Local Guides World
318 14 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2R 0M3, Canada


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Reviews — 1

Taintcurd Mcgee
at 2022 Jul 15
Taintcurd Mcgee
at 2022 Jul 15
Edited to add: I interacted with multiple employees throughout my tenancy. There was no benefit from trying to work with you guys as the issues run deep

The apartment temp runs 35-40 in my apartment in the summer. When I moved in I was promises the doors on my closet would be fixed. Never happened. Was just easier to remove them.

My fire alarm went off for 8 hours once and I had to deal with your customer service for at least an hour total. 3 maintenence requests were supposed to be placed, but never were, which is why I had to call the customer service line 4 times total.

I need to take a cup to my bathtub and drain water into my toilet as the drain does not work. At a certain point, I gave up trying to get you to fix things as it waste of my energy and tedious to get the simplest things completed.

I have more examples if you're curious. But I would never provide my name as I don't trust your company to not try and retaliate for my comments.

And the fact that this is one of your most popular buildings means nothing given the current rental climate in the city. Of course there is high demand when companies such as yours purchase all the cheap buildings in popular areas and rent them out. Do you want an award for perpetuating a problem and putting middle/lower class individuals into situations where they don't have any other choice than to rent from companies such as yourself?

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