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Puno papirologije za istovar,vozačka dozvola i papiri od kamiona i prikolice. Kad izvrše provjeru dobijete karticu sa kojom ulazite pa opet kontrola morate otvoriti prikolicu, vrata kabine, haubu.Takva je procedura. Po izlasku kad završite istovar dobijete nazad vozačku.Predugo traje sve.
Ryoko Sha
at 2023 Sep 27
Ryoko Sha
at 2023 Sep 27
El exterior del Palacio Montecitorio es una obra maestra en sí misma. Diseñado por el renombrado arquitecto Gian Lorenzo Bernini y posteriormente completado por Carlo Fontana, el edificio irradia una sensación de simetría y equilibrio característico de la arquitectura neoclásica. Sus impresionantes columnas corintias, elegantes frontones y proporciones armoniosas lo convierten en un monumento sorprendente en el corazón de Roma.

Otro aspecto digno de mención del Palacio Montecitorio es su papel en la historia política de Italia. Como sede de la Cámara de Diputados, el palacio ha sido testigo de innumerables momentos históricos y decisiones importantes que han marcado el destino del país.
jan Racek
at 2023 Sep 01
jan Racek
at 2023 Sep 01
What nightmare passports control over 40 min
Bogdan Marcelan
at 2023 Aug 24
Bogdan Marcelan
at 2023 Aug 24
Palazzo Madama is home to the Italian Senate, the upper house of parliament.
Palazzo Montecitorio has a long history. Over time, it was repaired and changed several times. It is also important because it houses the Chamber of Deputies. He often appears on TV.
16.08.23. Security check gate 4. Unbelievably rude staff at the security check. Suitcase needed further inspection. But she couldn’t even wait and let me put my belt back on. After that she randomly unpacked my suitcase and turned it over after she opened the strap. After coming back from x-ray one half of the contents wasn’t inside the suitcase anymore. I promote safe flights and therefore the checks. But this particular staff member seemed at the wrong job. Rude and (maybe deliberately) disorganized the suitcase contents. Never had to experience that before on any airport. Naples was a nice experience but this behavior took a notch off from the experience!!!!!!
Kent Wang
at 2023 Apr 25
Kent Wang
at 2023 Apr 25
The Palazzo Montecitorio was designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini as a residence for Cardinal Ludovico Ludovisi, nephew of Pope Gregory XV.

With the Unification of Italy in 1861, the palace was seized by the Italian government and chosen as the seat of the Chamber of Deputies, the lower house of parliament.

The Egyptian obelisk dates to 589 BC and was brought to Rome in 10 BC by the Emperor Augustus.
Diseñado hacia 1660 por Bernini fue terminado por otros y hoy en día ha sido remodelado como Cámara de Diputados
Rio Jer
at 2021 Dec 12
Rio Jer
at 2021 Dec 12
Montecitori Palace or the federal government Palace
Such a beautiful building from 17th century that converted to be the Italian federal government in Roma
andrei rzz
at 2021 Oct 09
andrei rzz
at 2021 Oct 09
Superb arata palatul noaptea.
Palatul Madama - Senatul Republicii Italiene este colocat in palatul ce a apărut familiei Medici, aici a locuit Margherita de Austria .
Linia arhitectonica renascentista a fost delineata de Giuliano da Sangallo.
D P Rogers
at 2020 Jul 29
D P Rogers
at 2020 Jul 29
Nice to get a photo early in the morning before it gets crazy busy here. A Beautiful 15th century palace with "new" facade from the 17th century. Lots of history and important peeps resided here from time to time... read the other reviews for info about all that.
The Palazzo Montecitorio is a palace in Rome and the seat of the Italian Chamber of Deputies.

The palace's name derives from the slight hill on which it is built, which was claimed to be the Mons Citatorius, the hill created in the process of clearing the Campus Martius in Roman times.

The building was originally designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, and it was completed by the architect Carlo Fontana, who modified Bernini's plan with the addition of a bell gable above the main entrance.

The excavated obelisk of the Solarium Augusti, now known as the Obelisk of Montecitorio, was installed in front of the palace by Pius VI in 1789.
at 2019 Sep 10
at 2019 Sep 10
It's just like any other building in Rome, the only reason I knew it had some importance was fifty suits outside with 9mm Beretta's and the camera girl saying they were voting on something important, hmmmm the price gelato has to go up?
Karl 1974
at 2019 Jul 18
Karl 1974
at 2019 Jul 18
Palazzo Madama in Rome is the seat of the Senate of the Italian Republic. It was built atop the ruins of the ancient baths of Nero, next to Piazza Navona. The terrain had been acquired in the Middle Ages by the monks of the Abbey of Farfa, who later ceded it to France.

The new building was begun at the end of the 15th century and completed in 1505, for the Medici family. It housed two Medici cardinals and cousins, Giovanni and Giulio, who both later became popes as Leo X and Clement VII, respectively. Catherine de' Medici, Clement VII's niece, also lived here before she was married to Henry, son of King Francis I of France in 1533. Cardinal Francesco Maria Del Monte, patron of the artist Caravaggio, lived there until his death in 1627.

The palace takes its name from Madama Margherita of Austria, illegitimate daughter of Emperor Charles V, who married another illegitimate son, Alessandro de' Medici and, after his death, Ottavio Farnese. Thus part of the art collection of the Florentine Medici family was inherited by the Farnese family.

After the extinction of the Medici in 1743, the palace was handed over to the House of Lorraine and, later, to Pope Benedict XIV, who made it the seat of the Papal Government. In 1849, Pius IX moved here the Ministries of Finances and of the Public Debt, as well as the Papal Post Offices. In 1871, after the conquest of Rome by the newly formed Kingdom of Italy, the palazzo became the seat of the Senato del Regno.
This Is how politicians in Italy are looked After.... I never seen a building in such prestigious conditions
belmahdi anes
at 2017 Apr 02
belmahdi anes
at 2017 Apr 02
Palazzo Madama in Rome is the seat of the Senate of the Italian Republic
Otra maravilla de Bernini que en esta ocasión alberga el Parlamento. Lo mejor es hacer la ruta del Panteón a la Fontana, o viceversa, pasando por allí aunque no es el camino más corto. Ánimo, Roma se la conoce paseando y merece la pena pues solo son cinco minutos.
Vasileios Galanis
at 2016 May 25
Vasileios Galanis
at 2016 May 25
Palazzo Madama (Italian pronunciation: [paˈlattso maˈdaːma]) in Rome is the seat of the Senate of the Italian Republic.
It was built atop the ruins of the ancient baths of Nero, next to Piazza Navona. The terrain had been acquired in the Middle Ages by the monks of the Abbey of Farfa, who later ceded it to France.