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200 1st St SW, Rochester, MN 55905


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Reviews — 8

Ann Lewandowski
at 2023 Nov 03
Ann Lewandowski
at 2023 Nov 03
Watch your pocketbook - especially if you are an insured patient with a contracted plan.
I felt good leaving my first appointment at Mayo. The problems were when I had an adverse event with the procedure they did. My local provider refused to have an adverse outcome on their quality score. After three weeks of negotiating, I finally had my first headache subside.
Then, a week later I got my first surprise bill.
I called to ask about it - and the biller was arrogant, rude, and condescending informing me that I had fewer rights as an insured patient who asked if things would be covered than a patient whose plan is out-of-network OR uninsured.
The billing department wouldn't work with me given my financial circumstances have drastically changed and I am working on paying for my housing and food. (yes, Mayo is pushing their patients into the determinants of health because they refuse to pause billing while a claim is appealed).
The billing department refused to help me contact my provider (what the heck is a "health system" good for) if they are simply going to act as separate organizations.
Also, my provider skipped town and is out of the country for who knows how long. I had a snappy response from a nurse with my first headache - how am I supposed to get anywhere with this one?
The bill as submitted does not outline what was paid by my insurance, and which charges are being paid by me, instead with grand totals at the bottom. When I asked, I was told they could send an itemized bill.
So, I am functionally uninsured, did not receive an estimate of potential charges, and I did the best I could as a patient to determine whether I would be liable for a lot of money (let's face it in today's economic climate, $658 NOT $2,000 goes a long way when you don't have a job).
In short, this NON-PROFIT that receives billions of dollars in healthcare subsides needs to get its act together an imbed financial counselors in each appointment so patients know what they are expected to pay OR follow the No Surprises Act and provide an estimate to even insured patients because billing for plan exclusions means they are uninsured.
Joan Kelly
at 2023 Oct 25
Joan Kelly
at 2023 Oct 25
I wanted "the best" hospital for my aortic valve replacement in 2015 and unfortunately selected Mayo Clinic. Apparently I fell into the very low percentage of people who experienced multiple complications during surgery and my recovery and not ONCE did anyone from Mayo so much as make a phone call to check in with me after discharge. When I filled out my survey after discharge and a year later I expressed my extreme dissatisfaction and said I would love to speak with someone about my experience and still have not heard from anyone. When you take your dog to the vet for surgery they show more compassion, concern and follow up than I got at Mayo.
Gina Spears
at 2023 Oct 19
Gina Spears
at 2023 Oct 19
Mayos has some of the best most caring medical professionals in the country.

I had a tricky case, and the team here has worked together to not only help my local medical team but to ensure I know I am cared for as a person. When local drs didn't know what to do, Mayo's stepped in and knew exactly what was needed. I feel comfortable and safe with every person on my medical team. I know that they are why I am okay. This place is an absolute blessing. God is in every corner, and the medical team goes above and beyond. You are listened to and valued, and you are helped.

Miracle workers at Mayos.
Jenn Sells
at 2023 Oct 06
Jenn Sells
at 2023 Oct 06
Save ur self the time! This is Friday night our appt is Monday afternoon and we’ve taken off work to make a 6 hr drive. We were told 10minutes to 5 we’d have to pay 10k just to come to the appt and how they won’t bill our insurance.

My husband had marfans and heart failure he is on Medicaid and ERIKA in financial was completely rude and said well if u can’t afford it. WHO CAN AFFORD THAT!?

You should reimburse me the hotel room I had booked plus the days off work we had to take.
Jenifer Nix
at 2023 Sep 13
Jenifer Nix
at 2023 Sep 13
I am very disappointed in Mayo Clinic. I have been in agony for almost 10 months with neuropathic ear pain that nobody where I live can figure out. I put in an appointment request back in March to see a neurosurgeon. They told me I would need to send them my imaging in order to proceed forward. I don’t know why I needed to send them imaging- the hospitals here can retrieve the imaging without me having to sign over anything. I finally was able to get my images to them and they never bothered to acknowledge they’d received them. I had to call in and then they said their neurosurgeon would review and I would get a call back by early the next week. Over a week has passed so I had to call in again. This time they told me the neurosurgeon wouldn’t see me and I had to go through neurology first. They would call me within a week they said. Two weeks passed and I heard nothing so I called them back myself. They said neurology declined my request for an appointment. When I asked why they would not give me a reason. I reiterated that I am in agony with a rare cranial nerve disorder that nobody locally can agree on or treat. They said I would have to wait a year to reeopen my case. No remorse from them whatsoever and a complete lack of care and concern for my wellbeing. Mucked me around for 6 months and then turned me down completely. I think it’s probably because they aren’t skilled enough to work with a rare cranial nerve disorder that only affects 16,000 people worldwide. If they don’t think they can cure you they will drop you like a hot potato. Screw them. I will be going to UPMC where I actually have a shot at being cured. I will never waste my time with such an uncaring clinic again.
Michael Carton
at 2022 Dec 05
Michael Carton
at 2022 Dec 05
The Mayo Clinic is such a special place! It’s a medical facility that could also be a museum of art museum, history, and architecture. People travel from all over the world to be treated here, but what makes it truly special are the compassionate, skilled, and dedicated employees. I stood outside the Mayo Building and watched bus after bus pull up to the staff entrance - and watched countless everyday heroes get off those buses and go to work performing “miracles” at a place that provides hope to people who need it most.
Jeannie Hill
at 2022 Aug 22
Jeannie Hill
at 2022 Aug 22
The best healthcare hospital in the world. I'm impressed and grateful every time I visit.

It is moving when guests and/or patients sit down at the piano.

Check out this display where they honor the pioneer women of the Mayo family.

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