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Top Churchs in Berlin, Germany

Top Rated Churchs in Berlin

Top Reviewed Churchs in Berlin


Kerstin Nebel
at 2024 Jan 28
Kerstin Nebel
at 2024 Jan 28
Was für eine tolle Erfahrung, soviel über die Entstehung des Bundestages zu erfahren. Geschichte von Ost und West wurde super präsentiert und man bekam einen Einblick als wäre man direkt vor Ort.
Was für eine schöne nachgebaute Kirche. Eine tolle Ausstellung mit schönen Büsten. Wir hatten Glück, dass noch ein Geigenspieler verschiedene Stücke zum Besten gab. Der Eintritt war kostenlos.
Murat Sabahat
at 2024 Jan 25
Murat Sabahat
at 2024 Jan 25
Der Deutsche Dom wird oft mit einer Kirche verwechselt,auch dem Namen geschuldet.
Im Gebäude neben dem Turm befindet sich eine interessante Ausstellung über die deutsche Parlamentshistorie.

In der 1. Etage kann man einen nachgebauten Plenarsaal im Miniformat entdecken.

In der 4. Etage ist ein Kinosaal, wo täglich ab 14:00 Dokumentationen laufen. Besonders am Samstag für Kinder und Jugendliche zu empfehlen "Felix".

Der Eintritt ist gratis. Bonbons und Kugelschreiber kann man sich auch gerne mitnehmen.

Bei Interesse kann man schon mal mehrere Stunden hier verweilen. Aber auch sonst lohnt sich ein Blick in die Ausstellung oder in den imposanten Turm reinzuwerfen.
Die Kirche als Ausstellungsraum ist einzigartig. Sowohl die Skulpturen, als auch die Architektur sind sehenswert. Auch der Rundgang durch den Oberrang des Gebäudes lohnt sich. Der Eintritt ist kostenlos!
Wunderschöne Kirche die man unbedingt besuchen sollte. Die Skulpturenausstellung und auch ein geschichtlicher Abriss über den Baumeister und Künstler Schinkel ist sehr interessant. Das Personal ist sehr freundlich und macht auf Besonderheiten aufmerksam.
Danke für den schönen Aufenthalt.
Absolut sehenswert Bildhauer Arbeit von Schinkel und Co. Kostenfrei zu besichtigen.
at 2023 Dec 05
at 2023 Dec 05
Entrance free. Nice security guy at the entrance. There is a locker where you can leave your stuff. Go on a second floor up the wooden stairs (near altar). There is a wc on the second floor too.
Ahmed Hefeda
at 2023 Dec 03
Ahmed Hefeda
at 2023 Dec 03
Amazing place with a very very good veiw , with a very big park in front of it and the river beside it. There is a beautiful structures , too many people are there. You should go on the weekend. You can enter the cathedral by buying a ticket then enter and go upstairs and see all the city from above.
Amazing war torn structure overlooking and surround by the beautiful Christmas market.

Almost all pubic toilets in Berlin have an attendant that will charge you to use the toilet.
This is NOT a compulsory charge and you DO NOT have to pay. (Watch the locals )
My advice would be, if you feel the toilet is cleaned to a high standard then tip the amount that you feel is deserved on your way out.
Dan Reyes
at 2023 Nov 29
Dan Reyes
at 2023 Nov 29
I love historical buildings. When I travel even it is so touristy I love seeing and photographing architectural gems.

This cathedral is so beautiful and awe inspiring.

It is a must see and visit.
Another beautifully architured Cathedral. So much history . And if you are fit enough, you could climb the dome and get a view from up there. A very solemn place of meditation and you be able so see many crypts within the dome itself. 👍👍👍
at 2023 Nov 21
at 2023 Nov 21
Super Museum, mit Führung sehr interessant.

Die Installationen sind interaktiv und man kann nachvollziehen, wie sich parlamentarische Arbeit und "Verfassung" entwickelt hat. Man kann sogar ggf. Am Beispiel des Paulskirchen Parlaments die eigenen Lokalabgeordneten nachvollziehen.

Sehr gut gemacht!
Eines der wichtigsten Kapitel Berliner Stadtgeschichte anschaulich aufbereitet in den historischen Räumen des Französischen Doms: Der massenhafte Zuzug der verfolgten Hugenotten aus Frankreich nach Berlin und Brandenburg. Krieg, Verfolgung, Flucht und dann Asyl unter dem Großen Kurfürsten. Das Edikt von Potsdam, Blaupause für deutsche Migrationspolitik. Sänftentragen (gegen eine Tax -Gebühr) als Privileg für arbeitslose Zuwanderer - und Beginn des Berliner Taxigewerbes.
Karsten Rainer
at 2023 Nov 14
Karsten Rainer
at 2023 Nov 14
Schlechteste Beisetzung in meinem Leben. Gleich im ersten Satz Versprecher und das Unvermögen zog sich durch. - Auf jeden Fall nie wieder ...
Excellent way of preserving the history of one of Berlin's early churches. It was totally destroyed but the structure is still standing and been repurposed to hold the artifacts and historic documents detailing its history. Right next to it is the new Church and well designed and sombre. A memorial to its past and the people of those days. We recommend a visit if you are into history and architecture. 👍👌👍👍👍
at 2023 Nov 09
at 2023 Nov 09
A really fun experience—My favorite part was hiking to the top of the Dome to see the views overlooking the city. I also enjoyed catching the 20-minute midday devotional service, which was unexpected because I didn’t know that was happening, but it was cool to experience! The Cathedral is really beautiful, done in a High Renaissance style, so everything is intricate and ornate. I thought there were audio guides, but the cashier told me there weren’t, which was confusing, based on what other reviewers said. Still, it was great to walk around, take lots of photos, and soak in this historic space.
Mike and Lana
at 2023 Nov 03
Mike and Lana
at 2023 Nov 03
This cathedral is spectacular and well worth the 10euro entrance fee.
Tickets can be bought on site. We were there in October so it wasn't busy and no wait to get tickets or admitted.
If you are up to it, you can climb the 288 steps to the top observation deck however once you start up, there is no turning back. It is a challenging climb and the final sets of staircases are winding and narrow. Take your time.
Once at the top the views are wonderful.
Like many cities in Europe, churches feature prominently. Historic churches are common.

Berlin Cathedral has a wonderful external appearance, and the interior does not disappoint.

I am sure that people of Lutheran faith take great pride in their Berlin Cathedral, and so they should.

I was taken by the intricacy of both the outside and inside of the building.

It is worth a half hour or more when visiting Berlin.
at 2023 Oct 30
at 2023 Oct 30
Schönes Gebäude und innen sieht alles modern und neu aus, alles schön gemacht. Das Museum ist sehr interaktiv und man kann einiges über Geschichte lernen. Manchmal nicht ersichtlich, dass es interaktiv ist. Man kann z.B. einige Bildschirme antippen und mehr Infos bekommen. Muss man aber wissen, sonst guckt man sich nur das an, was gerade zu sehen ist.
Die Führung war auch gut gelungen. Weiß nicht, ob man bis oben hin kann, dafür reichte die Zeit nicht. Ist innen auch größer, als es von außen anmuten lässt.
Pong Lenis
at 2023 Oct 29
Pong Lenis
at 2023 Oct 29
The cathedral was beautiful, they have audio guides for several languages. It’s very big and you can make it up to the top to see a wonderful view of the city. The cathedral has lots of artwork, statues and the architecture is absolutely stunning.
Joice I
at 2023 Oct 29
Joice I
at 2023 Oct 29
This has been a beautiful place to see. But the queue was messy, so we recommend to buy the tickets earlier. The price is 10€ per person. The view from upstairs is beautiful, but prepare your legs and lungs, cause the way upstairs is a hard walk. The place is walk distance from the gate, very central.
Interessante tuffo nella storia e tradizione ugonotta
When my wife and I visited Berlin, we walked around the Memorial Church of Emperor William. It is an evangelical church. German Emperor William II. ordered the construction in honor of his grandfather Vilje I.
It was badly damaged during the Second World War. Inside, the acoustics are exceptional and the organ is playing. Wonderful atmosphere.
Eine alte aber auch schöne Dorfkirche hier am See. Die Ausstattung ist einfach und hier gibt es Platz für mindestens 100 Personen. Wir hatten hier eine schöne Trauung. Die Orgel hier solte man unbedingt einmal bei einen Gottesdienst genießen. So wie ich mich erinnere, gibt es hier jeden Tag um 12 Uhr ein tolles Glockenspiel mit bekannten Melodien.
at 2023 Oct 19
at 2023 Oct 19
€10 entry into the cathedral, and beautiful to see. We also climbed (included with the ticket) the 267 steps to the top of the dome, where you can walk around it outside for 360-degree/panoramic views of Berlin! Highly enjoyable.
Anna R
at 2023 Oct 17
Anna R
at 2023 Oct 17
Only walked by and viewed from the outside. Very beautiful architecture. As of October 16, 2023 there was a lot of construction around this area blocking off the plaza from what I could tell so just admired from afar.
Michael & Liz Davis
at 2023 Oct 16
Michael & Liz Davis
at 2023 Oct 16
A lovely cathedral, with an incredible history, and potential for the future.
Çağla Erdem
at 2023 Oct 10
Çağla Erdem
at 2023 Oct 10
It was amazing atmosphere inside. Every sculpture and paint have important meanings. You can find all details in the paper which you can take at entrance. You should go dome floor. There is amazing views. You can watch all Berlin from the dome.
H. M.
at 2023 Oct 09
H. M.
at 2023 Oct 09
Great view from the tower. Nice atmosphere in the church. Renovation needed.
It was amazing atmosphere. Old church is standing as memorial museum of war. I felt different emotions in the new church. Music and environment effect you very deeply. I did not see before like this modern church.
Silvie T.
at 2023 Oct 03
Silvie T.
at 2023 Oct 03
Wer hätte das gedacht, dass im Dom diese fantastische Ausstellung ist. Wir sind nur durch Zufall rein und waren schlichtweg begeistert. Über 4 Etagen lernt man hier, teilweise interaktiv, die Demokratie, wie wir sie heute kennen, kennen und schätzen. Die Mitarbeiter sind wahnsinnig aufmerksam und geben einem weitere Einblicke und plaudern aus dem Nähkästchen. Ich habe wieder etwas dazugelernt und kann diese Ausstellung nur wärmstens weiter empfehlen. Einziges Manko, ich würde mir mehr Sitzmöglichkeiten wünschen, wo man in Ruhe alles durchlesen kann. Aber es gibt Informationsblätter, in denen man zu Hause alles in Ruhe noch einmal durchlesen kann. Super! So macht Geschichtsunterricht Spaß!
Ganz tolles Museum!
Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church is the best representative of the contrast that Berlin is. Today it acts like a memorial to the loss that Germany has suffered during the war and is one of the most peaceful as well as beautiful architectures in the city of Berlin. You should definitely include it in your itinerary while you are visiting the city. It was built in the year 1891. Today you can see the ruins of the church and history began from every corner of this church.
Visited September 2023
Every Nation Kirche Berlin ist ein Ort, wo Gottes lebendige Gegenwart spürbar ist. Das ist eine Gemeinde, wo die Leidenschaft für Gottes Reich ansteckend ist.
This is one of the most beautiful churches in the world. There is an entry ticket of 10 euros and there is also a locker room. You can climb to the top by 273 stairs, the views are stunning from the top. Some portion of the church is still under construction so it was closed.
Very impressive landmark of Berlin that surrounded by a lot of shops and restaurant. It's not a big place but the architecture is nice. I would say this place is one of the must visit place in Berlin. Recommended!!!!
T. B.
at 2023 Sep 17
T. B.
at 2023 Sep 17
Beautiful church in the city center of Berlin called Marienkirche. Very nice decoration as well peaceful place to rest a cut after a long day in the inner city.
at 2023 Sep 14
at 2023 Sep 14
Me and my mother, we are both Huguenots, went into the Huguenot Museum of the French Church of Berlin on 31st August 2023, not knowing what to be expected and what they would exhibit about our people. Yet, to our own surprise, we were more than amazed by the entire museum. At first, I want to write that the staff is very friendly and can speak German, obviously, and fluent English too. The museum itself, which is divided into two levels, connected via a stairway, is rather small and I’d say we have been in there for “just” 25 minutes. Yet, it is extremely beautiful and with a lot of information about our people and their history as well. The information on the tablets is only in German language, which was no problem for me and my mother, being German native speakers, but as we Huguenots have spread throughout the world and speak many different languages today, depending on where we live, I think it would be nice if the museum could add English information to every exhibited object.

I also need to confess that while going through this really beautiful museum, I have felt a lot of grief and anger. Of course, not because of the museum itself, but because of how it was able to finally teach me about what cruel times my ancestors had to go through and how many of them have been tortured and killed by the French in the most extreme way, which I was not even able to imagine. I already knew of course that those times were absolutely inhuman for our people, but I never was capable of really knowing about the many and gruesome details, which all changed on the day me and my mother went into this very museum. For example, I was furious inside myself when I have seen the coin on level two, on which Karl IX. depicted himself as Herakles killing the Hydra, as we Huguenots are meant to be the Hydra and therefore are depicted as being an evil monster. At the same time, the depiction of a naked Huguenot female being burned alive almost invoked tears in my eyes. So, if you are a Huguenot yourself, please be advised that what you can see and learn in this museum, if you haven’t already known about the extremely cruel massacres and hunts that took place against our people, could possibly invoke deep feelings inside your heart and maybe even make you burst out into tears. I was capable to evade that, although there were moments when I was standing at the brink of it, yet I would not be surprised if other brothers and sisters of our faith would be less capable of shutting down their emotions, when they have to face the ultimate truth about what our ancestors had to go through and how much they have actually suffered in every single detail.

Yet, at the same time this museum can fill your Huguenot heart with pride, knowing that our ancestors have stood loyal to our faith and that they have been able to find a new home throughout Germany, especially in the northeast, successfully integrating themselves, giving a very important example for today’s times of how integration and dealing with refugees can be solved successfully and profitable for both sides, if they are actually willing to work together on a mutual basis. Therefore, if you are a Huguenot and find yourself in Berlin, you just have to visit the Huguenot Museum in the French Church, because you will not be wrong in doing so.

I have taken the pictures during my and my mother’s visit on 31st August 2023.
The Berlin Cathedral, or Berliner Dom, is an architectural marvel that stands proudly along the River Spree. Its grandeur and intricate detailing are truly impressive. The interior is equally stunning, with beautiful mosaics and a magnificent dome offering breathtaking views of the city. Visiting this historic cathedral is a must for anyone exploring Berlin, as it showcases both religious and architectural significance in a captivating way.
Don Pokocha
at 2023 Sep 05
Don Pokocha
at 2023 Sep 05
Beautiful church that is situated closed to Alexander Platz and Fernsehturm. The interior is beautiful and impressive as well.
Die deutsche Barockkirche wurde zwischen 1701 und 1708 nach einem Entwurf von Martin Grünberg errichtet. Der kuppelförmige Turm in Form einer Kirche wurde zusammen mit dem Französischen Dom im Zuge des umfangreichen Umbaus des Gendarmenmarktes im Auftrag des preußischen Königs Friedrich II. durch den Architekten Carl von Gontard errichtet.

*1881-1882 wurde die baufällige Kirche weitgehend abgerissen und von einem Architektenbüro im neobarocken Stil wieder aufgebaut.
*Der deutsche Dom wurde 1943 zerstört, aber offenbar 1982-1996 wiederaufgebaut.
*Seit 2002 beherbergt das Gebäude eine Ausstellung des Deutschen Bundestages, die der Geschichte der parlamentarischen Demokratie in Deutschland gewidmet ist.
Ich empfehle, diesen Ort zu besuchen, es gibt dort eine Menge deutscher Geschichte, die Informationen sind sehr interessant aufbereitet.
Rachel Wakeman
at 2023 Sep 03
Rachel Wakeman
at 2023 Sep 03
Very peaceful inside and wonderful architecture outside.
Beautiful spot for a stop during a walk or a ride with an amazing view.
The people are friendly. The worship and sermon great and you’ll really feel welcomed.
Beautiful church to visit. Very special because of it’s history.
And the ‘new’ part, with the blue windows, looked very cool and very progressive/futuristic for it’s time!!
I thought that part was relatively new, but it was from the ‘50/‘60!

You’re not allowed to make pictures of the shop apparently, I discovered 😖😆
Die Kirche am Stölpchensee wurde 1858-59 nach Plänen des Hofarchitekten Friedrich August Stüler im toskanisch inspirierten Bogenstil errichtet. Die malerisch am Nordufer des Sees gelegene Kirche über kreuzförmigem Grundriss, birgt ein Glockenspiel, welches stündlich schöne und bekannte Melodien spielt.
It’s a beautiful church that has tons of history.
It’s ceiling felt down during the war and it’s incredible to have a church as well as a memorial of it just in Berlin CBD.
Theres a construction site being conducted just next to it, but that doesn’t affect its beauty and relevance.
Ingrid Arthur
at 2023 Jul 23
Ingrid Arthur
at 2023 Jul 23
Old with a lot of HISTORY!
Going through construction but
SPIRIT is calming and soothing!
The staff/ Pastor are very WELCOMING!

I was there for a wedding!
I find the idea of transforming a church into a sculpture museum excellent! It's a beautiful setting for a very nice exhibition and is free of charge to visit!
at 2023 Jun 16
at 2023 Jun 16
A beautiful Neo gothic cathedral in the heart of Berlin. Don't miss the Thursday mid day 1 hour tour of the Organ. It's truly a masterpiece.
Kent Wang
at 2023 Jun 15
Kent Wang
at 2023 Jun 15
St Mary's Church is the oldest church in Berlin, with parts dating to 1243, although much of the current building is from the 19th century.
The structure is mostly neo-Gothic, with some Baroque furnishings, such as the exuberant pulpit and organ.
The church was originally Roman Catholic, but has been Lutheran Protestant since the Reformation in 1539.
Edeltraut Knuth
at 2023 Jun 07
Edeltraut Knuth
at 2023 Jun 07
Ein schöner Tipp für diejenigen die sich für Kirchen interessieren. In der Andreaskirche ist besonders die Besichtigung der Türmerwohnung und ihre Geschichte interessant
Eine sehr schönes Beispiel der Architekturideen des Herrn Schinkel. Es ist auch ein Zeugnis hoher handwerklicher Kunst derjenigen,die diese Kirche zu DDR Zeiten wieder aufgebaut haben! Der Besuch ist empfehlenswert!
at 2023 May 27
at 2023 May 27
Amazing and beautiful. They have a huge golden organ and many fine art works from paintings to masonry. Absolutely gorgeous
Ralf M
at 2023 May 26
Ralf M
at 2023 May 26
Sehr gute Darstellung der Geschichte der Hugenotten. Die Ausstellung ist sehr informativ und gut gestaltet. Wer sich für die Geschichte der Hugenotten interessiert, sollte unbedingt das Museum besuchen. Im Anschluss kann man den Turm besteigen. Schöne Aussicht über Berlin.
Saint Denis
at 2023 May 23
Saint Denis
at 2023 May 23
St. Mary's Church, also known as Marienkirche, is a historic and culturally significant landmark located in the heart of Berlin. It leaves visitors with a variety of positive impressions due to its rich history, stunning architecture, and unique atmosphere.

One of the first things that strikes visitors about St. Mary's Church is its impressive Gothic architecture. The church dates back to the 13th century and showcases remarkable architectural details, including towering spires, intricate stone carvings, and beautiful stained glass windows. Its exterior is an awe-inspiring sight, reflecting the grandeur and craftsmanship of medieval architecture.

Upon entering St. Mary's Church, you are immediately enveloped in a sense of tranquility and spirituality. The interior is characterized by high vaulted ceilings, slender columns, and a serene ambiance. The subdued lighting and the scent of incense further enhance the sacred atmosphere, creating a space for contemplation and reflection.

One of the notable features of St. Mary's Church is its stunning stained glass windows. These colorful works of art depict religious scenes, saints, and biblical stories, casting a kaleidoscope of light and color onto the interior. The interplay between the sunlight and the intricate glasswork creates a mesmerizing visual experience and adds to the overall beauty of the church.

The historical significance of St. Mary's Church also contributes to its appeal. It has witnessed centuries of Berlin's history, surviving wars and transformations. Exploring the church's interior, you can discover historical artifacts, tombs, and memorials that offer insights into the past. These remnants of history provide a tangible connection to the people and events that shaped Berlin over the centuries.

The church also serves as a cultural venue, hosting concerts, organ recitals, and other musical performances. The acoustics within St. Mary's Church are renowned, making it an ideal setting for musical events. Attending a concert in this historic space adds another layer of appreciation for the church's architectural and cultural significance.

The location of St. Mary's Church in the historic center of Berlin adds to its charm. It is within walking distance of other prominent landmarks, such as the Nikolai Quarter and the Berlin TV Tower. Visitors can easily combine a visit to the church with exploring the surrounding historical sites, making it a central stop in a tour of Berlin's rich heritage.

In conclusion, St. Mary's Church in Berlin is a captivating place that leaves visitors with a sense of awe and reverence. Its Gothic architecture, serene atmosphere, stunning stained glass windows, historical significance, and cultural events make it a must-visit destination for those seeking to explore the spiritual, artistic, and historical aspects of the city.
Anas Alsayed
at 2023 May 19
Anas Alsayed
at 2023 May 19
Located nearby Alexander square and free to visit. It has beautiful architecture from the outside. Quite simple from the inside. Worth the visit if you are nearby.
Andy Leschnik
at 2023 May 01
Andy Leschnik
at 2023 May 01
Die Ausstellung zur deutschen Geschichte (hauptsächlich Nationalsozialismus bis zu Wende) ist wirklich toll gemacht, wirklich spannend!
Nebenbei: sie ist kostenfrei.

Highlight war unter anderem der (kleine) Bundestag.
Die Ausstellung sollte man sich nicht entgehen lassen!
Von Stüler entworfene Kirche. Der sogenannte Paradiesgarten der Kirche bietet übrigens Erklärungen zu der Symbolik der dortigen Pflanzen.
One of the oldest architectures of Berlin. The church is beautiful from the outside as well as from the inside as well, you can enter the church in the open hours, you will have to submit your bag and your jacket at the entrance of the Church, you are allowed to take pictures as well, but please maintain silence. the architecture from inside is amazing, lot, many sculptures inside, lot of description if you are interested in.
Corbett Fertig
at 2023 Apr 09
Corbett Fertig
at 2023 Apr 09
Beautiful gothic Church in the heart of Berlin. The architecture is wonderful and while it was heavily damaged in WW2, it’s amazing that it still stands. The restoration work over the years has been well done. Charming church. Beautiful high vaulted ceilings, alter and tall standing columns. The exterior and how it’s been put back together and restored tells a story of its own.
Marie Sommer
at 2023 Feb 28
Marie Sommer
at 2023 Feb 28
Wunderschön am Wald gelegene Kirche...mit einem kleinen Friedhof der um die Kirche herum geht...
Anja Wanke
at 2022 Nov 14
Anja Wanke
at 2022 Nov 14
Die Veranstaltungen für Kinder sind immer sehr liebevoll und oft aufwendig gestaltet und bringen viel Freude. Jede zweite Woche gibt es einen Kindergottesdienst, unregelmäßig Familiengottesdienste und Kinderaufführungen zu bestimmten Feiertagen.
Ben Salcedo
at 2022 Sep 07
Ben Salcedo
at 2022 Sep 07
Beautiful building although is currently under remodeling. You can still visit the site and go to the first floor that oversees the chapel.
Anita Sikora
at 2022 Aug 20
Anita Sikora
at 2022 Aug 20
At the moment it's being renovated. So you can go to where usually the organ is and look down at the beautiful architecture, stripped down to its bone.
A quiet Location with splendid views
Das Hugenottenmuseum ist absolut sehenswert. Neu konzipiert bietet es eine ansprechende Aufbereitung der Geschichte der Glaubenflüchtlinge aus Frankreich. Viele verschiedene Exponate aus dem Leben der Gemeinde machen die Ausstellung wirklich interessant und geben einen kleinen Einblick in die Vergangenheit. Auch Einblicke in das aktuelle Gemeindeleben können die Besuchenden erhalten.
Sollte das Personal, wie bei uns, am Eingang grummelig oder abweisend sein: Nicht abschrecken lassen. Das Personal gehört zum Turm, aber nicht zum Museum. die Mitarbeitenden des Museums hingegen waren sehr ansprechbar und zugewandt. Der Besuch lohnt sich!
Love the vibe, people, friendly, welcoming , always inclusive and something to do. They Worship Jesus Christ in humility and with passion. Preach the Word of God not self help feal good baby milk. Outreach to those who do not know Jesus.
Eine wirklich sehr hübsche Kirche, auch wenn ich nicht unbedingt viele Vergleiche habe...
Sehr guter Ort für eine Kirche, der Friedhof ist etwas außergewöhnlich aber sehr schön ❤️ man hat die Wahl zwischen Reihe und Glied oder mitten im Wald, das finde ich sehr gut
Caspar von Wrede
at 2021 Dec 29
Caspar von Wrede
at 2021 Dec 29
Beautiful church
July Summer
at 2021 Oct 17
July Summer
at 2021 Oct 17
Very beautiful church, especially exterior. It was open and free to enter. There is some information and pictures about church history. On the wall behind the altar you can still see the original painting. You can go stairs up, to enjoy the church interior from top. There was an interesting "Paper sculpture" exhibition in that time. There is open toilet in basement.
Wunderschöne kleine Kirche direkt am Berliner Stadtrand zu Potsdam!

Ringsherum gibt es einen großartigen Garten der auch wunderschön bepflanzt ist.
Interesting church, Germanic architecture from XIX Century! In this church started the movement Umwelt-Bibliothek, founded by a group of young people during the 1980’s concerned with environmental issues, after Chernobyl disaster, creating a library of books that were not allowed by the autocratic and communist DDR Regime. This books were mainly of political science and environmental issues, issues that were forbidden in a regime with lack of democracy and freedom... This movement was the trigger to the base of Grünen, the Green political party in Germany!!

Negative issues about this church and that’s why I don’t give 5 stars:
The information of the big placards is only written in german, there are some small flyers in english, but not so rich in information! Lucky I can manage to understand a bit german, but for many of tourists, mokoko!!
Umwelt-Bibliothek was located on the cave of the church... no information how to get there and if is possible to go... is a shame, because I’m sure is the struggle against the communist and totalitarian regime that attracts more the people to this church!
(This are the two aspects why I don’t give 5 stars)
Other 2 aspects to be mentioned:
The tower is closed because of Covid-19
The church needs renovation, with great hope, the works will start on 2021
Belo Contagium
at 2020 Apr 19
Belo Contagium
at 2020 Apr 19
Piękny, widziałem tylko z zewnątrz bo teren był zablokowany przez korona wirusa, następnym razem zobaczę całość🥰
Entering spirituality transformed in materiality !
This a quiet place to stop and marvel at the repairs behind made to this church.
Eine nette und etwas versteckte Kirche auf der Wannseeinsel, in der schöne Hochzeiten mit mittelgroßen Gesellschaften stattfinden können. Im Grünen gelegen wirkt es wie eine kleine Insel im Grünen und man vergisst schnell die Stadt drumherum.

Innen ist es etwas dunkel, man hat aber viel Platz. Der Weg zum Altar bietet eine tolle Möglichkeit für einen schönen und tränenreichen Einzug der Braut. Von der Empore hat man einen tollen Blick in das Kirchenschiff. Die Rampe ist barrierefrei und damit ist die Kirche für alle Gesellschaften geeignet.
Every Nation Kirche Berlin ist definitiv eine der Lieblingsgemeinde von Jesus, denn Sein Gegenwart ist beim Lobpreis und während der Predigt stark spürbar. Man kann auf jeden Fall Gott da begegnen. Man lernt unglaublich freundliche Menschen, mit denen man Gemeinschaft erfahren kann und die kraftvolle Predigen ändern das Leben eines Menschen und somit bewegen diese wunderschöne Stadt!!! Kommt einfach vorbei!=)
Ich bin zwar evangelischen Glaubens, aber kein großartiger Kirchgänger. Auf dem letzten Weg eines lieben Freundes, haben wir dieses Gotteshaus besucht und die Atmosphäre eines anderen Ablauf eines Gottesdienstes mitgemacht. Leider beschränkten sich die letzten Besuche von Kirchen immer auf das Abschiednehmen von Verwandten und Freunden.
Every Nation Kirche Berlin ist eine großartige Gemeinde. Der Lobpreis ist der Hammer, die Predigten sind stark und die Menschen sind einfach toll. Ich find’s toll dass es so eine Gemeinde in Berlin gibt, voll von Gottes Geist, Liebe und Kraft! Echt zu empfehlen!
Andy Aras
at 2019 Aug 21
Andy Aras
at 2019 Aug 21
Beautiful family wedding held here! Quaint church surrounded by small herb garden.
Varázslatos helyen lévő templom. Fantasztikus kerttel. Izgalmas építészeti látvány a külseje. Kár, hogy nincs egy pici ablak az ajtaján, amin benézve láthatnánk zárvatartási időben is valamit a belsejéből... Nagy örömet szerzett, hogy a kapuja este is nyitva, így körbe lehetett járni a gyönyörű, bibliai növényekkel beültetett kertet.
The church is currently under construction. It is a nice walk to it (a bit uphill if you next to the water) and it provides a great view to the lake but you cannot enter at the moment.
Beautiful place and views :)
Wonderful community where God's Word is preached with boldness. Warm and caring people. There is a children's service and the general service is friendly to English and German speakers as live translations are always available :) There are also opportunities to build relationships and gain spiritual support through small groups!
Awesome awesome church. The people are lovely. The Spirit of God is present here and the services are vibrant and cool. There is a children's service that takes place simultaneously with the main service. After church there is fellowship and food. The entire service is delivered both in English and German. I definitely recommend here
Frank H.
at 2018 May 06
Frank H.
at 2018 May 06
Ein Kleinod, besonders hübsch die aktuellen vielen Pflanzen, der Steingarten, dort hat man sich große Mühe gegeben, diesen tollen Ort noch großartiger zu gestalten, das ist gelungen.
It does not work until 2019. Музей не работает до 2019.
Interesting reminder of a part of Berlin's religious and cultural history. Would reach a wider audience if labels/notices were duplicated in English as well as the French and German provided.
What a great place
attended a wedding here, nice location and friendly staff
Beautiful sound of a bell