’t busy only a few people inside. Didn’t have to wait long in line to buy the tickets, it was surprisingly quick, but it did start to get more crowded as the hour went by. Recommend being there within the hour it opens to have more space to enjoy it.
Abriel Mauerman
at 2023 Dec 10
Abriel Mauerman
at 2023 Dec 10
Incredible Roman architecture that you have to see to really get a sense of scale. The colors of the marble everywhere were magnificent, the sculptures are beautiful, and the little audio kiosks were nice. Those were two euros for up to 4 headsets, with 2 provided and 2 headphones jacks available. We went during the off season, so the wait in line was not long. We had considered getting the Roma pass for a few days, but walking to it, waiting, and walking away, was all fine with us.
Michael Patterson
at 2023 Dec 05
Michael Patterson
at 2023 Dec 05
Amazing place to visit, truly an architectural wonder. We visited on the first Sunday in December so admission was free. We went early so the crowds were not bad. We ended up staying for mass which was incredible. It was very moving. If you can only visit a couple of places in Rome this has to be on your list.
at 2023 Nov 27
at 2023 Nov 27
5€ Eintritt 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Bis 23 Jahren 3€👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Wir fahren heute da drinne fanden das sehr schön.
Am Samstag ist eine Messe und da wollen wir unbedingt hingehen. Das hat sich meine Tochter gewünscht.

Ich muss sagen, es war sehr schön, obwohl es voll war. Sehr ruhig sehr entspannend. Die Atmosphäre war ganz toll. Muss man gesehen haben.

Es lohnt sich.
at 2023 Nov 25
at 2023 Nov 25
Grandissima Opera di Angelo Zanelli che dopo anni di lavoro con altri scalpellini è riuscito a donare dei capolavori unici.Consiglio di visitare la mostra sensoriale interna al Vettoriano dedicata alla Dea Roma.
Tarkan A.
at 2023 Oct 07
Tarkan A.
at 2023 Oct 07
Top Sehenswürdigkeiten. Für Erwachsene müssen Tickets gekauft werden für 5 Euro. Am besten online buchen. Dann kann man direkt rein gehen und muss nicht an der Kasse stehen. Schlange an der Kasse ist echt lang. Falls man online Tickets hat dann am mittleren Eingang durchgehen.
Paula Constantine
at 2023 Aug 23
Paula Constantine
at 2023 Aug 23
Incredible building. The space has to be experienced. Like other Roman structures in the city it has been preserved by virtue of becoming a church. There are snippets of the Roman construction in amongst the ecclesiastical opulence and not much information about the pagan heritage of the building is freely available. We did not get audio guides however.

The website did not work and getting advance tickets at the admission price of 5.5 euros was impossible. We paid double but had to pick up tickets from the piazza Navona or wait in a long queue in the sun.
Nilayan Nayak
at 2023 Aug 20
Nilayan Nayak
at 2023 Aug 20
This was also a brilliant sight. There was a long long queue for entry and somehow it seems that the queue for the on-spot ticket moved rather faster than the queue for the online ticket.However once inside it was a sight to behold. You would be seeing the ‘gods rays’ and it would be a sight to behold
at 2023 Aug 19
at 2023 Aug 19
So much history. Worth the wait. Check out the drain holes near the center, the building never flooded even in heavy rain. Absolute marvel. Get there early
Stella Wright
at 2023 Aug 15
Stella Wright
at 2023 Aug 15
Beautiful. Very busy but well controlled queues even though long. TOP TIP: buy tickets in advance and to do this subscribe to Pantheon official website and buy tickets directly from them. It's so much cheaper and you can pick your own time slot. My husband and I arrived at the Pantheon then walked the short distance to Piazza Navona Square and sat in one of the many cafes and then purchased our tickets. We enjoyed the whole atmosphere and even got to hear the bells Chime at 12 noon. We then made our way to the Pantheon for our 1-130pm time slot, walking straight in !!! Its beautiful and very calm inside where you can take in the breathtaking paintings and statues and sheer size of it. Amazing place.
Natalie Arnold
at 2023 Aug 14
Natalie Arnold
at 2023 Aug 14
Well, it's 5€ each to get in, so we went in as we thought it was cheap. It's an impressive building and nice to look at, but unless you're really interested in the history, then there isn't much to do. We spent about 5/10 minutes in there.
Rafael Gonzalez-Arnau
at 2023 Aug 12
Rafael Gonzalez-Arnau
at 2023 Aug 12
Another great example of Roman architecture. Simply impressive.
Watch out for pickpockets! Particularly young girls wearing bags or backpacks in front to hide things fast.
at 2023 Jul 23
at 2023 Jul 23
Visited in January this year but went during the evening and there was a service going on inside so couldn't get in.

Visited again in April during the morning and got entry. As of 03/07/23 there is a €5 euro entry fee. You get given a handheld device for the audio guided tour and there are 16 points. You can explore each part in order.
Chhanda Barman
at 2023 Jul 09
Chhanda Barman
at 2023 Jul 09
They now charge you €5 compared to free of charge earlier and it's a huge queue, so would recommend booking in advance. The architecture is amazing and the monument is worth visiting. It's one of the oldest and still intact structures
at 2023 May 24
at 2023 May 24
Beautiful and set in a great location! We walked here from Stop 6 of the Hop On, Hop Off and it was so worth it. The monument has small dandelions and other flowers right in front of it. The monument is also located very close to the entrance of the grounds making it conveniently located and hard to miss.

There's a food truck parked between the entrance and the monument if you're interested in picking up a snack or buying a drink. There are also several park benches in the area where you can stop and smell the flowers
Sehr beeindruckend und schön!
“All who joy would win
Must share it — Happiness was born a twin.”
― George Gordon Byron, Don Juan
Prd Uch
at 2023 Feb 04
Prd Uch
at 2023 Feb 04
George Byron was a hero!
Bellissimo palazzo
at 2022 Dec 30
at 2022 Dec 30
Massive statue, breathtaking view, especially during the night.
Amazing, the view is incredible. However need to be in good form as there are many steps
Jack C
at 2022 Sep 22
Jack C
at 2022 Sep 22
may she watch over this beautiful bastian for many millenia to come.
You can see the greatness and beauty when you are in front of this building. As you climb the stairs you stare at the details and you can see a panoramic view of Rome. Access is easy and entry is free, but to go to the top of the building you have to use the elevator behind the building and get a ticket.
This magnificent building was built in memory of Victor Emmanuel, the first king of Italy. In front of this building, a bronze statue of Victor Emmanuel and other stone sculptures can be seen.
This white marble building is 81 meters high.
At the top of the steps of the altar of the fatherland, there is a monument to the anonymous soldier, two soldiers in uniform standing next to this building in a state of respect.

Vous pouvez voir la grandeur et la beauté lorsque vous êtes devant ce bâtiment. En montant les escaliers, vous regardez les détails et vous pouvez voir une vue panoramique de Rome. L'accès est facile et l'entrée est gratuite, mais pour monter en haut du bâtiment, il faut utiliser l'ascenseur derrière le bâtiment et prendre un ticket.
Ce magnifique bâtiment a été construit à la mémoire de Victor Emmanuel, le premier roi d'Italie. Devant ce bâtiment, on peut voir une statue en bronze de Victor Emmanuel et d'autres sculptures en pierre.
Ce bâtiment en marbre blanc mesure 81 mètres de haut.
En haut des marches de l'autel de la patrie, il y a un monument au soldat anonyme, deux soldats en uniforme debout à côté de cet édifice dans un état de respect.
Questa Statua che rappresenta la “Dea Roma” si trova all’interno del Vittoriano detto anche Altare della Patria (che è solo una parte del complesso) il quale è un imponente edificio monumentale, che si trova in Piazza Venezia, i lavori per la sua costruzione durarono diversi decenni nel 1911 fu inaugurato e nel 1935 terminarono i lavori.

Salendo la suggestiva scalinata d’ingresso ci troviamo sulla Terrazza dell’Altare della Patria impreziosito da un emiciclo con due imponenti bassorilievi ai lati, al centro entro una edicola a forma di tempio spicca una maestosa Statua che rappresenta la “Dea Roma” dello scultore bresciano Angelo Zanelli (nato il 1879 e morto il 1942).

La statua è stata inaugurata il 25 aprile 1925 (in occasione del Natale di Roma), è un monolite in marmo alto 5,65 metri, del peso di 39 tonnellate.

La Dea Roma viene rappresentata in piedi con un’ampia veste con un sapiente panneggio, ha come copricapo, una corona particolare dove su ogni dente ha una feroce testa di lupo.

Nella mano destra tiene una lancia (metallica) e nella mano sinistra su un globo una piccola statua bronzea la quale rappresenta la “Vittoria Alata”.
Sicuramente un personaggio di spicco dell'Inghilterra di fine 'Settecento, inizio 'Ottocento; conosciuto sia come politico che come poeta indirizzato verso il movimento del romanticismo. Magnificamente ricordato con questa bellissima scultura in marmo all'interno del parco di Villa Borghese. Opera molto ben eseguita che non può assolutamente passare inosservata se si passa da queste parti.
Questo bel monumento, dedicato al grande poeta inglese George Gordon Byron (n. 1788 – m.1824), si trova nella Villa Borghese, nel Quartiere III (Pinciano) a Roma.

Il poeta amò molto l’Italia vivendovi per diversi anni, il monumento venne inaugurato nel 1959 è stato un omaggio al poeta, di un gruppo di suoi ammiratori, come riportato su un lato della base del monumento:

Inoltre sui lati della base, sono anche presenti tre brani (scritti in inglese) tratti dalla sua opera più importante “Child Harold”.

La statua posta sopra la base, la quale raffigura il grande poeta è la copia di quella realizzata da Bertel Thorvaldsen che si trova al Trinity College di Cambridge, purtroppo per il vandalismo imperante nella mano sinistra del poeta è rimasto solo un frammento del libro che teneva e nella destra non è più presente la penna.

Una scultura commemorativa suggestiva, che onora un poeta che tanto ha amato Roma.
Byron, poeta ottocentesco inglese, amò la città di Roma come non mai.
Questi è sepolto nel cimitero dei non Cattolici, situato in spalle alla Piramide.
Il monumento ricorda la presenza del poeta nella città eterna e ne fissa le lodi.