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Best Tourist attractions in Holy See (Vatican City State)

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Fountain of the Vatican Railway Station
Fontana della Stazione Ferroviaria Vaticana
Spencer N
at 2024 Jan 30
Spencer N
at 2024 Jan 30
Incredible. Cannot put words into how beautiful the art is here. It is always busy and packed with people but if you take your time and submerse yourself in the art and not the business and crowds it will be one of the best experiences of your life without a doubt. Love it wish I could spend a while week here. Get a private tour it is well worth the money.
Jorge Bernardo
at 2024 Jan 08
Jorge Bernardo
at 2024 Jan 08
Not really an interesting place... but very symbolic as it is the place where the Pope comes to the window every Sunday and on special occasions (second from the right).
Justin Baron
at 2023 Dec 17
Justin Baron
at 2023 Dec 17
I was not aware that this was a fountain made by Bernini. It’s good to do homework. I took a couple videos and a picture because I could tell it was special.

Beautiful spot and very large area to walk
La ferrovia Vaticana è una linea ferroviaria internazionale che collega la stazione di Roma San Pietro alla Città del Vaticano. La linea, lunga poco più di un chilometro di cui solo 200 metri in territorio vaticano, risulta essere la più breve ferrovia internazionale al mondo,inaugurata nel 1934.
Großartiger Platz, die Beninischen Säulen lassen sich vom Zentrum der Ovale tatsächlich als jeweils eine erkennen. Meisterwerk!
shh! its meant to be a secret... oh!, not so ho - ho.
Avihay Froochzad
at 2023 Sep 02
Avihay Froochzad
at 2023 Sep 02
The beautiful statue is at the Pigna Courtyard, at the middle of the Vatican Museum.
Wollte rein, aber einer der beiden Herren am Eingang wollte mich nicht rein lassen. Nach Demokratischer Abstimmung haben sie sich dann entschieden mich nach draußen zu begleiten. Tom Hanks hab ich allerdings nicht gesehen.
at 2023 Aug 17
at 2023 Aug 17

and lots of space to think

there are corners and details that need more than hours and hours to see an admire. the size of the square is overwhelming. is more a place to see with your architect, historian, or theologisch friend.
Kakha Khmelidze
at 2023 Aug 01
Kakha Khmelidze
at 2023 Aug 01
Me and my wife visited the Cortile della Pigna (Courtyard of the Pinecone) in Vatican City a few weeks ago. It's a truly unique and beautiful courtyard in the absolutely outstanding and panets-unique Vatican Museums, and it's home to some amazing sculptures, including the 16th-century Fontana della Pigna (Fountain of the Pinecone).
The fountain is a colossal bronze pinecone, which was originally found in the Baths of Agrippa. It's a **masterpiece of Roman art**, and it's one of the most popular tourist attractions here.
The courtyard is also home to the tourists-favorite Sphere Within Sphere (Sfera con sfera) sculpture by Arnaldo Pomodoro. This sculpture is a series of concentric spheres, with the largest sphere on the outside and the smallest sphere on the inside. The spheres are cracked and distorted, which gives the sculpture a eerieest effect.
The courtyard is a great place to relax and take a break from exploring the Vatican Museums what we certainly did there. It's also a great place to take photos, and the fountain and the sculpture are both very photogenic of course.
Napoleon Zamora
at 2023 Jul 30
Napoleon Zamora
at 2023 Jul 30
Very nice work for a fountain well deserved for the place. The sound of the water flowing makes the place more solemn
Pablo Ruiz
at 2023 Jun 11
Pablo Ruiz
at 2023 Jun 11
Bernini's masterpiece at the Vatican is a breathtaking sight. The intricate details and flowing water create a mesmerizing experience. A true artistic gem
Alicia VH
at 2023 May 15
Alicia VH
at 2023 May 15
It was beautiful and amazing! I've wanted to see it for most of my life and it did not disappoint!
BRUNET Emelyne
at 2023 May 05
BRUNET Emelyne
at 2023 May 05
Nice courtyard in between different ailes. With a restaurant / coffee inside.
The light when it s sunny is really intense. Peace of heaven in the crowd
This is where the journey starts to enjoy creations in the museum.
Where to focus: eyes dazzle with the beauty of art.
I love you all he has risen to show his love United States New London Ohio he has risen
Nice area to relax after your visit, beautiful
Pete / Hel
at 2023 Mar 31
Pete / Hel
at 2023 Mar 31
Absolutely beautiful place to visit, very busy though but we was able to stop for a few minutes to take it all in
Pete / Hel
at 2023 Mar 31
Pete / Hel
at 2023 Mar 31
Everything you see and experience in the Vatican is beautiful and amazing
Vishesh Saxena
at 2023 Mar 17
Vishesh Saxena
at 2023 Mar 17
Beautiful courtyard in the vatican museums. Its has a cafe and lots of interesting items.
Outstanding place in the museum. Everyone will enjoy the beauty here. Every sculpture is a master piece here.
Vishesh Saxena
at 2023 Mar 13
Vishesh Saxena
at 2023 Mar 13
Beautiful fountain. You can drink water from every any fountain in Rome. This one is beautiful.
Beautiful gallery. Too much to see in 1 day.
The Octagonal Courtyard in Italy is a true gem of Italian architecture and history. This ancient courtyard is a breathtaking sight to behold and is a must-see for anyone traveling to Italy.

What struck me most about the Octagonal Courtyard was the intricacy and beauty of the stones used in its construction. The courtyard is made up of a unique blend of stones, each with its own unique texture and color. The main stone used is a light-colored marble, which creates a striking contrast with the darker, more veined stones that are interspersed throughout the courtyard.

The intricate designs of the stones are truly remarkable. The veins and swirls in the stones create an almost hypnotic effect, drawing your eyes in and captivating your attention. The stones have been expertly cut and arranged to create a visually stunning pattern that is both elegant and timeless.

Walking through the Octagonal Courtyard, you can't help but marvel at the sheer amount of skill and craftsmanship that went into its construction. It's clear that every stone was carefully selected and placed with precision to create a work of art that has stood the test of time.

The stones in the Octagonal Courtyard are also incredibly durable, as evidenced by their impressive condition after centuries of use. It's a true testament to the quality of the materials and the workmanship that went into their creation.

In conclusion, the Octagonal Courtyard in Italy is a stunning example of Italian architecture and design. The stones used in its construction are a true marvel and a testament to the skill and artistry of the craftsmen who created it. A visit to this historic site is a must for anyone traveling to Italy and should not be missed
Es ist ein sehr schöner Garten und zur Richtigen Zeit kann man hier "Fallobst" oder sich selber Orangen pflücken. Würde damit aber vorsichtig sein. Es ist vielleicht nicht erlaubt selbst zu pflücken.
at 2023 Jan 25
at 2023 Jan 25
Amazing courtyard. The only problem this was one of the busiest parts of the museum which made it a bit harder to enjoy but what is on view here is a must see part of the museum. Following the route to the Sistine Chapel you will walk through here.
Beautiful garden to take some rest after the Vatican museums tour but if you want to drink good coffee I don’t recommend you that coffee shop.
Der Vatikan-Bahnhof ist eigentlich ein sehr schönes Gebäude mit einer spannenden Geschichte. Leider wurde er zu einem Luxus-Shopping unmgebaut und hat viel von seinem Charme verloren.
at 2022 Dec 18
at 2022 Dec 18
Wir waren sehr begeistert vor Corona noch,
Aber ich werde sicherlich noch mal hin wollen,
Aber dieses Mal mehrere Tage.
Damals waren wir nur 1 Tag mit mein Schiff und ich hätte nicht gedacht das ich so begeistert sein werde.

Es war sehr beeindruckend und irgendwie Geheimnisvoll,
Denke das es viel zu entdecken gibt.
Darragh Lynch
at 2022 Dec 01
Darragh Lynch
at 2022 Dec 01
The fountain was sculpted by Bernini and is located in St Peters Square in Vatican City.

The fountain is lit up at night and looks very beautiful with the Basilica in the background .

The fountain is open 24 hours and is free to view
Don G
at 2022 Nov 03
Don G
at 2022 Nov 03
Der öffentlich nicht zugängliche „Apostolische Palast“ ist Amtssitz des Papstes und eines guten Teils seiner Mitarbeiter:innen. Er spiegelt in seiner Pracht zum einen die einstige Macht des Papsttums wider. Andererseits ist er bis heute in gewisser Weise Zentrum der größten religiösen Gemeinschaft der Welt. Hier werden Entscheidungen getroffen, hier wird durch das diplomatische Wirken der Mitarbeiter des Papstes ( die sogenannte Kurie, v.a. das Staatssekretariat )nach wie vor Weltgeschichte geschrieben. Die Bemühungen der päpstlichen Diplomatie gehen über die Regelung des Verhältnisses von Kirche und Staat in den einzelnen Ländern weit hinaus. Der Vatikan betreibt weltweit aktive Friedenspolitik und arbeitet auch in Organen der UNO aktiv mit. Das Evangelium ist keine Vertröstung auf ein Jenseits. Auftrag der Christen und damit auch des Papstes ist es, diese Welt mitzugestalten und Gott Frieden Gerechtigkeit und Erhaltung der Schöpfung einzutreten.
Georges Moawad
at 2022 Oct 25
Georges Moawad
at 2022 Oct 25
This is one of best parts tk see in Vatican City in my opinion . The golden scenery and all the details literally make you feel in heaven . The gallery is basically presenting old maps of regions in Italy made by people a long time ago (renaissance and even before ) . It is said that they had an 85% accuracy considering the fact that they only used their maths and simple geometry in order to create a map which is acutely amazing .
at 2022 Aug 21
at 2022 Aug 21
Beautiful courtyard that tourist pass during the visit to the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel.There is a restaurant and benches to sit and relax and take a break if you wish. There is a Globe that spins in the center of the square. Worth making a short stop over here to enjoy the view and a cup of coffee.
at 2022 Aug 21
at 2022 Aug 21
Beautiful fountain at St. Peter's Square. Usually crowded as a lot of visitors come here to visit the Basilica. Recommended to arrive early as the lines to enter can be rather long. Also one needs to be dressed properly (shoulders and knees covered) in order to enter. This is a requirement to enter the Basilica as well. Expect airport like security when you visit on days the Pope had an audience. Is totally worth the visit !!
at 2022 Aug 21
at 2022 Aug 21
The Gallery is part of the Vatican Museums. Very beautiful and huge. The ceilings, floors and walls are all covered in amazing, beautiful and stunning art work. Worth stopping by and admiring every bit of it. Totally recommended.
at 2022 Aug 21
at 2022 Aug 21
A part of the Vatican Museums which is full of sculptures and art from Roman and Egyptian era. It's actually difficult to tell when one part ends and another begins unless you are actually following a map and paying attention. The place is so huge and mesmerizing that you just get lost in the sculptures and artwork. Totally worth walking through the entire place. Amazing !!
Questa splendida scultura monumentale che rappresenta l’Arcangelo Gabriele si trova nei pressi del Palazzo del Governatorato nei Giardini dello Stato Vaticano.

L’opera è stata commissionata dal Cardinale Giovanni Lajolo, Presidente Emerito del Governatorato dello Stato Vaticano, ed è stata realizzata, dopo l’aggiudicazione in un apposito concorso internazionale, dallo Scultore Giuseppe Antonio Lomuscio.

L’inaugurazione è avvenuta in forma solenne il 5 luglio del 2013, alla presenza di Papa Francesco, il quale ha tenuto anche un discorso e alla presenza anche del Papa emerito, Benedetto XVI

La scultura (altezza totale circa 5 mt) è stata realizzata in bronzo con una patina vede sulla superfice e posta su una grande base in travertino, posta su due basi curvilinee a mo’ di gradini, sulla secondo è posta la seguente iscrizione in latino:


Il significato in Italiano:
Papa Benedetto nell'Anno VIII e Papa Francesco nell'Anno I, all'Arcangelo Michele, Difensore del Popolo di Dio e Patrono della Città del Vaticano.

L’opera ricorda per alcuni tratti quella più famosa posta alla sommità di Castel Sant’Angelo, e rappresenta l’Arcangelo che trafigge con una lancia il demonio posto sul globo terrestre a testimonianza come ha detto il Santo Padre nel suo discorso che: “Dio è più forte; è sua la vittoria e la sua salvezza è offerta ad ogni uomo”.
Nice relaxing area right after the your visit from Vatican Museum.😊👍🇮🇹
Richard Levy
at 2022 Jul 17
Richard Levy
at 2022 Jul 17
Last time I was in Rome it was in Feb. By early summer, the lines to enter St. Peters can be very long. If you want to skip to ahead of the line you will need to hire a guide. Plan ahead come early. Also if you do visit take the time to view the plaza and its fountains and sculpture. With a telephoto, you get a good photo of the saints that appoint the collonade.
una delle Chiese più datate del Vaticano, piccolissima ma con un fascino agghiacciante..stupenda!!!
Word can't describe how amazing this place really is. I was taken back how breathtaking on how much there is to see. The craftsmanship is second to none ( not my opinion, just what I've observed). My friends and I were here for a couple of hours and we probably seen about a third of this place. I was in awe of the time and ability in the construction ( the day to day maintenance is absolutely fabulous ( fantastic job 👏).
I will never forget this place. 👍👍👍👍👍
Piccola chiesa situata in Vaticano in via del Pellegrino, precisamente dopo aver superato il cancello e la chiesa di sant'Anna è la via a destra.
La dedica della chiesa è a san Peregrino, il primo vescovo di Auxerre, martirizzato nel 304. Essa è una delle più antiche chiese del Vaticano.
Costruita sotto papa Leone III (800 d.C.) era conosciuta come san Pellegrino in Naumachia (riferimento alla Naumachia costruita vicino Castel sant'Angelo). Nel XVII secolo papa Clemente X dona la chiesa alla Guardia Svizzera Pontificia, poi usata per le funzioni religiose. Poi ha vissuto periodi di totale abbandono, per essere infine restaurata e totalmente recuperata, accessibile per visite e preghiere. Ad oggi è la chiesa nazionale della Svizzera a Roma.
Custodisce importanti Affreschi del IX secolo.

ENGLISH: Small church located in the Vatican in via del Pellegrino, precisely after passing the gate and the church of Sant'Anna is the street on the right.
The church is dedicated to San Peregrino, the first bishop of Auxerre, who was martyred in 304. It is one of the oldest churches in the Vatican.
Built under Pope Leo III (800 AD) it was known as San Pellegrino in Naumachia (reference to the Naumachia built near Castel Sant'Angelo). In the 17th century, Pope Clement X donated the church to the Pontifical Swiss Guard, which was then used for religious functions. Then it experienced periods of total abandonment, to be finally restored and totally recovered, accessible for visits and prayers. Today it is the national church of Switzerland in Rome.
It houses important frescoes from the 9th century.
Antica chiesa risalente al VIII secolo situata tra le mura vaticane. Stupenda al suo interno, è stata una piacevole scoperta.
Shyam Sundar
at 2021 Nov 13
Shyam Sundar
at 2021 Nov 13
Be amazed and learn how water can cure. Origination of SPA
at 2021 Oct 08
at 2021 Oct 08
Wonderful courtyard . There are also illustrations about the Sixteen Chapel which were superbly supplemented by our wonderful tour guide Fabiola from
the Roman Guy.

For my American friends: The CDC vaccination card is accepted everywhere instead of the European Green Pass
Minos Fylaktos
at 2021 Oct 01
Minos Fylaktos
at 2021 Oct 01
Magnificent place, with the museum ticket you can go there, it is a nice break for those who got full experience and have to go to the other sites. The gardens have a phenomenal beauty feels like you are not in the heart of Rome, rather a peaceful quiet place. There is alao a nice cafe restaurant there for a quick bite.
You can relax here after visiting the museum with a cup of coffee or food from the café inside (which is quite moderately priced) - you have a nice view of parts of the museum and Vatican gardens!!!!!
Jan Kalbantner
at 2021 Sep 08
Jan Kalbantner
at 2021 Sep 08
Really beautiful - you hardly know where to look, even the floors are meticulously decorated in beautiful patterns!
at 2021 Jan 12
at 2021 Jan 12
Managed to get inside and look around, and now i know the location of the holy grail! Took two stars off because i sustained major injuries after leaving because the army wouldn't stop beating me! Other than that, wonderful experience!
Lina S. Low
at 2020 Dec 16
Lina S. Low
at 2020 Dec 16
Before going into the Vatican Museum, you will pass by this giant fractured sphere called Sfera con Sfera, translated as Sphere within a Sphere, is a bronze statue that appears golden as the sun shines down on it. It is 4 meters (a little over 13 feet) in diameter.
First time i see it, really amazed me. maybe because its shining like gold. Good job to italian sculptor, Arnaldo Pomodoro. This is masterpiece!!.
Wunderschöner Ort vor allem auch am Abend, richtig schöner Blick, im Vordergrund der Garten und dahinter die Kuppel vom Petersdom.
I purchased a tour to Vetican. We have a tour guide. It was great to learn from her about history and thier importance
Google maps posts TOO MANY wrong pictures so nothing big at all here.
Only Javier Romano reported well, even if his pictures don't show the sides.
Again it's a very small church, almost a chapel. It's style is bizarre as it is a combination not really well mixed of different contributions in various periods. The glass mosaics windows seem out of place. While the emblems and above all the painting give the sensation of the antiquity of the church, the wooden carved ceiling gives dignity to the structure and the bit of baroque statues on the side at last remind you that yes this is Rome so appreciated also for the beauty of its churches.
I would not recommend a visit at all. This is just a small praying quiet oasis.
Bertram Skarupa
at 2019 Nov 01
Bertram Skarupa
at 2019 Nov 01
Beutiful maps from the 16th century! Was my favorite part of the whole museum.
It's the American Community Catholic Parish in Rome, a home away from home open to English speaking Catholics from everywhere. It's staffed by the Paulist Fathers who welcome everybody for services, outreaching, an annual fundraising dinner event at St. Nicholas for charities in Rome.
very good got to meet the pope but the communal showers where a strange place to meet and he can barely even hold soap without dropping it and having me pick it up. but overall very enjoyable, though if he others you a drink do not except it, not even that holy water he seems so fond of.
Great place. My soul was inspired when I saw the original bible. Such a life-changing experience. I thought it´d be all dusty and dirty since it´s a very old place but it was so tidy, and not a single rat! one advantage of having a bunch of predators around is they keep rodents away.
Capilla de la Gendarmería Vaticana y del cuerpo de bomberos. En su momento funcionó también como capilla de los guardias suizos (hasta 1977). Se veneran los restos de San Peregrino de Auxerre, traídos probablemente por Carlo Magno (quien fue coronado de San Pedro). Era el último lugar de culto que visitaban los peregrinos antes de visitar la Basílica de San Pedro.
Obviously one of the most amazing collections of art. you will ever see in your lifetime and completely unique to this one place in the world.
Andres Chile
at 2018 Jan 10
Andres Chile
at 2018 Jan 10
The most remarkable statues of the collection are here, the "Laocoonte" and "Belvedere's Apollo" are just amazing